Deuce Traveler's Six Nights to Yearsend (Ptolus one-shot)


What about starting gold and equipment? I think my monk is pretty much done (I went with the second set of rolls since our level means we get to add 2 points). He's a scout and ambush fighter, although I think he can hold his own in a giant melee lol. He's going to have to have some great equipment because his AC is only 18 (but can go up to 23)

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[sblock=Kaeso Drionus]Kaeso Drionus
Male Human, 10th Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Diety: Lothian, Just God of the Empire
Age: 26
Appearance: 6'4", 240lbs. Has short, wavy black hair, and brown eyes that seem to always look tired. His tanned skin carries several scars, although he doesn't seem to have picked up any serious disfigurements in his travels.
"Kaeso speaks in sienna"
OOC in dim gray

Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 18 (+4) [2 from levels, +2 from Amulet of Health]
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 13 (+1)

Hit Points: 122/122 [82 base, 40 con]
Armor Class: 29, touch 11, flat-footed 28 [10 base + 11 armor + 5 shield + 1 dex + 2 deflection (ring)]
Armor Check Penalty: -14
Initiative: +5 [+4 improved initiative, +1 dex]
BAB: +10/+5
Grapple: +12
Speed: 30ft [30 base + 10 boots, -10 heavy armor]

Fort: +12 [7 base + 4 con + 1 cloak]
Reflex: +5 [3 base + 1 dex + 1 cloak]
Will: +5 [3 base + 1 wis + 1 cloak]

Melee attack: +1 Flail (+12/7, 1d8+5, 19-20/x2, bludgeoning) [Atk: 10BAB+2str+1feat+1flail-2 tower shield, dmg: +2str+2feat+1flail]
Melee attack: MW Trident (+11/6, 1d8+2, crit x2, piercing) [Atk: 10BAB+2str+1MW-2 tower shield, dmg: +2str]
Missile attack: MW Trident (+10, 1d8+2, 20/x2, range increment 10 ft, piercing) [Atk: 10BAB+1dex+1MW-2 tower shield, dmg: +2str]

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

Appraise (armor): 4 [2 int + 2 synergy]
Intimidate:14 [13 ranks + 1 cha]
Swim: 15 [13 ranks + 2 str]
Handle Animal: 14 [13 ranks + 1 cha]
Ride: 16 [13 ranks + 1 dex + 2 synergy]
Climb: 10 [8 ranks + 2 str]
Craft Armor: 9 [5 ranks + 2 int + 2 tools]
Jump: 7 [2 str + 5 boots]

Improved Initiative [human racial]
Quick Draw [1st level]
Combat Expertise [1st level fighter]
Improved Trip [2nd level fighter]
Combat Reflexes [3rd level]
Dodge [4th level fighter]
Mobility [6th level fighter]
Endurance [6th level]
Weapon Focus (Flail) [8th level fighter]
Die Hard [9th level]
Improved Critical (Flail) [10th level fighter]

(Abilities granted)
You may draw a weapon as a free action, or a hidden weapon as a move action.
Weapons may be thrown at full rate of attacks, like a bow.
When making an attack or full attack in melee, you may trade up to -5 on attack roll for 5 AC until next action.
You no longer provoke an attack of opportunity when tripping an enemy while unarmed. +4 bonus on strength check granted while tripping an enemy. If a successful trip is made, make a melee attack as if you hadn't used your attack for the trip attempt.
The flail may be used to make a trip attempt. In this case, make a melee touch attack with the flail instead of an unarmed melee touch attack. If you are tripped while making the attempt, you may drop the flail to avoid being tripped.
You may make (1 + dex mod) attacks of opportunity per round. You can make AoO's while flat-footed.
During your action, you can designate an opponent to receive a +1 dodge bonus to AC from. This bonus is lost if you lose your dex bonus to armor.
You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against AoO's caused by moving out or within a threatened area. This bonus is lost if your dex bonus to armor is lost.
Gain +4 bonus on certain checks (p. 93 Player Handbook).
When reduced to negative hp (and not dead), you are automatically stable. You may make a move action per round without penalty, or a standard action for -1hp penalty. You cannot take a full round action.

