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Does anyone have some Epic PCs ?


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Herremann the Wise said:
However when the closeted wizard had been asked, he claimed no knowledge of the events, “I assure you Lord Demar I know nothing of this. If it is magical as you describe, then it is of a distressingly powerful magnitude. We must investigate.”

The others somewhat curious as well decided to head out and follow Abacus’s suggestion. (You have to understand that not much worries this group; they are pretty powerful – 11th to 13th level)

So I was reading HtW's Story Hour, and came across the following passage, which took my fancy in a particular manner. Aside from the fact that the writing is engaging enough after about 30 lines that I'm starting threads in response to it, my first, completely sponteneous thought in reaction to the part that I put in bold was "Mine Would."

You see, my L19 group acts in much the same manner as the group described above, and I imagine would give the group above some serious pause for thought.

But then I thought: Who is the next bigger dog ?

So, if anyone is interested: I would love to see other PCs, that people are actually playing, from about level 20 to 25 (stats if you can be bothered). Please say in your post if you object to me handing the stats to my DM to use as opponents for our group, or at least to inspire him (no I will never post that I 'killed' your epic character, and that you may as well stop playing in your campaign :D ).



PS: maybe your epic character will kill mine :eek:

Edit: PPS: I promise I did not pick the "Dragon" tag.

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in my sig, click on Inoke. That'll take you to a thread with his stats and a couple other characters of the levels you're looking for.

the Jester

Brain beat me to it- I run a party of epic pcs, though that group's been on pause while we play the first chunk of a low-magic campaign experiment.

I'm almost at the point at which we'll be returning to the other groups, though. The low-magic group just has to uncover a conspiracy and discover somethin' funny about the elves (who are missing from the low-magic campaign, having vanished long ago).


My current campaign has PCs in the 12-13 range, and they've got the swagger of a group double that level at times.

However my last campaign I believe the PCs ended around level 26 or 27 or so. I might be able to have them give some copies of their characters, though there's a ton of custom PrCs, custom feats, one chosen of a deity, etc.

They were, as I recall it (including the actual level breakdown as I remember):

Clueless: Half-fey wizard/fighter/bladesinger/custom caster PrC/2nd custom caster PrC
Fyrehowl: Lupinal barbarian/monk/cipher (faction PrC from Dragon mag)
Tristol: Aasimar wizard/archmage (chosen of deity)
Nisha: Tiefling wiz1/rogue 15/Xaositect 10 (faction PrC from Dragon mag)
Florian: Human cleric 21/divine disciple 5
Toras: Half celestial fighter/custom PrC
Aiden: human cleric 16/custom PrC

We also had some other PCs that drifted in or out with their players (such as Kiro the 'cleric of Sutekh'), or who died, or who became NPCs for various reasons (such as Skalliska the kobold rogue/wizard/gatecrasher)


Hi Goddess Fallen Angel,

One of your characters in your group (the Rogue one) has a Chromnomancer level - can you tell me which book this is from please?

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