OSR Dr. J. Eric Holmes dungeon being printed by Pacesetter Games.


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Things Better Left Alone will be releasing June 1st at 11 am EST! The Physical + PDF version will cost $30, and the PDF alone will be $20! Mark your calendars and set your reminders! These may go fast :)


In conjunction with the Dr. John Eric Holmes estate, Pacesetter has produced a massive, 76-page adventure module based on Holmes' home campaign adventure from the mid-1970s. This dungeon was also featured in The Maze of Peril novel by Holmes. We were provided with his original hand-drawn maps and notes to create this amazing adventure. It truly is a window into the early days of Dungeons & Dragons.

Dr. Holmes is the author of the first Dungeons & Dragons basic set; the first mass-marketed version of D&D. We used those rules (which include rules for 1st to 3rd level characters) to create a new set of rule books that allow play through 10th level. These rules are not required to play the adventure module (which is set for 4th-6th level characters), but are available as well. The adventure module is compatible with any classic version of D&D (BX D&D, BECMI, AD&D). But if you would like to play using original the Holmes system, we have the books.

The module and rule books have a limited print run and will be available during and at the North Texas RPG Convention and at pacesettergames.com. If you want to be among the first to be notified, please join our mailing list at pacesettergames.com.

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Doomed Wizard
Things Better Left Alone is now available on the Pacesetter website, with option for Print + PDF or PDF alone. The PDF can be downloaded immediately if purchased. The print edition is also for sale directly at the North Texas RPG Con today.



Doomed Wizard
Per the publisher on FB, this is a limited time release:

This is the last chance to secure your copy of Things Better Left Alone! If you would like to secure your piece of D&D history, click the button below! If you are out of the loop, continue reading to learn more!

In conjunction with the Dr. John Eric Holmes estate, Pacesetter has produced a massive, 76-page adventure module based on Holmes' home campaign adventure from the mid-1970s. This dungeon was also featured in The Maze of Peril novel by Holmes. We were provided with his original hand-drawn maps and notes to create this amazing adventure. It truly is a window into the early days of Dungeons & Dragons.

Dr. Holmes is the author of the first Dungeons & Dragons basic set; the first mass-marketed version of D&D. We used those rules (which include rules for 1st to 3rd level characters) to create a new set of rule books that allow play through 10th level. These rules are not required to play the adventure module (which is set for 4th-6th level characters), but are available as well. The adventure module is compatible with any classic version of D&D (BX D&D, BECMI, AD&D). But if you would like to play using original the Holmes system, we have the books.

The Physical + PDF version costs $30, and the PDF only is $20! We will be closing off sales in the next day or so. As of now, there are no plans to reprint this adventure. However, due to the great success we have had, we are in talks with the Holmes estate on where to go next 🙂 Perhaps an expansion? Time will tell!

Voidrunner's Codex

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