+1 Tower Shield of Moderate Fortification (75% chance to negate critical hits and sneak attacks), 45 lb [16,180gp]
+3 Full Plate, 50 lb [10,650gp]
+1 Flail, 5 lb [2,608gp]
Masterwork Trident, 4 lb [315gp]
+2 Ring of Protection [8,000gp]
+2 Amulet of Health (+2 con) [4,000gp]
Boots of Striding and Springing, 1 lb (+10 base speed, +5 jump check) [5,500gp]
Cloak of Resistance +1, 1 lb (+1 to all saves)[1000gp]
Bckpack, 2 lb[1gp 8sp]
--Masterwork Armorsmith's tools, 5 lb [49gp 5sp]
--Bedroll, 5 lb [9cp]
--Artisan's Outfit, 4 lb [9sp]
--Waterskin, 4 lb [9sp]
Multiflask [2gp 7sp]
Identification Papers (citizen)

Coin: 69pp, 4gp, 1cp

Carrying Capacity
Light load: 58 lb, Medium load: 59 lb-116 lb, Heavy load: 117 lb-175 lb
Weight: 126 lb

Kaeso Drionus grew up in a stable, loving home in the bustling city of Tarsis; a home governed by law, by honor, and by expectations. It may not have been a stretch to call his father a tyrant; every minute of every day had to be accounted for, time could not be wasted, one must always prepare for the future... Although young Kaeso did his best to live up to his father's demands, the elder Drionus could never quite be satisfied. Kaeso obeyed not out of fear of another caning, but to do his part along with his mother and siblings.

During his teenage years, the barbarian hordes drew ever closer to Tarsis; every month, it seemed another fort fell, another defending army was bloodied. Kaeso tried over and over to join his father, a member of the guard, in the defense of the city... HIS city... but was rebuffed by the gruff soldiers every time. He was simply too young to fight. When the Eastern Hordes finally crushed the last army in their path, the Drionus family along with thousands of others evacuated in a panic, feeling the fires of the siege on their backs as they ran. Kaeso would never see his father again, for better or for worse.

A year passed while the family re-established itself on the countryside to the west. Kaeso took his chance and enlisted in the first scattered unit of the empire's army that he could find. He would spend the next 10 years in the army, first scouring the nation for fresh recruits, then training, then fighting. The invading barbarians quickly left the city on their own, and Kaeso returned to the city. The remainder of his enlistment term would be spent guarding Tarsis, scattering petty uprisings of monsters and peasants. This left him plenty of time to fraternize with diplomats from other cities, and Ptolus in particular. Members of the Commissar's Men and the Keepers of the Veil occasionally came to Tarsis seeking aid in their crusades against crime and evil, and Kaeso always wanted to hear what stories they brought with them.

When Kaeso was released from service, he realized something incredibly disturbing; he had no idea what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Ever since his birth, he was told what to do, how to behave, what to think. First from his father, then from his commander. Of course he'd heard the rumors of what was happening in the distant city of Ptolus lately; adventurers journeying into caverns beneath the city and returning with entire baggage trains of gold and jewels. It didn't take long for Kaeso to decide on becoming a mercenary himself. He could make his fortune, destroy any evil or undead threats to the security of the empire, maybe even find a bride! And of course, it sure as hell beat the idea of spending the next 10 years on guard duty.

- Constable Ward Harnox, a human middle-ranking member of the City Watch who is currently headquartered in the Guildsman district watchtower. Ward normally has a dry and morbid sense of humor due to the things that he has seen in his time in service. However, even this part of his humor has dried up ever since he has been assigned to looking into the infrequent and violent "Silent Slayer" murders that are causing a panic in his district, and he has been drinking more often.

