• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dragon #338

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The EN World kitten
Mouseferatu said:
Does the spellweaver article contain a new stat block for them, updating them to 3.5?

Not per se...however, there is an NPC stat block for a spellweaver fighter 4, so that's something.


Knight of Solamnia
by Joshua Cole
The stoic giff, insidious insectare, and piratical scro take to the stars again!

Hoody hoo!

Campaign classics cannot come soon enough.

And that Ecology of the Draconian article looks sorta spiffy too. ;)


I understand the Lady of Pain is on next issue's cover.

Oh, and hey - Monte Lin! Good for him!

As far as Oerth's magic declining goes, that's actually been part of the setting since 1983 (the World of Greyhawk boxed set was presented as if from the view of a scholar several centuries in the future reminiscing about the lost, magical world).
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Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
I glanced through this issue today, and I have to tell you - I think this is one of the best issues ever. (NB: My first issue was #92, so I'm going back a little ways.) I love the CORE BELIEFS articles - I can't remember if this is the first one, but I'm looking forward to others in the series: an exhaustive article about the deity, its faith, and its servants. The Class Acts were actually interesting; the feature is starting to grow on me, slightly, even if I wish they didn't feel they had to do every class, and I wish they'd throw in a few of the non-core 20-level classes every once in a while. Spellweavers are really cool, and I've been playing with the idea of them as the mastermind baddies in my current low-level game; this was excellent timing.

And knowing that Spelljammer critters will be in next issue just ices it for me!

Erik's leadership is doing wonders for this magazine. Keep going, guys!

(Late edit: merged two threads.)
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Creature Cataloguer
demiurge1138 said:
Once I hear back from my last submissions

are you truly that patient? :D Shemmy, and undoubtedly others, will have beaten you to it by then. ;)
Eridanis said:
I love the CORE BELIEFS articles - I can't remember if this is the first one

it is! :)

ah, the greyhawk fans finally get their due, after years of seeing Faiths & Avatars on the shelves and not getting anything for themselves (except for certain articles written by a certain Erik Mona and others for fansites back in the day...)


BOZ said:
are you truly that patient? :D Shemmy, and undoubtedly others, will have beaten you to it by then. ;)

I sent a number of queries out this afternoon actually, and likely will send more as additional ideas come to me. I've written a bunch of stuff up on the 'loths, so suffice to say I'd seriously enjoy being able to contribute something to the lore on them in Dragon mag.

And I'm still waiting for word back on other, previous things, but that doesn't stop me from adding more to the pile of 'I think this is a cool idea, can I submit it?' things.


The EN World kitten
Ripzerai said:
I understand the Lady of Pain is on next issue's cover.

The blurb about the next issue had a black-and-white image of a lady wearing a similar headdress, but the clothing seemed rather different (I might be misremembering though).

As far as Oerth's magic declining goes, that's actually been part of the setting since 1983 (the World of Greyhawk boxed set was presented as if from the view of a scholar several centuries in the future reminiscing about the lost, magical world).

Ah, well, I didn't know that. We do know that the total loss of magic probably won't be for a while ("Greyhawk 2000" and all), but the article stated that it was a certainty; that Boccob is trying to prolong it (creating magic items helps - ironic since part of his church believes that creating magic items drains the planet's magic too fast), but knows he will fail. It says he's travelled to parallel worlds and doesn't like the results of a world with just technology. He also believes that Tharizdun is somehow responsible for this.

Interestingly, despite laying that down as a future fact, it then mentions a prophecy that there's a spell that can stop that from happening, but that it may only be discovered after all the magic is already gone, and it's too late.

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