Level Up (A5E) Do Player Characters Have Average Population Stat Distributions?

Are hero PCs bound to average population statistics?

  • I agree with the proposition: PCs do not have to follow average population stats of NPCs

    Votes: 62 69.7%
  • I disagree: if the average NPC orc is stronger, PC orcs also have to be stronger on average

    Votes: 27 30.3%

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So negative connotations and acts are just fine, so long as you don't talk about it?
Don’t troll, you know what I’m saying. You “evil” races are a bad idea. You can’t have “this race murders people a lot as an immutable fact of their genetics” in your book and pretend thats ok.

Don’t troll, you know what I’m saying. You “evil” races are a bad idea. You can’t have “this race murders people a lot as an immutable fact of their genetics” in your book and pretend thats ok.
Murder, assault, robbery, etc. are all things that give people a great deal of fear and harm and even PTSD, every day. If we want to not harm those, we need to get rid of these harmful, too. I find the idea of, "It's okay to offend and harm these people, but not those people." to be weak sauce. If you're going to hold the view that you shouldn't offend and harm people, you should be consistent in your beliefs and practices.

Edit: And don't call me names again or I will report it. I don't troll anyone who is not already trolling.

Murder, assault, robbery, etc. are all things that give people a great deal of fear and harm and even PTSD, every day. If we want to not harm those, we need to get rid of these harmful, too. I find the idea of, "It's okay to offend and harm these people, but not those people." to be weak sauce. If you're going to hold the view that you shouldn't offend and harm people, you should be consistent in your beliefs and practices.

Edit: And don't call me names again or I will report it. I don't troll anyone who is not already trolling.
As much as its funny, if you don’t want to or can’t understand the argument that maybe tying crimes to genetics is a bad idea, I’m not interested in going further with this.

Murder, assault, robbery, etc. are all things that give people a great deal of fear and harm and even PTSD, every day. If we want to not harm those, we need to get rid of these harmful, too. I find the idea of, "It's okay to offend and harm these people, but not those people." to be weak sauce. If you're going to hold the view that you shouldn't offend and harm people, you should be consistent in your beliefs and practices.

Edit: And don't call me names again or I will report it. I don't troll anyone who is not already trolling.
1. That's completely missing the point as to why people aren't okay with seeing systemic prejudice -- specifically racism here, but also LGBTphobia and ableism -- being mindlessly repeated in popular culture.

The horse that is racial essentialism has been beaten to death, but chuds keep insisting on animating its corpse because they just can't let go of their oh-so-important "traditions", so have yet another thread on why racial essentialism is bad, one that will probably fall on deaf ears (again).

EDIT: here, have another one

2. ... Actually, no, you do have a point. The fact that so many RPGs promote a cartoonish framing violence without reflection on its consequences, even if solely to provide an escapist outlet for real-life frustrations and feelings of powerlessness, is bad. Let's promote RPG design that doesn't encourage violence, that focus on non-violent means of conflict resolution, that have more in-depth social and character mechanics, maybe even games that play with narrative control. There's already a whole host of games in the market that explore that model, games that... aren't D&D...


... yeeeeeeeaaaaaah, D&D's pretty violent...

Can't exactly make Level Up the ren faire version of Monsterhearts or Dream Askew, or else all the anti-storygame crusaders are gonna throw the mother of all fits...

Well bollocks.

Take it to RPG General?
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As much as its funny, if you don’t want to or can’t understand the argument that maybe tying crimes to genetics is a bad idea, I’m not interested in going further with this.
You're the one who brought it there. I haven't said one word about genetics. I'm just arguing that offense and harm is offense and harm. Not all offense and harm is equal, but why is it okay to offend and harm people via murder, assault and other things which we KNOW are hard on the many, many people who have experienced it, but not okay to offend and harm people for other reasons?
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You're the one who brought it there.

Mod Note:

You seem to have missed the part with, "I'm not interested in going further with this." That means stop.

So, it is time for you to stop. Meaning, do not continue. Let it go. Drop it.

I hope that makes it clear. Respect for other posters means that you don't keep going when they say they want to stop. Basic consent, you know?
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So if I rolled all my NPCs 3d6 in order, you'll roll that way for your character??
Sometimes I like to roll 3d6 in order, and figure out who I'm playing after that. It's a nice change of pace, and makes me feel like I have to work with what the universe gives me (just like in real life). Of course, I wouldn't want to do that every time, but it can be really cool if you don't know what you want to play.

So if I rolled all my NPCs 3d6 in order, you'll roll that way for your character??
That's not the argument. The argument is that the NPCs and PCs need to be within the same ranges and with the same racial abilities. So if Orcs get +2 strength, that bonus should be for both PCs and NPCs. That results in 5-20 range for Strength. It's okay for NPCs to roll 3d6 and PCs to roll 4d6-L, since in both cases the only ranges possible to both are 5-20 for Strength.

Again, PCs can be special. We don't have a problem with that.

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