D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

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Golden Vault, Planescape, Vecna, 2024 books, Phandelver.
Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Rime of the Frostmaiden, Witchlight… a tad early as my cutoff point, Tasha’s works better for me

And Phandelver got pretty damning reviews, Vecna pretty middling ones, so not good redemption examples

Then you prefer people less likely to try new things, take risk, make investment in alternatives or you know do anything that isn’t tried and tested already.
No, I prefer people that do not do stupid stuff in the first place. WotC’s problem is not that they are this bleeding edge innovative that sometimes things are being pushed too far, it’s that they make stupid mistakes that would be easy to avoid
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People have been upset with changes to D&D since longer than that. 2e is still the pariah ruleset for removing half-orcs, monks and assassins and changing bards and rangers. I'm sure if you go back far enough you will find people who played B/X disliked what AD&D did. The only thing you can be certain of is that if you ask 10 D&D fans about the game, you'll get 11 different opinions.
Some people never want change others say they want change and then are upset when it's not the exact change they want.

Sure, people have been arguing rules minutiae since forever. Those, however, aren’t the reasons being listed in this thread as reasons to leave 5e behind.

TSR made a ton of controversial decisions it's why they were often referred to as T$R. They threatened to sue everyone under the sun if they did anything DnD related for example. It's just that the internet was relatively new and while I participated in forums back then it was not as common and of course youtube wasn't a thing.

Yeah, but that's because not many people are actually looking at / using products from the indie-sphere and the ones that are are there specifically because they want to be there. Whereas we have hundreds of thousands more people in the D&D-sphere-- many of whom don't even play D&D anymore but still hang around because it's the biggest place for TTRPGers to congregate and talk about gaming and they hate being left out-- and thus there are millions of voices all arguing and wanting something different.

Even here on these boards we have people who say specifically they don't play D&D 5E because they don't like it... but continue to post here in the D&D 5E sub-board because it's where most of us are talking. Apparently sticking to just the Pathfinder or Level Up sub-boards aren't enough for them, even though they are specifically about the games they play and enjoy. Which is why if I had to guess... there's more vitriol here in the D&D 5E sub-board than there is over in the Pathfinder and Level Up ones... cause those of us who couldn't care less about those games don't go over there just to pee in their punch.
I agree with the general sentiment but feel that excluding dissenting elements from discussions would only create an echo chamber. Perhaps you should go to the OSR or Pathfinder boards and argue over how crappy those games are. I’m sure those who do want to discuss other games would love to partake in a more stimulating back and forth about something other than 5e.

TSR made a ton of controversial decisions it's why they were often referred to as T$R. They threatened to sue everyone under the sun if they did anything DnD related for example. It's just that the internet was relatively new and while I participated in forums back then it was not as common and of course youtube wasn't a thing.

This thread was about WotC and 5e though. And isn’t it great people are more informed today?

People were upset with 3e, 4e, changes to orcs, gold dragons, gnolls being fiends, not changing the rules of best selling version of the game enough or changing it too much.
and yet none of these were on the list of things of WotC caused outrages / tempests in a teacup. it was things like the Pinkertons and Blurgate

I agree with the general sentiment but feel that excluding dissenting elements from discussions would only create an echo chamber. Perhaps you should go to the OSR or Pathfinder boards and argue over how crappy those games are. I’m sure those who do want to discuss other games would love to partake in a more stimulating back and forth about something other than 5e.
Dissenting elements just becomes thread-derailing negativity. It's tiresome. There are some I can't ignore here because they pull entire discussions towards their discontent with 5e. Civil as it might be, it's never eye opening, inspiring or fun.

This might surprise folks, but the only new edition I was excited about was 5E.
My first new edition was 3E. I couldn't figure out the crunch for a few years. It was a shock moving forward from 2E. I had to stop being the DM for a while so another DM could teach me.
I fell off 4E quickly, then came back, then fell off again. I had to play it the official way and didn't feel like it had much room for customization.
5E felt like a return to form, kinda like what 3E should've been to ease the transition from 2E. It felt like a greatest hits of D&D in the early days, basically up to and including Tomb of Annihilation.
So what happened to my enjoyment? Maybe it was Tasha's? Maybe it was a string of disappointing adventure modules? Maybe the Critical Role effect? Maybe I just got burned out during its long lifespan?
Fortunately, I'm finding that I can enjoy other games - Dragonbane at the moment.
I'm disappointed that I don't care for 5E anymore and that 5.24 isn't the revision I wanted it to be. To use a retro video game analogy, it seems like the Sega 32X, which can play new games and the old games but it still attached to the old hardware that pulls it back.

I agree with the general sentiment but feel that excluding dissenting elements from discussions would only create an echo chamber.
You speak as though it isn't possible to get actual quality conversation in a chamber where everyone actually likes the topic being discussed. I think that is not at all correct. Because questions, answers and ideas can be given and answered actually meaningfully, without also having to separate the wheat from the chaff of the people clogging up the conversation screaming about how it all sucks anyway so why are you even bothering to talk about it?

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