There isnt exactly a consensus, but there seems to be a general understanding of where the contours of disputes are.
• 2e Dark Sun, Athas, has never had gods, past or future.
• The classic setting has two different eras, original published in 1991, and an other in the aftermath of novels, published in 1995.
• Nevertheless 4e altered the Dark Sun setting, assimilating it into the axis cosmology "Dawn War" "gods".
• 4e alterations of Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms can be "fixed" in 5e.
• Oppositely, 2e Dark Sun has "temples" to retcon FR "gods" into it.
• 5e Fyreen in Doomspace is officially "not Athas", not Dark Sun.
• 5e Fyreen describes the Dawn War, and reputes genocidal gods against Fyreen.
• The socalled "gods" (namely the denizens of the FR/astral dominions) destroyed the crystal sphere, and apparently the sun.
• 5e Athas does not yet officially exist.
• Athas and Fyreen share commonalities, possibly similar cultures.
• There seems an interest in the planet of Fyreen borrowing from the classic Dark Sun setting to populate its setting, that now contends with apparently genocial "gods".
• 5e already supplies some official support for Dark Sun 5e conversions, such as the thri-kreen race, and unlocking the term "defile".
• The Dark Sun conversions into 5e can also support players who want to play in the classic Dark Sun setting of godless Athas.
• 2e Dark Sun, Athas, has never had gods, past or future.
• The classic setting has two different eras, original published in 1991, and an other in the aftermath of novels, published in 1995.
• Nevertheless 4e altered the Dark Sun setting, assimilating it into the axis cosmology "Dawn War" "gods".
• 4e alterations of Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms can be "fixed" in 5e.
• Oppositely, 2e Dark Sun has "temples" to retcon FR "gods" into it.
• 5e Fyreen in Doomspace is officially "not Athas", not Dark Sun.
• 5e Fyreen describes the Dawn War, and reputes genocidal gods against Fyreen.
• The socalled "gods" (namely the denizens of the FR/astral dominions) destroyed the crystal sphere, and apparently the sun.
• 5e Athas does not yet officially exist.
• Athas and Fyreen share commonalities, possibly similar cultures.
• There seems an interest in the planet of Fyreen borrowing from the classic Dark Sun setting to populate its setting, that now contends with apparently genocial "gods".
• 5e already supplies some official support for Dark Sun 5e conversions, such as the thri-kreen race, and unlocking the term "defile".
• The Dark Sun conversions into 5e can also support players who want to play in the classic Dark Sun setting of godless Athas.
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