Discussion: Character Portraits & Requests

I'm using Gimp which is very similar. I can simulate most Photoshop functions. I don't know how often I'll do something like this, but I'd appreciate tips and advice.

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I assume then that gimp uses layers; can you blend those layers in different modes? I find that when recolouring it looks best if you use Multiply, Overlay or Screen rather than Colour, or in addition to a Colour layer if you want a more vivid result.

Subtle use of filters can help mesh different art styles, or a photo with CG. Rather than just applying a filter and leaving it at that, instead duplicate your image on a new layer then apply the filter, play with the transparency of the filtered layer. The example below uses the Cutout filter on photoshop over top of a photo.

EDIT: The pic isn't showing on the laptop I'm using, in case it's not isolated to me, here's a link pic
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Yeah gimp uses layers. I am familiar with the Overlay and Multiply modes but don't know screen off the top of my head. I bet it's just called something else in Gimp.

Here are two quick 10 minute jobs I've just done for two of the party in The Power of Knowledge so I have a picture to use on encounter maps. The base picture for Ceryx is the avenger class picture from the PHB2.

[sblock=Original Image (Skalisss)]
[sblock=Finished Portrait (Skalisss)]
[sblock=Finished Portrait (Ceryx)]

YAY! and just in time! I'll be editing his and most of my other characters sheets on the 15th or after. When the CB updates, new powers are going to become available that are far more appropriate for Pok than chilling cloud.

I like the detail work on inserting the diadem! His robes and hair are very close to what I had in mind as well.

All in all, another excellent character portrait, care of Fragsie!

Thanks so much!

Glad you like it! especially the diadem, because I wasn't sure of it myself.

I'm on form today with another finished picture:
[sblock=Original Image]
[sblock=Finished Portrait (Mikara II)]

Oh man! Fragsie! That's awesome. Don't take this the wrong way (cause the picture is awesome), but I've got some suggestions (mostly inspired by seeing your picture):

1. Of the four locks that protrude from the top of her hair to form bangs, go ahead and crop off the top one, and see if you can blend the one behind so that it looks like it's complete.

2. Also crop off the lock that covers her neck, so that the effect is like that of a pixie cut. i'm going for the Tinkerbell look here, but I think it's apropos. I know that exposing the neck might be a bit of work, but it'll have the effect I would like to see. Check out the photo to see the areas I mean.[sblock=circled areas show where the hair should be removed]

3. Try overlaying the background you used (which, by the way is perfect) on her armor, kind of like an active camo look. If it looks too cheesy, go ahead and pitch the idea, but I though it'd be worth a shot.

Some ideas to play with: Dried blood spatters on the armor, browner hair (though I do like reddish tint), lip color (purple is too stylish. We're going for rugged - for an elf).

I love the green eyes!

Thanks, man. This looks good.

I'm somewhat annoyed at myself; I seem to have forgotten to save Mikara's portrait in .psd format, which means I've lost all the layering and selection info; basically meaning to do everything you want I would have to redo a lot of stuff I've already done :-S

It shouldn't be too much hassle to remove a bit of length from the locks that cover the shoulder, but to make it look right I think it will still need to be slightly longer than the jawline (I'm a hairdresser in RL; never thought my training would be useful in D&D!). The bangs you want removing from the fringe may be more difficult because of the lighting, I will see what I can do, but no promises (i'll have to rebuild the background where they are too cos of the missing layers).

The hair and lip colour won't take long at all, but I'm very dubious about making the cammo thingy you suggest; I don't think it will work; or at least, I wouldn't know how to make it work. Where, and how much blood staining do you want?

Fragsie. If you have a png or jpg of the original background, it should be easy enough to do the active cammo. Simply import the background layer and scale it appropriately with a 30% or so opacity. Then smartselect the armor, switch to the background layer, invert the selection and delete. That should be it. If that doesn't look right, then you can pitch the idea.

I see your point about the jawline. In fact I think I can picture where you would cut it off, and that's fine with me. I'm no stylist, so I'm glad you're not blindly taking my advice. As for the bangs, the look I'm going for is a rough-cut, butch pixie look - chain-saw cut hair, a little mud smear here on the cheak, a little blood stain on the armor, etc..... As long as it's just a tad bit homelier than Kalidrev's Mikara, I'm cool with it. Right now, I think she looks prettier (no offense Kalidrev ;)).

I've got to say, though, that I'm not complaining. If I'm stuck with the first draft, I'll take it. Hey, you're doing this pro-bono, and it's really professional quality. Simply amazing!

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