- Mark Khatru, a cousin of the current head of House Khatru and young officer in Khatru's private mercenary army. Kaeso sparred with Mark during a visit to the complex run by the Order of Iron Might and the two military men became friends. Mark is a tall and muscular human who seems gruff and direct at times, but has a keen tactical mind. Mark and Kaeso meet at Randle's Tavern, a bar a few streets south of the Citadel of Might, every Firesday that both are free for dinner and a game of kriegspiel. If one doesn't make the meeting, the other understands as both are busy men. [Note: kriegspiel is like a chess game where you can't see the opponent's pieces. I had to look it up on wikipedia. :D][/sblock]
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Deuce Traveler

OnlytheStrong said:
What about starting gold and equipment?

Starting gold will be 49,000gp and so buy any magical items and equipment with this. Characters will have a comfortable two-story house that they are renting (for use during their frequent trips to Ptolus) as a base of operations in the southwestern corner of Midtown, near where the South Market district begins. The party funds have gone into the house, and they have six months of rent paid off, as well as enough food supplies for the next few weeks. They have two servants who have been hired on for the two months, one an elderly human maid named Mertle who takes care of the maintenance and cleanliness of the home and the other a halfing cook named Gornio with a cold disposition, but a quick wit and true passion for the culinary arts. I'll update the original post to include this.


First Post
Still room? I'm new to Ptolus, but I've downloaded the Players Guide and will read again tonite.

I'd like to play a rogue of some sort, otherwise I'm OK with the resident "Holy Man".


First Post
Here is the build I'm currently looking at:


"You wouldn't be looking at me that way if you knew what was behind you..."

Mortimus "Morty" Price
Conjurer of Some Repute
Male Human Conjurer 3rd/ Master Specialist 2nd/ Malconvoker 5th Level
N follower of Khaors
Talks in Olive
Out of Character Gray
Rolls Under MortyP

Ability Scores
Str 12 (+1)
Dex 13 (+1)
Con 14 (+2) [+1 level]
Int 20 (+5) [+1 level, +2 headband of intellect]
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 16 (+3)

Hit Points: 51/51 [31 base, +20 Con]
Subdual Damage: 0
Init: +10 [+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative, +5 warning quarterstaff]
BAB: +4 [+1 Wizard, +1 Master Specialist, +2 Malconvoker]
Grap: +5 [+4 class, +1 Str]
Armor Class: 11, touch 11, flat footed 10 [+1 Dex]
Fort: +6 [+2 class, +2 Con, +2 vest of resistance]
Ref: +5 [+2 class, +1 Dex, +2 vest of resistance]
Will: +13 [+10 class, +1 Wis, +2 vest of resistance]
Speed: 30 ft. [30 ft. base; Light load, No armor]

+6 melee, +1 quarterstaff, 1d6+2, x2.
+5 melee, melee touch, by spell.
+5 ranged, ranged touch, by spell.

Medium-size, 5'11" tall, 160 lbs, 29 yrs old
Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Light Tan skin

Speaks Common, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Auran, Aquan, Ignan, Terran

Bluff +22 [13 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 Skill Focus, +3 spectacles of persuasion]
Concentration +14 [12 ranks, +2 Con]
Craft (alchemy) +8 [3 ranks, +5 Int]
Diplomacy +8 [0 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 spectacles of persuasion, +2 synergy]
Knowledge (arcana) +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (nature) +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (religion) +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Spellcraft +22 [12 ranks, +5 Int, +3 Skill Focus, +2 synergy]
(36 pts Conjurer, 14 pts Mast Specialist, 35 pts Malconvoker)

Skill Tricks
Collector of Stories [2 pts]
Swift Concentration [2 pts]

