Did you know there's a review section here?

Arcane Runes Press said:
Are you going to review the Quint. Monk?

I've seen threads here and there talking about it, on various boards, but I've only seen one review (it's here on ENworld).

I have it and I have a positive impression of it, but alas, I have many products I received gratis that take priority. I'll see if I can squeeze it in soon.

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Crothian said:

Can you say anything about any of these like titles or subject material?

Quint Sorcerer is a topic that has a lot of potential. Even after 2 years we haven't seen much done with the Sorcerer. We have some prestige classes that are average at best, although FFG has done some interesting things in Spells and Spellcraft, just not enough.

Mongoose Matt, if you're out there, Patrick has my vote for this project. :D

The city sourcebook for Mongoose is called "Stonebridge- city of illusion". It details a rennaissance flavored city (Florence, Italy specifically) that is home to gnomes and a few copper dragons. The Patrono Drago, or Dragon Patrons, are a "family" of art loving dragons who give patronage to many artists in the city- they were inspired by the Medici family. Their favored artists are the Sognotore de la Sangue di Dragon, the Dreamers of the Dragon's Blood, a group of half-dragon gnome sorcerers with a natural gift for illusion magic- they were inspired by Leo DaVinci, Michaelangelo and their contemporaries. The book is centered around art and high culture- its my tribute to the glory of rennaissance Italy.

I believe that both AEG and Sovereign Stone prefer to keep their projects close to the vest, so I won't say anything about those books, except that I am very excited about both.

The 2 commissioned Mongoose books are part of the second wave of their new Power Class series. The format of the series is pretty cool, but again, I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say about it. :)

I know you didn't list them, but the latest Dragon article is SO COOL(tm) that I wanna share. It's all about the Far Realms, specifically about what happens when the Far Realms decides to pay a visit to sane space. It's got new templates and a trio of beasties that, IMO, pack more unsanity than any 10 monsters have a right to. If things go well, it's been suggested that it will become a short series of articles.

Patrick Y.

I read through Magic over the weekend and it's not too bad. I feel that while the many topics seemed like they deserved a core class write up, makinmg them that way will really limit there use. There are a lot of rather cool ideas in there, though.

Arcane Runes Press said:

The city sourcebook for Mongoose is called "Stonebridge- city of illusion". It details a rennaissance flavored city (Florence, Italy specifically) that is home to gnomes and a few copper dragons. The Patrono Drago, or Dragon Patrons, are a "family" of art loving dragons who give patronage to many artists in the city- they were inspired by the Medici family. Their favored artists are the Sognotore de la Sangue di Dragon, the Dreamers of the Dragon's Blood, a group of half-dragon gnome sorcerers with a natural gift for illusion magic- they were inspired by Leo DaVinci, Michaelangelo and their contemporaries. The book is centered around art and high culture- its my tribute to the glory of rennaissance Italy.

I know you didn't list them, but the latest Dragon article is SO COOL(tm) that I wanna share. It's all about the Far Realms, specifically about what happens when the Far Realms decides to pay a visit to sane space. It's got new templates and a trio of beasties that, IMO, pack more unsanity than any 10 monsters have a right to. If things go well, it's been suggested that it will become a short series of articles.

Patrick Y.

That city book sounds really cool. I haven't gotten any of the other ones in that series, but that one I will defiantly look at. Expanding the Far Realms in the Dragon sounds like a really cool idea. I like the idea of the Far Realms but had feared that like many things Wizards does, they would never get back to it. I'm glad to see that you are.

Tuerny said:
Hey Psion, have you taken a look at AEG's Magic yet?

I have my own copy but I am curious about your opinion.

Well, when I returned from vacation, it was among the pile of review books waiting for me. Haven't had a chance to read it in depth yet, but there are some concepts I liked at first glance. As with Crothian, I am not too keen on a flurry of new core classes; thus far I am a little warmer to Occult Lore for this sort of book since it doesn't create core classes for concepts for which prestige classes will do; prestige classes are usually easier to work into a game than new core classes. However, I understand Mearls (an author I trust) took a bigger hand in this one than previous AEG works, so it may pan out alright. Will have to look deeper.

Crothian, Tuerney, and Psion

I would be interested in reading a review of AEG's magic. It is a line I have not gotten any of yet and I am always interested in at least hearing about good magic supplements.


Voadam said:
Crothian, Tuerney, and Psion

I would be interested in reading a review of AEG's magic. It is a line I have not gotten any of yet and I am always interested in at least hearing about good magic supplements.

Alas its about 4th or 5th in my queue right now.

I will see what I can do. I am still in the proccess of reading it.

So far I have mostly been impressed with it but I think a few classes could use some tweaking to be in line with the other arcane classes.

Unlike Psion and Crothian I do not really mind alternate classes to handle different paradigms of spellcasting, so I don't have a problem per se with the implementation of them in this book.

I'm not in a rush, I just saw this thread and saw that Crothian was pushing it back in his queue because nobody was speaking up about it. Of the ones being discussed it is the one I am most likely to consider getting eventually, I liked Mearls' work on Quint Wizard, and AEG's mercenaries looked impressive in the store.

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