Derogatory term for...


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I like this thread. I was thinking about some sawyerisms for a rogue character I want to play. Here are more ideas (though some maybe more endearing and less derogatory).

scruffy, stompy, mr grumpyboots, speedy

toothpick, ears on a stick, treehugger

marble eyes, your majesty

felldrake, eggo, kobold face, lizard man, minty breath

mr tail suit, redskin tato, hot spice, prince of darkness

curly fries, fast hands, miniature elf, half-pint, snake tongue

half-beast, half-baked, half-human, half and half.

Paint face, pinto, your holyness

garden ornament, trickster, mr invisible, biggie

boldy, mr potato head, tiny

green skin, orc king, toothless

sasquatch, fleaball, max, fluffy, labradoodle, pointer

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the Jester

Other races call halflings "pecs" as a racist term in my game. As in, "Out of the way, pec!"

Half-orcs are often called "pissbloods." I suppose mongrelmen would probably get the appellation too, as would other crosses with "savage humanoid" types, but it has only come up for half-orcs so far.

Although I can't recall any more slurs off hand, I do have some stereotypes as well.

Gnomes are the behind-the-scenes string pullers whose secret conspiracy rules the world, especially finances. Think of the stereotype as an exaggerated "bad Jew" stereotype from the 19th century.

Elves and eladrin are widely ridiculed as being free-loving, drug-using, effete homosexuals. In terms of the stereotype, think of how conservative redneck loggers view gay hippies.

Dwarves are the worst cooks ever, about as pleasant and fun-loving as rocks, go mad for gold and are all hairy and bearded, even the women. The only way to tell a dwarven woman from a dwarven man is to check for bewbs.

Halflings are great cooks, but while you sleep it off they will steal everything you own. They are con artists, burglars, pickpockets and horse thieves. Think of the pejorative stereotype of the Gypsy.

Different human cultures have stereotypes, too- but that's too campaign specific.


The thing is, according to Daeva believe, a Rakhasa is just a Daeva gone bad...

So one that probably stings to the quick would simply be 'Rakhasa,;

Those guys do like their subtle quips.

Actually, I think the absolutely most insulting thing a Rakshasa could call a deva is....

Brother -- said with a mixture of scorn, envy and insinuation.

I like this idea for the deva. "You know, you remind me of someone...oh, yeah, myself." When he's starting to lose: "Ha! Even if you do defeat me, you'll eventually just become me!"


First Post
I had a horribly racist Eladrin for a long time who didn't like any race but Eladrin and absolutely hated half-orcs/half-elves. Whenever he had to talk to one of those races half the conversation would be quips about the filthy half-blood/mutt/half-breed and how they were insignificant compared to the grandeur of pure blood Eladrin.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
I always imagined an orc would call a half-orc, or an elf would call a half-elf, a "half-man". We're talking insults here, so they don't need to be PC-aware.


First Post
I like this idea for the deva. "You know, you remind me of someone...oh, yeah, myself." When he's starting to lose: "Ha! Even if you do defeat me, you'll eventually just become me!"

If you really want the Rakshasa to get under a Deva's skin, can also trot out lines like:

"Hehe, oh, I remember.... what was it, like, 3 lifetimes ago? You and me, back to back, fighting the good fight against that idiot emperor-wannabe.

"Do you remember how that ended? HE KILLED ME, and you watched it happen. But, you -- you survived. You used me as a distraction and left my body to rot!

"And then you became the big hero of the era. BETRAYER!!!

"This is what I became and it's all your fault!"

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