Improved Initiative [Level 1]
Spell Focus (Conjuration) [Human Bonus]
Augment Summoning [Conjurer 1]
Cloudy Conjuration [Level 3]
Skill Focus (Spellcraft) [Master Specialist 1]
Augment Elemental [Level 6]
Skill Focus (Bluff) [Malconvoker 3]
Summon Elemental [Level 9]

Human Traits
Speed 30 ft.
Bonus feat at 1st level
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra at every level thereafter
Favored Class: Any

Class Abilities
Spells (see below) [Conjurer 1]
Conjuration Specialization (Enchantment, Evocation Prohibited) [Conjurer 1]
Rapid Summoning [Conjurer 1]
Enhanced Summoning [Conjurer 1]
Expanded Spellbook (see below) [Master Specialist 2]
Deceptive Summons (fury) [Malconvoker 1, 4]
Unrestricted Conjuration [Malconvoker 1]
Planar Binding [Malconvoker 2]
Fiendish Legion [Malconvoker 5]

Spells Prepared (5/7/6/5/4/3; CL 9th/10th*; DC 15 + spell level, 16 + level for Conjuration)
0 - caltropsB, detect magic, ghost sound, message, read magic.
1st - benign transpositionB, grease, protection from evil, ray of enfeeblement, shield, summon monster I (2).
2nd - fog cloud B, glitterdust, invisibility, summon monster II (2), web.
3rd - dispel magic, haste, mass mage armorB, summon monster III (2).
4th - dimension doorB, polymorph, summon monster IV (2).
5th - summon monster V (2)B, shadow evocation.
[* Indicates Caster Level for Conjuration spells]
[B Indicates bonus Conjuration spell from specialization]
[sblock=Spell Slots Used]0 -
1st -
2nd -
3rd - summon monster III
4th -
5th - summon monster V[/sblock]Spellbook (80/100 pgs used)
0 - All except those of Enchantment, Evocation schools.
1st - benign transposition, grease, magic missile, protection from evil, ray of enfeeblement, shield, silent image, summon monster I.
2nd - fog cloud, glitterdust, invisibility*, summon monster II, web.
3rd - dispel magic, fly, haste, magic circle against evil*, mass mage armor, summon monster III^.
4th - bestow curse*, dimension door, enervation, mass resist energy*, polymorph, stoneskin*, summon monster IV.
5th - lesser planar binding^, shadow evocation, summon monster V, teleport*.
[* Indicates spell purchased and copied]
[^ Indicates spell added from class abilities]
[sblock=Spell Itemization]2nd Level
Invisibility [100 gp service, 200 gp materials]
3rd Level
Magic Circle Against Evil [150 gp service, 300 gp materials]
4th Level
Bestow Curse [200 gp service, 400 gp materials]
Mass Resist Energy [200 gp service, 400 gp materials]
Stoneskin [200 gp service, 400 gp materials]
5th Level
Teleport [250 gp service, 500 gp materials][/sblock]Coins 80 pp, 74 gp, 7 sp

+1 illuminating/ +1 warning quarterstaff [11,100 gp]
Ring of mighty summons [14,000 gp]
Spectacles of persuasion [4,500 gp, as circlet of persuasion]
Headband of intellect +2 [4,000 gp]
Vest of resistance +2 [4,000 gp]
Neckerchief of disguise [1,800 gp, as hat of disguise]
Eternal wand (identify) 2/2 [820 gp]
Healing belt 3/3 [750 gp]
Antitoxin (1 vial) [50 gp]
Spellbook (hard metal cover, linen paper; hardness 5, 6 HP; Resistant to Energy (Major), Waterproof) [4,220 gp]
Satchel [1 sp]
Spell Component Pouch [5 gp]
Inkpen [1 sp]
Ink (8-oz. vial) [8 gp]
Map case [1 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Waterskin [1 gp]

