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Destiny's Tears OOC Thread- Prologue: A Jewel in the Shadow

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BTW, do the Dolathi have Darkvision (a racial trait of abberations, but they don't necessarily have to have it)?

Oh, and a question similar to the skill points... bonus spells from high Charisma.

Am I right to assume, that one gets bonus spells figured from the actual score (including Alternate Form changes), as long as the Cha doesn't get lowered during the day (in which case any additional bonus slots just vanish as if used for the remainder of the day, unless all slots of that particular level have been used up by then)?

I'll probably keep the mental stat at +0/+0/+2 pretty much all the time, anyways, tho. :)

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Thanee said:
BTW, do the Dolathi have Darkvision (a racial trait of abberations, but they don't necessarily have to have it)?

Oh, and a question similar to the skill points... bonus spells from high Charisma.

Am I right to assume, that one gets bonus spells figured from the actual score (including Alternate Form changes), as long as the Cha doesn't get lowered during the day (in which case any additional bonus slots just vanish as if used for the remainder of the day, unless all slots of that particular level have been used up by then)?

I'll probably keep the mental stat at +0/+0/+2 pretty much all the time, anyways, tho. :)

Yes, Dolathi have Darkvision because its a racial trait of Aberrations (well except Elan I guess). Yes, you keep bonus spells for high Charisma unless you lose the Charisma by lowering it for some reason. Your ruling is exactly the way I do it, at least, just like the Archmage in my other campaign who Disjoined her own Circlet of Intellect and lost her spell slots in just this fashion.


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Ok. I've written up most of the stats by now... needs some work still, of course, especially the Background is missing, obviously. :)

Will post it in a minute.


Rystil Arden

First Post
Thanee said:
Ok. I've written up most of the stats by now... needs some work still, of course, especially the Background is missing, obviously. :)

Will post it in a minute.

Hurray! I can work with you on the background, since I haven't had the willpower to post my fluff here. The way I transmitted fluff to my playtesters was to Skype or call them and then just chat with them so I didn't have to type it all :)

Rystil Arden

First Post
Thanee said:
Dolathi, 2nd-Level Eldritch Infiltrator
Medium Abberation (Shapechanger)

Hit Dice: 2d6+4 (14 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+3 Dex), touch 13, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+0
Attack: Silvered Dagger +0 melee (1d4-1/19-20)
Full Attack: Silvered Dagger +0 melee (1d4-1/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +1d6, Spells
Special Qualities: Alternate Form, Darkvision 60 ft., Trapfinding, Evasion, Dampen Aura 1
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4
Abilities: Str 10(8), Dex 15(17), Con 12(14), Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18(20)
Skills: Bluff +10(5), Concentration +2(0), Diplomacy +9(0), Disable Device +10(5), Disguise +10/12(5), Gather Information +5(0), Hide* +6(3), Intimidate +9(0), Knowledge (arcana) +4(1). Knowledge (local) +4(1), Knowledge (spelljamming) +4(1), Listen +5(4), Move Silently* +6(3), Open Lock +6(1), Perform (sing) +6(1), Search +8(5), Sense Motive +6(5), Sleight of Hand +10(5), Spellcraft +8(5), Spot +5(4), Tumble* +4(1); * Armor Check Penalty 0/0
Feats: Eschew Materials
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

As a Dolathi, Melody is a strange being that is able to take on the shapes of other humanoids. In her natural form, as far as anyone can tell, a Dolathi looks more or less humanoid, some kind of humanoid-shaped, featureless gooey mass. The flesh is pure-white and hairless. However, this form is almost never assumed. Normally, Melody is encountered in humanoid form, usually that of a slender human female of average height with dark hair and fair skin.

Melody speaks Common, Dolathi, <Language>, <Language> and <Language>.

Spells: As 2nd-level Sorcerer.
Sorcerer Spells per Day: (6/6; save DC 15 + spell level)
0th - Detect Magic, Daze, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation;
1st - Color Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement.

Alternate Form (Ex): As a standard action, Melody can assume the shape of any small or medium humanoid. Her type changes to humanoid (shapechanger). As part of the transformation, her ability scores can change. Melody can raise any two physical and any two mental abilities by two, but also has to lower one physical and one mental ability by two. The altered abilities do not necessarily need to be different ones, changes can be applied to the same physical or mental ability scores as well. However, if she raises a single ability by four this way, then another ability of the appropriate type (physical or mental) has to be lowered by two. Melody can remain in a humanoid form until she chooses to assume a new one. Not even a true seeing spell or ability can reveal her natural form.

Dampen Aura (Ex): Melody can dampen the magical aura of any spell effect affecting herself or any magic item in her possession by a number of steps equal to the level of the ability; Dampen Aura 1 could make a moderate aura become faint or a faint aura vanish completely. However, an overwhelming aura cannot be dampened.

Equipment: Silvered Dagger, Traveler's Outfit (2), Backpack, Bedroll, Scroll Case, Belt Pouch (2), Ink (vial), Inkpen, Parchment (sheet) (5), Waterskin, Everburning Torch, Tindertwigs (10), Masterwork Thieves' Tools; ? gp, ? sp, ? cp.

Background: ...
Cool. Just a quibble, and its been hard for me to handle this too in my writing, but technically, these guys don't know what humans are. Altanians are human looking, but they have different hair and eyes, so your best bet might be a Rowaini form. They look like your description of Melody's preferred form. Narlsemen are also human-looking, but they tend to be big, muscular, and blonde.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Oh yeah, and you can look on the Rogue's Gallery for an example character, although I like your format better than mine ;)

I just thought of something, but you're okay with the fact that there's a race called the Melodians right?


First Post
Do you know Talislanta? :)

It's about the same there, I guess... no "humans", but lots of similar races. They just have different names.

Okay, will change that accordingly... it's not finished yet, anyways.


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