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Divine Ranks for Monstrous Deities


Creature Cataloguer
i'm not particularly concerned with either drow goddess - lolth because D&DG got her already, and eilistraee because she is FR-specific. :)

we can set up the gods using anything in the SRD, as far as i'm concerned. this may still be awhile in coming though, so please be patient. :) i've got other things on higher priority right now.

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The EN World kitten
BOZ said:
this may still be awhile in coming though, so please be patient. :) i've got other things on higher priority right now.

Because, of course, my previous post consisted of me screaming at you to do this now, Now, NOW! :p


Creature Cataloguer
OK, I've gathered up all the Intermediate deities (DR 11-15) from Monster Mythology, which is clearly the largest assortment by rank. The reason I'm going by rank instead of pantheon is an attempt to keep things consistent - that way we don't later go, "hey, this guy should be as powerful as that guy, so I wish we had made him a higher/lower rank!" also, I will be introducing gods from other sources after we go through the whole MM book.

This set may require a bit more thought for the sheer volume of gods, so take your time - we can comment on them in batches if that helps.

Sehanine (elf)
Aerdie Faenya (elf)
Erevan Ilesere (elf)
Hanali Celanil (elf)
Labelas Enoreth (elf)
Solonor Thelandira (elf)
Berronar Truesilver (dwarf)
Clangeddin Silverbeard (dwarf)
Dumathion (dwarf)
Vergadain (dwarf)
Abbathor (dwarf)
Baervan Wildwanderer (gnome)
Flandal Steelskin (gnome)
Segojan Earthcaller (gnome)
Urdlen (gnome)
Arvoreen (halfling)
Cyrrollalee (halfling)
Sheela Peryroyl (halfling)
Bahgtru (orc)
Ilneval (orc)
Shargaas (orc)
Yurtrus (orc)
Hruggek (bugbear)
Meriadar (non-evil goblinoids, mongrelmen)
Laduguer (duergar)
Diirinka (derro)
The Dark God (lost god)
Maanzecorian (illithid)
Psilofyr (myconid)
Callarduran Smoothhands (svirfneblin)
Grolantor (hill giants, ettins, ogres)
Memnor (evil cloud giants)
Skoreaus Stonebones (stone giants)
Deep Sashelas (aquatic elf)
Eadro (locathah, merfolk)
Koriel (ki-rin)
Panzuriel (evil sea creatures)
Persana (triton)
Sekolah (sahuagin)
Syranita (aarakocra)
Blibdoolpoolp (kuo-toa)
Merrshaulk (yuan-ti)
Chronepsis (dragon)
Kanchelsis (vampire)
Emmantiensien (treant)
Nathair Sgiathach (faerie dragon, pseudodragon)
Queen of Air and Darkness (evil fey)

My opinions:

Corellon is one of the most powerful nonhuman gods, with a DR of 19. he also has one of the largest pantheons. This chaotic pantheon has no real hierarchy, so it's debatable what positions these 6 Intermediate gods should take. I'd say at most, one or two of them should hold DR 15, and the rest be scattered from 11-14.

Moradin, also DR 19, has a handful of a pantheon himself. Being a lawful set, it's a bit easier to tell where everyone fits in. Berronar and Clangeddin are clearly Moradin's most trusted companions, and should have DR 15 or perhaps 14. I would rate Abbathor lower than either of those two, because he opposes the other gods and I would not want him to be too powerful compared to them. Dumathion and Vergadain are fairly important but should also be lower than Moradin's top two, so maybe anywhere between 11-13.

Garl, DR 18, rules over another sizeable pantheon of mostly good deities. Like the elf pantheon, it is a bit hard to tell where everyone fits. Flandal, perhaps, should be the highest of them, maybe DR 13-14. Urdlen should be 11 or 12. the nature powers Segojan and Baervan should probably be in between Flandal and Urdlen.

Yondalla, also DR 18, has a bit of a smaller pantheon than the rest of her contemporaries. Arvoreen seems to place himself in a more active role, so maybe DR 13-15. Cyrrollalee and Sheela can be from 11-13.

Gruumsh is one of the least of the greater deities, at DR 16. He would want to rule his pantheon with an iron fist, so I wouldn't expect to see any gods closer than two ranks below him. Baghtru and Ilneval are his lieutenants, so probably DR 13 or 14. Shargaas and Yurtrus are somewhat outsiders in the pantheon, so maybe DR 11 to 13 (but lower than Baghtru and Ilneval).

Maglubiyet, DR 16 as we've decided, doesn't rule over the other goblinoid gods as well as he wishes he did. Most of them are much less powerful than he is. Hruggek rules over the bugbear sect, and owes nothing to Mags - I'd say he is a firm DR 15. Meriadar is an outsider among goblinoids, perhaps just struggling to keep a DR 11 or 12.

Laduguer - only god of the duergar. DR 14 or 15.
Diirinka - only sane god of the derro. DR 13 or 14.
The Dark God - not even sure what he qualifies as, as his rank tends to shift. Maybe DR 11 since he can become a Lesser god?
Maanzecorian - a dead illithid god, but hey he could be alive in some people's campaigns. We put Ilsenine at 18, but this one could be at any rank, even 15.
Psilofyr - god of the myconids, a very benevolent mediator, probably DR 11-13.
Callarduran Smoothhands - god of the svirfneblin, DR 13-15.

Grolantor - a very strong giant god, but his followers tend to be stupid. DR 12-14 I'd say.
Memnor - a very intelligent god, DR 14-15.
Skoreaus Stonebones - son of Annam (DR 19) who doesn't involve himself in giantish affairs. DR 12-14.

Deep Sashelas - see my comments above for elf gods. :)
Eadro - a somewhat lesser, aloof god. Maybe DR 11-13.
Koriel - a powerful god of the sky, DR 13-15.
Panzuriel - this skulking, banished god should be DR 11 or 12
Persana - a minor goddess, I'd say DR 11-13
Sekolah - this vicious god should be DR 15 or 14
Syranita - this deity's people are fairly gentle and weak, so she should be DR 11-13

Blibdoolpoolp - this ancient, powerful goddess should be DR 15 or 14
Merrshaulk - this god is slumbering and in decline, his power has waned so that he should be DR 11 or as much as 12 now
Chronepsis - when we converted the dragon gods, we set him at DR 15, and I see no reason to change that now.

Kanchelsis - a very minor god, should be DR 11-12

Emmantiensien - one of the most powerful sylvan gods, I'd set him at DR 13-15
Nathair Sgiathach - this minor draconic deity should be from DR 11-13
Queen of Air and Darkness - based on what Krishnath said above, I'd put her at DR 15

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Krishnath said:
Titania - 18
Queen of Air and Darkness - 18
Oberon - 15
Annam - 19
Stronmaus - 18
Hiatea - 17
Great Mother - 18 (although according to I, Tyrant she is so alien that not even her own offspring understands her.)
Ilsenine - 18
Shekinester - 18
What racial pantheon do these guys belong to?


First Post
Frukathka said:
What racial pantheon do these guys belong to?
Titania, Queen of Air and Darkness, Oberon = Faerie.

Annam, Stronmaus, Hiatea = Giant.

Great Mother = Beholder (should have an int of 1 btw, if I,Tyrant is to be belived).

Ilsenine = Mindflayer/Illithid.

Shekinester = Naga.


First Post
Well, I primarily agree with what you stated (except with the Queen of Air and Darkness, I still think her DR should be on par with Titania :p), so I have no real comments on it.


Creature Cataloguer
well, just need to start nailing down specific DR's... we can take them one or two pantheons at a time if that helps. ;)

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