Mortimus Price was always the studious young boy, born to an aristocratic family in Tarsis with far too much time on its hands. Morty did not have an ordinary childhood; he spent nearly every day deep inside books, studying all topics from the arcane to the divine to the mysteries of the Outer Planes. He attended the prestigious University Arcanum, where he apprenticed under Extraplanar Studies professor Ulysses Weber. He got along well with his fellow students, but although he was known to many, few claimed to know much about him. Even immersed in the university, his true attention was elsewhere, delving into the secrets of the Ethereal Sea, the Heavens and the Hells.
After graduation, he set upon building on the work of his mentor, and decided to travel the world recording the myths and stories of all corners of the Empire and searching for connections between the Material Plane and the rest of the multiverse. Watching the Empire's descent with uncaring eyes, Mortimus always focused on the bigger picture. Upon his return after years on the road, he discovered his mentor deceased with a cryptic letter addressed to him. It read, "The keepers of secrets lie in the thin shadow"; at first Morty was baffled and put it aside. He set about publishing his work in a treatise on Interplanar Connectivity, and it earned him a membership invitation to the Delver's Guild. He was grouped with his current company of adventurers, which he has grown to view as a close-knit family (or at least as close as he's ever came to one).
When the group decided to relocate to Ptolus, it popped into his head: his old master's note became clear! The "keepers" he sought were in the great city, at the base of the Spire, "in the thin shadow". Now working in Ptolus, Morty spends his spare time researching and gathering information on the Inverted Pyramid, which he believes the note refers to. He has learned of their great mystery and exclusivity, and is determined to find out just why they were of such concern to his mentor. His primary contact is Megara, a seer and prostitute for the Fate Weavers whose relationship with Morty is... complicated. They currently maintain a professional rapport.
Within the Delver's Guild, Morty is known for his aloof demeanor and expertise in summoning dangerous creatures. Some are suspicious of his methods, but he is by-and-large viewed more as an oddity than a threat. Nonetheless, his teammates count him as a loyal ally and effective combatant.

[sblock=Sources]Complete Arcane Spellbook
Complete Mage Master Specialist, Cloudy Conjuration, Summon Elemental, Ring of Mighty Summons
Complete Scoundrel Malconvoker, Collector of Stories, Swift Concentration
Magic Item Compendium Illuminating, Warning, Eternal Wand, Healing Belt, Vest of Resistance
Magic of Eberron Augment Elemental
Spell Compendium Benign Transposition, Caltrops, Mass Mage Armor, Mass Resist Energy
Unearthed Arcana Rapid Summoning, Enhanced Summoning[/sblock]
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Okay, I ran into a small problem with my monk.........I have money left over. 6,800gp to be exact. Any ideas on what to spend it on? Basically my concept of him is an arena fighter. He prefers to carry nothing that he cannot see a practical use for. He would rather right unarmed (and Flurry of Blows will do alot of damage I think), and has scout like qualities. I am thinking that he will use a sling, but instead of firing bullets, he will use thunderstones. Way more expensive, but more fun. The ONLY reason he would fire his sling would be to alert others of a fight, such as if we are caught at night or attacked at home.

Deuce Traveler

ObiAndy: If we get more than six accepted characters, we'll split the adventure into two competing groups so no worries. Feel free to play what you would like to play.

Scotley: Looks good. And just about everything fits in Ptolus, as it is very much a kitchen-sink kind of campaign setting.

Farmboy: I love that picture! Where is it from? Ptolus has its own gods separate from the world of Grey Hawk, but I have no problem with Boccob as a god.

OnlytheStrong: I like the idea of the thunderstones as it has style, but if no one plays a healer it might be good to purchase items that would do the job.

Deuce Traveler

Interested players:

Farmboy: Mortimus "Morty" Price, the Male Human Conjurer 3rd/ Master Specialist 2nd/ Malconvoker 5th Level

OnlytheStrong: Monk Arena Fighter w/ scout abilities

Dekana: Human Fighter, ex-Imperial soldier

Tailspinner: Unknown

ObiAndy: Rogue or Cleric

Scotley: Arcane Caster or Duskblade

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