It's very convenient you keep ignoring what I say about what they're doing now.
Never played it; don't know anything about it except for the animation errors in the first game. I didn't even know they were in RDR2 until people started saying that the Pinkertons are these poor innocent people not like how they're depicted in it, WotC did nothing wrong, waah, go buy their books.
Unless you could illegally spying on people who are trying to form unions.
Then why did WotC deal with the distributors first? Or why seize the cards right then and there, instead of waiting until they had found out which distributor it was, then getting the cards back? For that matter, if "WotC is remaining quiet about that," how do we know they were actually stolen by anyone in the first place instead of released by accident?
Are these private firefighters spying on or trying to sabotage union-makers?
Why do you keep insisting I have a "Wild West" image of them when I keep referring to things they've done within this century? Even a couple of years ago. Not 150 years ago.
Honest opinion time?
I think some of y'all think that we're judging you for buying D&D books and so are looking for any excuse to make us into the bad guys or to claim we're stupidly uninformed, so you don't have to feel judged.
I mean, seriously, what's your endgame here? "WotC did nothing wrong, so it's dumb of you to 'throw away your books'"?
Ah the union busting scandal where the pinkertons reported how many people were going to union meetings and tracked union activity via publicly posted on facebook and instagram. If any laws were actually broken can you provide a link? Wait what am I talking about you can just declare something and not do any research because PINKERTONS. I'm pro union and I'm not defending amazon's morals here in any way I just don't think this is the major scandal you're making it out to be. So when you claim a company is a blazing inferno of evil I take it with a grain of salt and actually found the article on that explained what happened.
A shipment of cards was either stolen or mistakenly sent out so wotc went to the largest detective company in the world to find out what happened. If you ever bothered following up on the actual facts of the case you'd know that even the person that showed off the cards thinks the whole incident was blown way out of proportion. In addition the statements on the podcast don't mention that he had been contacted multiple times and had never replied. But don't let details like that stop the outrage machine.