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Doom of the Savage Kings

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Huh. Curios thing that. Yes, lets see what is up there."

ooc: If there is a grue up there that tries to eat him he is gunna scream!

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Deuce Traveler

OOC: Just make sure you scream, 'Grue!' Not 'Groo!'


Gratien stood by and watched Hank poke around in the seam. Gratien was silent, his large eyes dilated in the dim torchlight. He loosed his sword in its scabbard, then eventually grew restless, and drew the blade. The flickering light from the torch gleamed idly along the shadowed metal of the sword.

Alois and Lizt peered down the closest stairway, trying to see a bit better now that the group had torches. Neither one moved to enter the stairs; rather, they stood at the top and looked down, trying to see the bottom and what might lie beyond.


Using Tender and Boral's boost Hank can see into the space at the top of the door. It is a small passage, two feet in height and only a bit wider, with a rough stone floor and a ceiling of woven branches and roots. It slopes gently upwards and curves so that it is impossible to see far.

The staircases are at least thirty feet back the way the group came and currently in the dark. Looking down the steps as the group passed from the pit room to the snakeskin room revealed little other than someone would have to descend to discover more. Lizt and Alois (and/or anyone else) are free to separate from the group to explore elsewhere if they wish, but they'll need light.

"I don't like the dark," Alois said with a shiver. Lizt smirked. She ribbed the big man with her elbow, making Alois wince. "C'mon, you big lout." She tugged on Alois's arm. "It's too dark to see anything, and we don't want to get separated from the others." Alois nodded, and started shuffling back toward the group.

Gratien looked up at Hank. "Is there anything up there worth exploring?"

Gratien voiced a concern that had been simmering. "I don't think you should go up that way, no. These snake skins on the floor down here and the size of that crawlspace overhead make me wonder if that's a snake hole. Or some other hole by which a different creature comes and goes. Either way, best not to go up there alone. But suit yourself. We'll wait here if you're curious."

Deuce Traveler

"I don't know about this," Boral says in agreement with Alois. "What if he finds where all those big snakes went? It's not like we can help him out if he gets into trouble."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Well, that is a good thought. What if I can summon a creature to go take a look down there?" He ponders for a while, mumbling off creatures that would fit down there and still have a fighting chance. Finally he smiles, "A badger. Specifically a honey badger. You don't want to cross one of those! Now. How would we communicate to it . . . . .?"


"I could fit in there and I am getting the hang of these swords."


"I don't like snakes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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