Level Up (A5E) Do material spell components always require a free hand in A5E?


A couple of further notes on this topic:
  • The only V,M Bard spells are Feather Fall, Light, Mass Suggestion, Suggestion, Teleportation Circle, and Tongues.
  • Proclaimer synergy feat allows Bard/Herald voice as their divine focus for Herald spells to cast spells with: V; V,M; but not V,S nor V,S,M. However, the only V,M Herald spell is the Light cantrip, so this feat portion has no real benefit.

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And one more:
  • Bladechanter feat allows Fighter/Wizard to use dual-wielded melee weapons as focus & for seen components, V, V,M; V,S,M; and V,S.


One more thing to add, from page 324 of the LUA5E Adventurer's Guide:

Hands-Free Shield (+25 gp cost): "This shield mounts to your arm, leaving your hand free." Only hand-mounted weapons (brass knuckles and punching dagger) can be wielded in that hand, but it does leave the hand free to cast spells with seen and material components.

So with a hands-free shield on one arm (and not using a hand-mounted weapon on that hand), there's no need for the Battle Caster feat to perform seen components when using a weapon in your other hand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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