Dragonlance Draconian from Shadow of the Dragon Queen!

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Mod Squad
Staff member
What's the difference? I don't mean to sound flippant, it's a serious question because I can't tell the difference between dragonborn illustrations and the top image in the OP.

Well, in all the armor and such, how much should one really be able to tell the difference between humans, orcs, and elves? Or like, orcs and hobgoblins?


Well, in all the armor and such, how much should one really be able to tell the difference between humans, orcs, and elves? Or like, orcs and hobgoblins?
Even without armor (in fact I was ignoring it) I can't tell a difference between dragonborn and draconians


What's the difference? I don't mean to sound flippant, it's a serious question because I can't tell the difference between dragonborn illustrations and the top image in the OP.

Maybe that's why I've never been a huge fan of dragonborn, because I grew up in D&D with draconians being the bad guys.
Because if WotC would use dragonborn as draconians it would also mean that draconians would not be as powerful as they originally were as they still have to be useable as player race and also the iconic abilities would be toned down to be player character compatible. And that would imo devalue draconians a lot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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