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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rystil Arden said:
Specifically not, unfortunately. Looks like our merry band shall have to wait for the next one.
I have a few ideas, but they're all Sharn-based with a decided non-natury feel, not ideal for the S&S Twins. Got to get through finals, a paper, and a proposal deadline though.

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JRYoung said:
A new adventure proposal ("Goblins in the Cellar") is currently in the approval loop, [...] all the 2nd level characters will get in and then we will fill it out with 3rd level characters. So sharpen your blades!

Hey look, I have a 3rd level character!


First Post
"Goblins in the Cellar" has been approved! This first chapter will be short and will get into action quickly. As mentioned previously I will take all 2nd level characters that jump in (and any 1st level characters that are lurking out there), and fill it out with 3rd level characters. Shuffling can be done between chapters as character come and go.

We need a judge, correct?


JRYoung said:
Rystil Arden and Patlin, can you confirm that you have received the proposal OK? If not please confirm your e-mail address so I can get it to you.

I've got the proposal, but it seems that you sent them out to each judge individually... I haven't heard any cross chatter from the other judges, by way of a "reply to all." Usually I look for some consensus before voting, in case anyone has some usefull suggestions to throw in.

It looked fine to me, though. I aprove the adventure.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Patlin said:
I've got the proposal, but it seems that you sent them out to each judge individually... I haven't heard any cross chatter from the other judges, by way of a "reply to all." Usually I look for some consensus before voting, in case anyone has some usefull suggestions to throw in.

It looked fine to me, though. I aprove the adventure.
Ooh, 15 minutes too late!


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
Specifically not, unfortunately. Looks like our merry band shall have to wait for the next one.
That rules Lori out, she's sticking with her friends like Mommy told her ;)

That, and she's tied to them financially at the moment.

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