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The following proposals have been approved:
- Jungle Juice (PGtE, pg 129)
- Overload Metabolism (PGtE, pg 151)
- Shocking Fist (PGtE, pg 151)

The following characters have been approved:
- Silvanon d'Thuranni (2)
- Stulgar Swift (4)
- Tam Artiz (3)
- Lily d'Orien (3)
- Rionus el'Audair (3)
- Justice (2)
- Balnibar Jiminyblivet (2)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I've gone through all the characters I have email for. If your name is not on the list above either it was not approved (Wik, IamTheTest) or I haven't seen an email and thus don't know your ready (Manzanita).


First Post
A new adventure proposal ("Goblins in the Cellar") is currently in the approval loop, approval from one more judge is need before it can begin.

Rystil Arden and Patlin, can you confirm that you have received the proposal OK? If not please confirm your e-mail address so I can get it to you.

I'm trying to fill this adventure with the lowest level characters that are active, so all the 2nd level characters will get in and then we will fill it out with 3rd level characters. So sharpen your blades!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
JRYoung said:
A new adventure proposal ("Goblins in the Cellar") is currently in the approval loop, approval from one more judge is need before it can begin.
I haven't seen the full one (I have no characters in the pipe).


First Post
JRYoung said:
A new adventure proposal ("Goblins in the Cellar") is currently in the approval loop, approval from one more judge is need before it can begin.

Rystil Arden and Patlin, can you confirm that you have received the proposal OK? If not please confirm your e-mail address so I can get it to you.

I'm trying to fill this adventure with the lowest level characters that are active, so all the 2nd level characters will get in and then we will fill it out with 3rd level characters. So sharpen your blades!

No room for 4th level PCs? Oh well...

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