[December] What are you reading?


I finished up Under the Black Flag (non-fiction book on pirates). I am still chipping away at The Conquering Sword of Conan. I picked up and read The Last Templar over the weekend -- a Da Vinci Code clone but it did a nice job arguing the case for the "big secret." I am also partway through Century Rain by Alastair Reynolds.

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RaceBannon42 said:
Finished up Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan. It was a darn good book.

Read and enjoyed that one last month. The sex was a bit over the top, and the sci fi was just a smidge too "lite" -- but it was an interesting twist on the sci-fi murder mystery.


I'm reading my favorite book: A Confederacy of Dunces again.

I do it every year around Christmas---for no particular reason except that it brings me great joy. Plus, it remains the only book that can make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I re-read it.


Just finished Barbarosa by Alan Clark and have moved on to rereading the Song of Ice and Fire - 300 pages or so into Sea of Storms right now. Loving it again in preparation for Dance with Dragons.


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EricNoah said:
Read and enjoyed that one last month. The sex was a bit over the top, and the sci fi was just a smidge too "lite" -- but it was an interesting twist on the sci-fi murder mystery.

Oh yeah hard sci -fi Altered Carbon isn't. The sex didn't bother me , but it probably is a bit too graphic for young readers. It came highly reccomended, so I figured it was time I got around to it.

so many books, so little time :(


I abandoned "The Darkness that Comes Before". I'll get back to it at some point, but I just couldn't make the time to get into it.

Instead, I'm now reading "A Feast For Crows", which I'm enjoying a great deal. However, it's really suffering for it being so long since the last book, and I just don't have the time to go back and reread the series to date.


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"A Feast for Crows" paperback.

Such a good series, such a pain in the ass to keep track of every little detail when he uses so many characters in such long books. I spend more time trying to remember what's happened before and how it relates to what's happening now than I do absorbing the new stuff. The man's a genius, but ffs, can I get some Cliff Notes?


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delericho said:
I abandoned "The Darkness that Comes Before". I'll get back to it at some point, but I just couldn't make the time to get into it.

Instead, I'm now reading "A Feast For Crows", which I'm enjoying a great deal. However, it's really suffering for it being so long since the last book, and I just don't have the time to go back and reread the series to date.

TDtCB starts was very difficult to get into. I didn't start liking it until about 1/2 way in. Actually I appreciated the book a lot more once I read The Warrior-Prophet. But I believe its well worth going back to when you are done with Feast.

As for crib notes on ASOIAF, you can find recaps here


Iron Fist of Pelor
I just finished The Adventures of Johnny Vermilion, a very fun read, and am most of the way through Gentleman's Blood, a light (i.e., non-scholarly) history of the art of dueling.


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