The city sourcebook for Mongoose is called "Stonebridge- city of illusion". It details a rennaissance flavored city (Florence, Italy specifically) that is home to gnomes and a few copper dragons. The Patrono Drago, or Dragon Patrons, are a "family" of art loving dragons who give patronage to many artists in the city- they were inspired by the Medici family. Their favored artists are the Sognotore de la Sangue di Dragon, the Dreamers of the Dragon's Blood, a group of half-dragon gnome sorcerers with a natural gift for illusion magic- they were inspired by Leo DaVinci, Michaelangelo and their contemporaries. The book is centered around art and high culture- its my tribute to the glory of rennaissance Italy.
I know you didn't list them, but the latest Dragon article is SO COOL(tm) that I wanna share. It's all about the Far Realms, specifically about what happens when the Far Realms decides to pay a visit to sane space. It's got new templates and a trio of beasties that, IMO, pack more unsanity than any 10 monsters have a right to. If things go well, it's been suggested that it will become a short series of articles.
Patrick Y.