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Define some genres


JPL said:
Very nice. You can dig out your old issues of "New Mutants", too. If you have old issues of "New Mutants."

And I do.

And Power Pack, and New Warriors, and DNAgents, and The Intimates, and and and...

A subgenre of that is, of course, PS238.

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redhawk said:
I give you The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson.

One time I did a CoC Campaign involving a working Difference Engine being used to decode and play the 'Music of the Spheres'. The spheres unfortunately turning out to be the soap-bubble-esque 'body' of Yog-Sothoth.


Pirates and capoeira. So simple. So elegant. And you can add voodoo, too.

Or...actual kung fu, with the pirates based in the South China Sea instead of the Caribbean.


Dark Jezter said:
We could always combine "The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert" with our favorite RPG system to create...


What luck! The random treasure roll just gave Hugo Weaving a +5 sequined pettycoat. :D
Sorry, it's been done...
...with SWISHPUNK!!!

Combine the theatrics of Edwardian Theater with the glittery weapons of the late Liberace!


First Post

What are pet monster trainers, after all, if not an violent itinerant subculture largely comprised of underage runaways? Sounds like a perfect setting for -punk adventures. The PCs wander the world capturing dangerous monsters (perhaps the result of genetic expirimentation by evil megacorporations) and competing in a brutal underground bloodsport. Of course, they have their own reasons to stick it to The Man, namely getting their hands on the latest military-industrial pet monster.

Doug McCrae


Vampire: The Masquerade meets Feng Shui. Non-angsty vampires do stunts on motorbikes and have kung fu fights with cyborg werewolves from the future.


Clockwork Golem
Doug McCrae said:

Vampire: The Masquerade meets Feng Shui. Non-angsty vampires do stunts on motorbikes and have kung fu fights with cyborg werewolves from the future.

One of my friends actually runs this game.

For me, the most fun cross I've seen was a con game called "Crouching Tigger, Hidden Piglet."

Mennippean Satire:

But it's a huge ol' bad ass meta-genre in literature as well as one or two specific genres that describe my very favorite books minus one or two epics.

So it doesn't really fit the tone of this thread, but I will use The Confusion, book II of the Barock trilogy, as just about the most bad ass idea for a long term campaign ever.


Man, I can't believe I didn't mention this the first time around (and I know I saw the thread, because I posted):

One of the defining elements of cyberpunk (or really, any of the ***punk genres) is the monolithic corporations that stand on par with governments. But why set it in the future? Ask yourself - what was the first modern corporation to really control a whole country? Zero points for saying Microsoft. No, I'm talking about the Hudson's Bay Company. It's been a few years since high school history, so my fur-trade era knowledge is a little rusty, but as I understand it, in the early 18th century the HBC opened up Canada with its trading posts. Picture this, if you will: the company leverages its power, and by the mid-19th century owns and actively controls most of what would be modern-day Canada. Half a continent is a savage wilderness, populated by voyageurs, rebels, and beavers bred to the size of a full-grown man - only trading-forts-turned-fortresses provide some semblance of civilization. The rest is little better, having been devastated and parcelled out to the highest bidders following the War of 1812. The 'old country' is no place to run to, as new companies, old estates, and whole empires consolidate holdings to maintain an oppressive grip on what they do still control.

I call it... FURPUNK.



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