D&D 5E "Doom Sun" − reconstructing a 5e Dark Sun setting for the DMs Guild

There isnt exactly a consensus, but there seems to be a general understanding of where the contours of disputes are.

• 2e Dark Sun, Athas, has never had gods, past or future.
• The classic setting has two different eras, original published in 1991, and an other in the aftermath of novels, published in 1995.
• Nevertheless 4e altered the Dark Sun setting, assimilating it into the axis cosmology "Dawn War" "gods".

• 4e alterations of Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms can be "fixed" in 5e.
• Oppositely, 2e Dark Sun has "temples" to retcon FR "gods" into it.

• 5e Fyreen in Doomspace is officially "not Athas", not Dark Sun.
• 5e Fyreen describes the Dawn War, and reputes genocidal gods against Fyreen.
• The socalled "gods" (namely the denizens of the FR/astral dominions) destroyed the crystal sphere, and apparently the sun.

• 5e Athas does not yet officially exist.

• Athas and Fyreen share commonalities, possibly similar cultures.
• There seems an interest in the planet of Fyreen borrowing from the classic Dark Sun setting to populate its setting, that now contends with apparently genocial "gods".
• 5e already supplies some official support for Dark Sun 5e conversions, such as the thri-kreen race, and unlocking the term "defile".

• The Dark Sun conversions into 5e can also support players who want to play in the classic Dark Sun setting of godless Athas.
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As far as I can tell, you are the only that has suggested the FR gods are a part of or have been suggested as a part of Dark Sun. Not all D&D gods are FR gods.
To be clear, when I say "Forgotten Realms gods", I mean that these "gods" factually exist in the 5e Forgotten Realms setting. These astrals destroyed the crystal sphere of Doomspace and can easily violate Realmsspace too.

To be clear, when I say "Forgotten Realms gods", I mean that these "gods" factually exist in the 5e Forgotten Realms setting. These astrals destroyed the crystal sphere of Doomspace and can easily violate Realmsspace too.
Use Planescape Gods then, cause we could just as easily say instead then Greyhawk or Dragonlance Gods.

• 1e-2e Dark Sun, Athas, has never had gods, past or future.
There was no 1e Dark Sun. IIRC it started in 2e.
• Nevertheless 4e altered the Dark Sun setting, assimilating it into the axis cosmology "Dawn War" "gods".
Though not published in 3e, 3e presupposed all settings as being part of a shared multiverse. So DS would have had gods in some sense, even if they never had any contact with the planet. But yes, 4e was more explicit and actually updated the setting. I just wanted to point out the the assimilation of settings was standard for 3e and 4e was just following in its foot steps. Additionally, this process started in 2e.
• 4e alterations of Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms can be "fixed" in 5e.
That is an opinion, sure.
• Oppositely, 1e-2e Dark Sun has "temples" to retcon FR "gods" into it.
Again, not 1e and not FR gods. Temples yes, but that can easily be treated in an Eberron fashion.
• 5e Fyreen in Doomspace is officially "not Athas", not Dark Sun.
That is true. And?
• 5e Fyreen describes the Dawn War, and reputes genocidal gods against Fyreen.
Do you call it genocide when you step on an ant hill? But yes, generally speaking.
• The socalled "gods" (namely the denizens of the FR/astral dominions) destroyed the crystal sphere, and apparently the sun.
No, there is no evidence presented that the gods involved in the destruction of the crystal sphere were the FR gods. What is your obsession with making everything a FR god? Also, the destruction of the sun is ambiguous IIRC.
• 5e Athas does not yet officially exist.
This is 100% true. And?
• Athas and Fyreen share commonalities, possibly similar cultures.
OK, that seems to be the case.
• There seems an interest in the planet of Fyreen borrowing from the classic Dark Sun setting to populate its setting, that now contends with apparently genocial "gods".
It appears from the text that gods no longer have any part of Fyreen and they are not worshipped. At this point they are probably a myth more than anything else. So I would say no, it does not "contend" with gods (genocidal or otherwise).
• 5e already supplies some official support for Dark Sun 5e conversions, such as the thri-kreen race, and unlocking the term "defile".
OK, that sounds correct. However, we don't know what will be unlocked on the DMsGuild until they tell us. It is possible that "defilers" may not be a part of it. It is also possible, though I doubt it, that they unlock Dark Sun in addition to Doomspace.
• The Dark Sun conversions into 5e can also support players who want to play in the classic Dark Sun setting of godless Athas.
Absolutely. You can play a godless version of any D&D setting really. However, you cannot official convert Dark Sun yet. Doomspace =/= Dark Sun

To be clear, when I say "Forgotten Realms gods", I mean that these "gods" factually exist in the 5e Forgotten Realms setting. These astrals destroyed the crystal sphere of Doomspace and can easily violate Realmsspace too.
I guess I find it a bit offense that you attribute this to FR gods when we have no evidence of such. We have no idea if these gods existing in FR. Gods exist in the D&D multiverse, but all gods are not part of all settings.

EDIT to be even a bit more clear:
We have no idea if the gods that destroyed Doomspace know anything about Realmspace or Realmspace gods? Do the gods of Theros know anything about FR gods? It doesn't seem like they do. You are making a lot of assumptions that are not needed

To be clear, when I say "Forgotten Realms gods", I mean that these "gods" factually exist in the 5e Forgotten Realms setting. These astrals destroyed the crystal sphere of Doomspace and can easily violate Realmsspace too.
Where? There is only one FR pantheon list(it's in the PHB) and those gods aren't on it.

Should also point out that even back in 2e the gods existed even if they were not involved with Dark Sun. Dark Sun was explicitly part of Planescape and Spelljammer. Though it was not easily reached or left. And general opinion from Sigilites was that it was a craphole and not worth visiting.

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