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Demonic Lore II


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"Dahak" is a demon trapped in one of the wells in FC1. His name is only mentioned on the map and nowhere in the text though the others are mentioned in the text. While noting was writen, I think the demon may be drawn from Persian myth and therefore the Lt. of Ahriman.

I'd like to see him expanded on.

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Creature Cataloguer
you're welcome, everybody. :)

Erik Mona said:
Dahak is written up in the 1e Deities & Demigods as a sort of dragon creature that is powerful enough to destroy the world.

and of course, it would be wicked awesome if he popped up in Demonomicon at some point...


First Post
BOZ said:
Dragon #277 features a type of demon known as the dread, and their lord, Yrsillar, Lord of Nothing. Layer is Balistar.
Yrsillar's home plane of Belistor is a vast wasteland of nothingness with close ties to the Negative Energy Plane. Only those creatures that can tolerate direct exposure to negative energy can survive Belistor's lifeless deserts. This proximity to the Negative Energy Plane gives Yrsillar many of his unique powers.


In the Planar Handbook, page 162, the Fountain of Screams is detailed. This planar touchstone is an island of black glass in a vast sea of acid. This gives a slightly different twist to the table entry for Layer 245: The Scalding Sea. (See FC1: Hordes of the Abyss, page 156.)


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