This might surprise folks, but the only new edition I was excited about was 5E.
My first new edition was 3E. I couldn't figure out the crunch for a few years. It was a shock moving forward from 2E. I had to stop being the DM for a while so another DM could teach me.
I fell off 4E quickly, then came back, then fell off again. I had to play it the official way and didn't feel like it had much room for customization.
5E felt like a return to form, kinda like what 3E should've been to ease the transition from 2E. It felt like a greatest hits of D&D in the early days, basically up to and including Tomb of Annihilation.
So what happened to my enjoyment? Maybe it was Tasha's? Maybe it was a string of disappointing adventure modules? Maybe the Critical Role effect? Maybe I just got burned out during its long lifespan?
Fortunately, I'm finding that I can enjoy other games - Dragonbane at the moment.
I'm disappointed that I don't care for 5E anymore and that 5.24 isn't the revision I wanted it to be. To use a retro video game analogy, it seems like the Sega 32X, which can play new games and the old games but it still attached to the old hardware that pulls it back.