D&D 5E Demiplane walls


I actually think Demiplane is one of the neatest spells there is. My take on the spell is that the plane created is permanent, it is merely the door to it exists for only an hour at a time when the spell is cast. It's like your very own trans dimensional safe deposit box, and only you have the key. One of my players found an artifact that he had to hide until he could figure out what to do with it. Knowing there were some bad people looking really hard for it, he put Sequester on the item, then stashed it in a demiplane. Thinking about it I figured that's as good as it could be protected and without specific knowledge of how to access the demiplane it would take a wish level effect to locate it.

Then I got to thinking what if you stacked demiplanes. Make one. Then make another inside that, and kept nesting them. If I ruled that further castings within such a plane could be modified to simply expand the existing plane, you'd be making your own little world 27,000 cubic feet at a time. Given enough time you can carve out a nice little private world for yourself. Portals to the elemental planes could be used to bring in what would be needed to make it look like a proper world. Additional protections using castings of Private Sanctums, Forbiddance, and others can give you a great deal of protection and privacy. Cool spell. I love high level casters.

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I might not allow a Demi plane inside a demiplane. I might rule the the bag of holding/portable hole explosion might occur.

On a separate note, if you cast dispel magic on it, does it dispel the door to the demiplane or just whole thing? Presumably you can’t dispel the plane while you are in it because it says you become trapped. You’d probably need Plane Shift to escape. If dispel magic only dispels the door, you could push an enemy through the door into the demiplane and have the wizard dispel the door and trap the enemy inside. It could be used as a way to dispose of unwanted enemies.


First Post
I might not allow a Demi plane inside a demiplane. I might rule the the bag of holding/portable hole explosion might occur.

On a separate note, if you cast dispel magic on it, does it dispel the door to the demiplane or just whole thing? Presumably you can’t dispel the plane while you are in it because it says you become trapped. You’d probably need Plane Shift to escape. If dispel magic only dispels the door, you could push an enemy through the door into the demiplane and have the wizard dispel the door and trap the enemy inside. It could be used as a way to dispose of unwanted enemies.

The spell reads to me like the duration is all about the door. The creation of the demiplane itself is just a happy little accident. It even talks about the demiplane persisting after the spell ends, so I'd totally do the same with dispel magic.

The spell reads to me like the duration is all about the door. The creation of the demiplane itself is just a happy little accident. It even talks about the demiplane persisting after the spell ends, so I'd totally do the same with dispel magic.


Sorry, was that out loud?

In one of our games we are contending with an Assassin whose biggest advantages over us is immortality. This will do nicely.


I might not allow a Demi plane inside a demiplane. I might rule the the bag of holding/portable hole explosion might occur.

In the description of the spell it says: "Each time you cast this spell, you can create a new demiplane, or have the shadowy door connect to a demiplane you created with a previous casting of this spell.", so seems that you can totally cast one demiplane inside another.

EDIT TO ADD - Ok, just reread that and I think they meant to say you can access a previously created demiplane with the spell, not that it has to be a new one each time, or that you can cast it inside another.


You can definitely cast demiplane within a demiplane, since nothing prevents it, but the second demiplane it creates isn't necessarily "inside" the first one. In fact, it's unclear to me where exactly these planes are, cosmologically. For example, the Demiplane of Dread is often said to exist "within" the Shadowfell, and I'm pretty sure I've heard of demiplanes existing "within" the Ethereal plane and "within" the Astral plane. I think the second demiplane would be a "sibling" to the first that is equally accessible from anywhere via a casting of demiplane, plane shift or gate (barring local prohibitions on planar travel; some restrictions apply).

Regarding the walls of the demiplane, one interesting interpretation I read is that you can dig as much out of the walls of the demiplane as you want, but the material it is made of can't be destroyed or removed from the plane. Like if you carve out a 10-foot cube of wall, you wind up with 1000 cubic feet of rubble on the floor. This keeps the volume of the demiplane constant, while allowing you to reshape it into more interesting configurations.


Yeah, I wish it still worked that way. (Sigh.) That's what got me wondering how other DMs would rule on busting up the demiplane's walls. Plus, in a recently published adventure, Manshoon is hanging out in a demiplane of his own creation, which is substantially larger than a 30-foot cube.


First Post
Yeah, I wish it still worked that way. (Sigh.) That's what got me wondering how other DMs would rule on busting up the demiplane's walls. Plus, in a recently published adventure, Manshoon is hanging out in a demiplane of his own creation, which is substantially larger than a 30-foot cube.

My go-to answer is that The stuff the players see in the Player's Handbook is only the tip of the iceberg of what exists in the game universe, and it's not necessarily the most common or readily accessible stuff the NPCs can access.

So, the demiplane spell is just one way to create or access a demiplane. It doesn't even have to be the only spell that can do it, or there's another spell that can expand an existing demiplane. Manshoon used one of those options.

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