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DMing burnout


I should also mention that a good deal of my DM burnout stems from feeling like it's an overwhelming task to come up with each session. I've started making a list of all the major goals the PCs have, and updating it in my notes each week. It's really helped me figure out what I need to prepare for, and generally brainstorm more ideas for how these things will get resolved.


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ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Zulgyan said:
Try Castles and Crusades. It was my healing potion from D&D 3.x burnout damage. ;)

Gah. I can't tell you how many people told me this, completely ignoring that I was suffering from DM burnout.

Take a break instead of trying to switch games. While I found that switching games worked for me for SHORT TERM relief, it just made the actual burnout worse in the long run.


First Post
Nareau said:
I should also mention that a good deal of my DM burnout stems from feeling like it's an overwhelming task to come up with each session. I've started making a list of all the major goals the PCs have, and updating it in my notes each week. It's really helped me figure out what I need to prepare for, and generally brainstorm more ideas for how these things will get resolved.


Oh man, have I been there before. I just recently took a big step back from 3.5 for the foreseeable future. DM burnout and game burnout added ontop are just horrible things. Luckily for me, I'm leaving to go train for the RCMP in a couple of weeks so there won't be any gaming for 6 months. I'll be chomping at the bit to get back into the GM saddle when I graduate, however.


First Post
LoneWolf23 said:
...I hate doing this to my players, but what's a gamer to do?
Uhm.....stop gaming *every* week?

After college I discovered longer times between sessions = better time for the DM.

A simple equation, really.


First Post
A weekly game is brutal on the DM. I'm not going to suggest switching rulesets .. if I were, I'd have recommendations ... and I will say that that can help. However, moving to twice a month would help just as much. You've just GOT to have enough time in between sessions to let your creative mojo rejuvenate itself. Two weeks is a lot better for that than weekly. Lordy, I haven't played a weekly game since 2003, I think.


First Post
I will reiterate what others have said here;

If you want to continue gaming have sessions further apart.
If you need a break from all gaming then take a hiatus for a few weeks/months/years, whatever you need

Try other games, although I suggest Munchkin as a great alternative to your normal RPG.
Let someone else GM as you play instead.

Read some good books and watch some wacky TV/Movies for inspiration and recharge your batteries. If you are able, go to a Convention to help recharge your batteries and talk with other GMs as to how to further avoid burnout. As for these boards this same topic comes up at least once every couple of months and there is some great ideas on here, just have to take a bit of time to look for them.

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