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Do you think you will play on DDI?

Do you think you will play DDI

  • Almost Surely

    Votes: 28 18.3%
  • Prolly

    Votes: 26 17.0%
  • I have to try it

    Votes: 21 13.7%
  • Not likely

    Votes: 41 26.8%
  • No way

    Votes: 37 24.2%


First Post
No way.

I'm not paying fifteen extra bucks a month to play D&D. There are plenty of players near me that I can meet with face-to-face. I'm already shelling out too much money with my 4E preorder (even with the discount), and again when I buy the 4E FR books, splats, etc. I also do not support having Dragon or Dungeon magazines online.

If I wanted to game online, I'd play an MMO. Not saying it's the same, but I don't want to stare at a screen anymore than I already do (work, info at home, etc.). I like the social contact (such as it is) and a computer application will never replace that or do it justice.

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First Post
It's interesting that people equate the VTT with costing $15 per month. For me, I start off at $10 per month (I'll drop the product if it's not worth committing to, basically), and go

Dungeon & Dragon $2
Rules Database $3
Character Creator, Visualizer & Mapper Programs $1

Which leaves me at, what, $4? If they increase the value of Dungeon by having the modules ready in the VTT, up the value on that. Dragon value should _probably_ go up as well, but I'm currently discounting them heavily. I'm very prepared to say they're worth $5+ on their own depending on how things look come June.

Long term, it may be that the VTT is something free I get with my subscription to the stuff I want to the tabletop _anyways_.


First Post
As long as it's stable, yes. I'm not using it so much for the software itself as for access to the player base.

I'm also looking forward to playing in some pickup games and hopefully some RPGA events.


First Post
Can't imagine it.

I'm a face-to-face gamer, pure and simple. I tried things like UO and WoW and didn't enjoy them; I tried chat-gaming and didn't care for it. Somehow I doubt DI is going to be my cuppa either.


First Post
keterys, why do you keep mentioning $10? Has the "longer subscription discount" been confirmed to work out to that rate, or are you just extrapolating some other MMO's discounts?

In any event, I plan on checking it out. My hope is that it will be useful and handy as a tabletop supplement, and I look forward to using it to add in another game with Internet people if it's a tolerable experience that way, too.


I will (if even) only use it in my face to face games, instead of a battlemat. We've been using Interactive Dungeon for years now, and I might use DDI if it has ID's features and more, AND can be used at a common table.


Probably. I've talked with some guys that I only know online about it, and there was interest. Even if that doesn't pan out, it might still see some use as one of my players might find himself on the road a lot for his job.


First Post
DDI is not for me.

Being on the computer and playing will be a major hassle. Both my wife and I play weekly and we use the face-to-face game as a getaway from the house. If we played on DDI, then only one of us could be using the computer (unless they allow one computer-multiple character users) and we will get distracted with things that have to be done around the house. Not nearly as fun.

So, while DDI is free, we'll likely use it as a rule database, but once it starts to charge, we'll be opting out.


First Post
Almost definately. I have to see the finished product to be certain though.

I only game with my table, face to face, bi-weekly due to families and distances. If we adopt the VTT we are looking at running our off-weeks online, or maybe running completely online every week and taking one week a month off to get together and do movies and dinner.

I don't game with anyone else, and I'm dying to actually play in some RPGA living campagns. I'm seriously considering cutting out my MMO addiction and seeing if I and some (or all) of my players can find seats with one or more DMs for regular online games one or two other nights each week.


Probably not…

The thing I want most from DDI is an computerized character sheet, with day of release (or at least within a week) additions of the supplements when they come out. Sounds like DDI may be offering this, but I'm not sure they've said if this will be a client app or a web app. If it's a web app, I can use it with my Mac, if it's a Windows-only client app, I'm screwed.

The Rules Compendium could be great too, if the update it with errata regularly.

The Dragon and Dungeon magazines sound great online in concept, but I want to see how good/frequent the articles are.

I don't care AT ALL about the character visualizer. Waste of time IMO.

The map making tools are potentially cool, but Windows-only.

The game table features I probably won't use, but can understand their appeal to others. Windows-only.

So I'm slightly tempted by the whole, but there are enough features that won't work on my computer to make me lean towards not getting it.

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