Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen


5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

So, what's to like about the new DM screen? Well, content-wise it has some interesting choices. I can see myself using about half of the material there most sessions with the other bits and pieces coming up less often but being valuable when they do. I'm very happy with that - I don't actually need to refer to a lot of information during sessions and 5e is so easy to run that I need less information on the screen. The tables on the edges of this screen probably won't see use very often but I will be extremely glad when I do use them, because having them in front of me will have helped preserve the flow of the game when the players deal me a surprise.I love the art as well. It's traditional, looks good, doesn't have the laughable guy holding a tiny scythe that we always poked fun at on the 4e screen... but much more to the point, the art of the DM screen makes another point about gender equality, and does it well enough and subtly enough that most people don't even seem to have noticed. I still very much look forward to a time when stuff like this is so much expected that I don't end up liking things simply because they're doing things right, but with things as they are I love what they've done here.

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DM Howard

4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

First off, I must say, this DM Screen looks fantastic! The art chosen for the front is really well done, and I think it works better as a panoramic piece than many of it's predecessors. However, I feel like there are several tables that just won't be that useful to me as a DM such as the random name chart and the random event table. I am most certainly happy with my purchase, I just felt (know) it could have been a little better.


5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

It's simple and easy to find what I am looking for. There is one panel with stuff that I won't use, but I had the same problem with every DM's Screen I had. Great art, truly amazing quality.


3 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

It has some neat tools for story and improvisation, but I wish more space had been dedicated to the rules used in combat (actions, movement, etc.). As is, I'm probably going to wind up covering some panels with quick-reference tables of my own.


5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

One of the best GM screens I've seen: instead of being crammed to unreadability with tables, tables, and more tables, this screen has an open and airy design that enables you to find what you're looking for quickly, and has tables to generate things quickly on the fly and keep the game moving. When the PCs suddenly grab someone off the street, or start negotiating with the bandit chief you didn't even really expect them to talk to, quickie prompts are right there where you can see them instead of buried in the book. Actions and conditions are also nicely summarized: not the whole rules, but enough of a tickler to remind you of the basics and, again, keep the game moving.It also follows the current trend of landscape, heavy screens, which I definitely approve of. Well done!-The Gneech


5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Nice done DM Screen with great art facing the players and helpful tables and charts for the DM.

AK Browncoat

3 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

It's all right. I like the fact they make DM Screens wider so you can see over them. While the front art is fine, I intend to stick notes on the side the players see that is pertinent to the campaign. (Seriously, are your players going to be enamored with the outside screen on the 23rd session?) This is pretty helpful in regards to NPC names, plot points, and so on... They should just make it a clear white board-esque outside cover so players can write notes on it, heh.I think more information from the DMG should have been on the inside (Like information that hasn't been as prevalent in previous editions) Renown/Morale. Rewards. The "Downtime" options for PCs, etc. This could have been added if the Condition section was relegated to one panel and/or replaced random NPC/Spontaneous events section. (This is subjective in regards to its worth; I appreciate the spirit of why it was added though)I appreciate when art parallels text and depicts a spell, skill, or action taking place. (Like with the conditions) Having art for arts sake on the inside of the screen was a waste of space, and I would have appreciated more content. (Both sides of each outer panel took up too much space for my taste)If you feel that you need a reference for basic info, it wouldn't hurt to pick it up. If not, it is not a "must have" item by any stretch. Take it or leave it. I don't much care.

Weird Dave

5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Hands down the most useful information on this (and the chunk that takes up the most space) are the conditions. I've referenced these more times than I can count over the weekend at Winter Fantasy - it's so handy to have the conditions spelled out just like they are in the Appendix of the PHB! Other tables are useful as well, but the conditions make this one of my most used DM screens ever.


5ever, or until 2024
4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Finally used the screen yesterday, and it was really handy! Great to have conditions, cover, and a few other things it has right there.Weather, tracking, dmg vs objects, NPC reactions, and chase complications would have also been nice. Don't really need all the NPC personality attributes, at least not as much.

Voidrunner's Codex

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