First Post
Besides you? Mez & I, actually, but delivery is a good 6 months off, so I'm hoping all our adventures will be wrapped up by then so we can safely take a short break when the little one arrives.Yeah who are those guys?
As for Pis's resurrection/Twil's new character, I cannot comment. I think there is some serious roleplay that will happen at the end of this encounter that may effect the party's decision on that front.
For one thing, he's suddenly revealed as a changeling, a race highly distrusted in Eberron. For another, some characters may not feel the same about continuing the adventure at this stage as others. As Mez said, there's always the possibility that the group will decide with a dead comrade (potentially 2 if you consider Priam) and a dead employer there is little need to continue.
Should Twil make a new character, I'll stand by my earlier statement that you should play what you want because you don't know what group you'll be with. The thing about PbP is that you don't always stay with the same group or the same DM. I know that if I continue to play Tal when this adventure ends, there will be some serious changes to her attitude, and that could affect her desire to deal with certain types of people. I haven't got it all worked out yet. Like I said, there's going to be a lot of RP closing up this encounter that will decide a lot of things, I'm sure.
@Vel - Re: taking inspiration from our character backgrounds for your next adventure
You're free to take inspiration from just about anything for writing a new adventure, in my opinion. However, I cannot garauntee that this character will remain in play at the end of this one, or that she might be inclined to take up your next adventure if she does, simply because I think a lot of her goals and opinions might change if she remains in play. I'm not yet sure how I feel about that and continued RP in the current adventure will be a large factor.
- I'm pregnant
- Rezzing Pis should be determined IC
- Twil should play what he wants
- Vel can be inspired by anything
Sorry for long-windedness.