@Don Durito: Except you don't have an near-endless supply of slots for Healing Word so how reliable is it?
really, honestly, don't see what the issue is with healing word... It hardly ever gets used or even prepared IME. But anyway...
It isn't the fact that PCs can get healed and back into the fight, the problems as I see them are:
1. there is no downside for having gone down... no lingering effect or penalty when you get back into the fight.
2. the amount healed is usually so little that just about
any hit will put the PC down again and instead of pulling back for further healing, the PC insists on staying in and being a target.
For some people, #1 isn't a problem. For me, it is, so we added exhaustion and other things to represent that going to 0 HP
IS a big deal, even if you get healed a bit.
#2 isn't as big an issue at higher levels when you can do stronger healing spells, but at lower levels it is a bigger problem IME.
For #2, you can emphasize how dangerous going to 0 HP and getting right back into the fight can be. Lots of ways to do this IMO. OR you can make it so healing is more effective (even at lower levels) so getting back into the fight isn't as "dangerous" but might be costly in some other fashion? Again, lots of ways to do this.
So, anything I am missing other than items #1 and 2 above?