D&D General Did I ruin my DND Game/Group


Lord of the Hidden Layer
You should talk to the DM and the other players. Perhaps X would be willing to DM a casual murderhobo game on alternate sessions but get serious (and not be group-saboteur) the weeks he is a player. There may be other options somebody has thought of, not just 'break up the group'.

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Talk to the DM outside of the game. If the table antics and half-assed play style annoy the DM as much as you then the two of you should just find new players who want to play your style of game. Find other activities to do with your friends.


On that metempsychosis tweak
OP: Sometimes, the only solution is to not play D&D with X. You can still play other games with them, why not get in a few rounds of a hero shooter together, or play another, more competitive board game? I have friends who I like greatly, but would never want to play D&D with.

Summatim, there are Overwatch friends, and R6 Siege friends, and then there are D&D friends. Those can overlap, and they often do, but don't expect everyone to mesh well together.
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It's possible that you and X will never mesh well as players at the same game, but I wouldn't give up on him right away unless you're pretty sure that's the case. (You'd know better than we would).

I've known plenty of people that took some time to learn how to "play nice with others" (one of the most important skills to have as a tabletop gamer) but most of them grew into it eventually (or figured out that gaming just wasn't their thing).

The main thing everyone needs, (in the game, but also in the world in general), is clear, assertive communication. Talk to everyone involved as plainly and honestly as you can, and see what happens. It's sometimes a bit scary or difficult to do, but it's always for the best.

It sounds like X doesn't want to play D&D at all. Forcing him to do so, gets this result. There's no reason to believe it will get any better, even if he says he'll play nice, he's probably not having fun.


Rotten DM
Never play with goobers. If talking with all involved does not help, find a new group. Do this early. I would stress myself out by playing with goober because I wanted to play d&d. Remember no gaming is better than bad gaming. I came up with that around 2002.


When I play Fallout or Skyrim or something like that, one of the first things I do is save the game then go around murdering everybody in town, just to see if I can. When I get bored questing, I do a quick save then just plant bombs around the world and watch it burn. I suspect that people who are pretty new to TTRPG do the same thing. It seems like everybody who is told "you can do anything" treats the world like Grand Theft Auto. In PC games that has no consequences on anybody else's fun and the "GM" will somehow find a way to get the story back on track, you generally cannot fully break the game.

Sometimes people just need the differences with TTRPGs called out and explained to them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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