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Doom of the Savage Kings


Between Gratien's heightened senses and Tender's knowledge of earth and stone the two are pretty certain there are no hidden passageways. All that is here in this dripping pit is the supernatural, boiling pool.

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Gate? Maybe. It is certainly a potential conduit of great power. If only he studied it a bit longer then maybe he would gain a better understanding of what they were dealing with.

Lizt grew restless. She held her shortsword in front of herself in both hands, then marched directly into the pool/pit. If someone moved to stop her, she ran full steam ahead for the pit and leapt in.

OOC: What happens?

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Homer and Hank both cry out, "No, Wait" Franko stands and watches in wide eyed wonder as Lizt runs for the liquid pool.


Hank's contemplation of the black pool is interrupted by Lizt's mad dash and leap into the pool. The liquid is searing hot and Lizt can feel her skin redden and begin to burn.

OOC: DC 10 Fort save, please.


While the liquid is scalding hot on Lizt's skin it isn't burning her. It is uncomfortable and the skin reddens where the liquid touches her but not anywhere near the blistering she expected. Lizt is also still on this plane. If the pool is a gate of some sort then she doesn't have the means to open it. However, as she stands in the boiling, dark water, the surface stills and becomes flat and featureless except for those reflected in its surface. It continues to billow smoke but not as before: a stream of smoke curls around in a thick mass and settles on the ground not far from the rest of the group. The smoke condenses and takes on more definite form until before you is the monstrous Hound of Hirot.

GM: The Hound materializes and the party is up!

Gratien drew and strung his bow. If he could, he also fitted an arrow to the bow and loosed a shot at the Hound. He didn't, however, move. [roll0] for [roll1]

Lizt already had her shortsword out. She charged the Hound with an angry shout, and leapt at the beast, hacking at it. Something of the dead Alois seemed to influence her actions. [roll2] for [roll3].

Voidrunner's Codex

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