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DocHazards M&M Teen Game - GAME FULL

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Hi all,

I have a character concept which has been emailed to DH. As soon as it is approved, I'll post more about it here.

BTW, what PL are we talking about for this game?


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i have a pl 8 character finshed based on Shou lung the dragon of Good Luck. i need to know the pl of the game. he has luck powers & sight based powers & his eyes are reptilian


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Three ideas.. two are good

The first character is "The Natural" he is super stong and tough and is so sure of himself that he won't play sports because he feels it is not fair to everyone else. He is that good in his minds eye. He is also a grade behind so though he may be an underclassman he is a bit old for where he should be. This gets to him and often clashes with/fuels his arrogance.

The second Character is "Spooky" he is a small kid with the power to phase in and out of shadows. He get a lot of guff from everyone and is the closest thing to the token goth kid. He always carries a flashlight and some other basic lights in his pockets in case he needs to make some shadows to head into. He is not quite sure why he gets picked on so much .. to him their are others mroe worthy of getting harrased. Truth is he does not get it anymore then anyone else at school. Spooky just tends to be a bit over sensitive when it comes to these things and indside likes being the "different" kid .. especially in a school filled with them.

The third is "Gremlin" He has nulification electricity and basically shuts off anything electric that he touchs. He can extend it out a bit with some effort but he can't use any electronic devices.. or anything that requires a charge. he is from a well to do family and is all around well adjusted.. as much as any high schol age kid can be. He is often seen with a Yo-Yo as that is one toy he can enjoy. No gameboy for him. His favorite toy/mischeve device is a pocket rocket.. a slingshot. Low tech and perfect for having a bit of fun. He does not seem to mind the fact that he is not able to use any electronic devices .. he actually takes amusement in how dependent people are on them and likes the fact that he can make people realize this by showing them the hard way how much they rely on their gadgets.

Those are my three ideas.. I prefer the latter two.


Growing up in an abusive home with active telepathy nearly drove him mad, Sigil however became tough, far tougher than he'd appear for a rail thin young man. Being pulled out of his home and put into foster care finally saved him before he began lashing out, with time and care he has become a gentle, if quiet young man prone to brooding. He isn't a shy bookish telepath, he's seen the worst of mankind, and is willing to fight back for others. He may be quiet as a mouse, unless there is need, and woe to those who raise his ire, for his mind can strike like thunder.

Half Japanese/Caucasian, the young man who takes the name Photonstorm despises the presumptions about his "race" he doesn't know martial arts, he isn't into philosphy or Buddha, or Taoism--in fact he's your typical teen chasing girls, wanting a nice car, but a bit too poor to manage. He doe slike manga, but prefers american superhero comic books. Photonstorm can transform into living light--although sometimes he does so uncontrollably his hair, eyes, hands oor other parts flare into light. Transformed he's a blue and white "firestorm" of light. His only "attack" is to launch a dazzling blast of light.

The young man who takes the "nick" Tether has always wanted to be a superhero, he's blessed with all the things you'd expect, looks, athleticism, brains, but for power? Well he got stuck with an odd one, Tether can generate bond of weblike/ropelike "solid ectoplasm" he can tie up foes, or wrap up objects--and once tethered he can heft them like they weighed nothing (Telekinesis visible effect, shortish range, likely slinging for movement)
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SilverLion he said pl 6-8 so we need to pin him down on one pl ;)

I have another done & i think this is the one i really want to do his name is Art. He is 15 & is more interested in creating works of art then anything else. he is very poor & his art was his main joy. About a year ago he devolped the abilility that when struck he sometimes generate a solid between him & the attack. in the last year he has learned some control & can create things. he practices by createing art. :cool:


Riled: I really like Spooky, he's my favorite of your three, Gremlin is pretty cool as well.

Water: I like art, although I thought he had to /draw/ things before he could create them (which made a much more interesting character to me..but oh well :) )


Well, I haven't heard back from DH on any of my character ideas so far, so I'll just post them here as are the rest of you.

A true kid genius, Prodigy has an accelerated brain chemistry. Basically, this chemistry allows the neural pathways of his brain to transmit signals with less impedance, thus enabling him to 'think more quickly'. This quality gives Prodigy better access to the more remote parts of his brain (ie memory) and allows for better storage (ie learning). This also gives Prodigy a far quicker response time than normal folks, and he can act and move more quickly than most people.

Prodigy is highly analytical, and while this is certainly a strength, it is also a weakness when it comes to social situations. While Prodigy is very intellectually mature, he is not at all experienced or comfortable in social situations, and has a major drawback in this regard. He often retreats into a shell when required to speak in front of others, or even to strangers in certain circumstances.

In essence, Prodigy's powers would be Super Dex and Super Int, and perhaps a bit of Super Speed or just Running. I may add Super Senses or Super Wisdom if I have enough points. He is actually pre-med already (at age 15), and his skills would reflect that training, as well as computers (his second love) and science (his other interest).

Aria & Megaton
These two characters are actually brother (Megaton) and sister (Aria), but we can NPC one of them if need be.

Aria has the ability to emit an ear-piercing scream when struck by any object. In fact, she cannot control this emission. The sound is so powerful that it can shatter windows and glass objects and also deafen those in close proximity.

Megaton has the ability to literally explode when struck by any object. Like his sister, Megaton cannot control this explosion. Megaton becomes incorporeal following this explosion, but can reform at any time. The explosion covers a large area, and can cause a lot of property damage and/or injuries to those in close proximity.

Aria and Megaton can negate each other's powers when within 30' or so, and often travel together to prevent a potential problem. They are also mentally linked and can communicate telepathically.


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My thoughts on peoples characters

INSIGHT- I like prodigy better then aria and megaton. Tough of those two I like Aria better. I would like to see how you would play prodigy.

SILVERLION- I like Sigil and Tether.. I lean more towards Tether as I like the nature of his powers and that he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Also I like that he really wants to be a super hero.. that would be a good character type to have in the game I think.

WATERDRAGON- Art needs a new name and I like his idea and power concept but I think I would like to see him a bit less tragic.. he can be poor but why not happy and content with his abilties to the point he really wants for nothing...

that is my two cents

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