ZEITGEIST Deities, or the lack of


Hi folks,

I've trawled through the Zeitgeist posts here back to 2014 or so, but can't see any answers.

How have other Zeitgeist DM's managed the lack of specific deities for Seedism/Clergy/The Old Faith? Have you created new gods? Pulled them from other sources? Hand-waved the gods as distant and unworthy of specific names?

Help me out people :D.

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In my campaign there was the question about the clergy's Gods from my players quite early. Yet as i had not yet read all adventures in detail, i could not answer them at that time. As none of my players wanted to play a cleric, it did not bother them too much.

Later i found out from adventure eleven:

"In keeping with E.N. Publishing tradition, we generally don’t name gods in our settings unless they play a prominent role that might not be filled by standard fantasy pantheons."

As the matter came up again i asked my players what gods they wanted to have and in the end we thought that it did not really matter for our purposes. There is a list in adventure eleven which tells you about their focus and you are supposed to invent their names or take the name of fitting gods of your campaign.

As for seedism my players focus on Srasrama and had some fun discovering the temples of Ingatan and Hewanharimau later in adventure 8.

As for risur we settled for the people praying to the titans.
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In my campaign there was the question about the clergy's Gods from my players quite early. Yet as i had not yet read all adventures in detail, i could not answer them at that time. As none of my players wanted to play a cleric, it did not bother them too much.

Later i found out from adventure eleven:

"In keeping with E.N. Publishing tradition, we generally don’t name gods in our settings unless they play a prominent role that might not be filled by standard fantasy pantheons."

As the matter came up again i asked my players what gods they wanted to have and in the end we thought that it did not really matter for our purposes. There is a list in adventure eleven which tells you about their focus and you are supposed to invent their names or take the name of fitting gods of your campaign.

As for seedism my players focus on Srasrama and had some fun discovering the temples of Ingatan and Hewanharimau later in adventure 8.

As for risur we settled for the people praying to the titans.

Cheers, I'm reading along at 5e pace, I wasn't aware of the information from Chapter 11.

Well, the AP does have a few. As a side note, you *definitely* should read ahead- very often Zeit will have information in later books that is really useful early on, like the list of Ob officers in Book 7.

Clergy Book 11
Velkali, Goddess who shelters travellers and offers rest at oases
Goddess of the Night Sky
God of Beasts and Magnolias
God of Sun and Archery
God of Stone and Pottery
God of the Sea and Tidepools
God of Storms and Weddings
God of Winds and Mountain Air
God of Forges and Evocation
God of the Love (not a typo) and Healing
God of Fortune
God of Time and Synthesis
God of Children's games

Clergy Book 8
God of War

Elfaivar Book 8

Honestly, you can get by on those and the Titans.

As the specific gods are not important until Adventure 11, I just use a fantasy god from Greyhawk or Golarion if I need something specific for a particular clergy NPC or if my players think releigion will be important. However most Risuri are followers of Druidic or fey based faiths (not worshipping the titans specifically, but more a general support of the Fey and Propiation to keep the titans sleeping). As no PC was interested in the clergy I did not need to pick out my pantheon , the Cleric I have is an Eladrin who thinks she is worshipping the memory of Ssraama but actually draws her power from the Gyre.
The Eladrin I think probably had a lot of Gods , I tend to think something like Hinduism, with a few main gods and lots of children and cousins. Ssraama was the mother, there is probably an unnamed father god and then other gods which deal with various professions, and areas of interest. In my mind these are all lesser Divine Fey beings native to this plane and it's linked planes while the Clergy worship the gods of the greater cosmos from which this world is cut off largely,

I took the list from Adventure 11, and ascribed names to them all. Only one of my characters had any religious background, so their relative silence in the world worked pretty well for me as a DM who really didn't want to dig too deep into it.

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