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Dragon 361 Editorial


Vigilance said:
I never said more crunch wouldn't be worthwhile.

All I said is, that I think Wizards has clearly demonstrated that THEY think it's a bad idea right now, as witnessed by the Complete History of the Realms, the Rules Compendium and a lot of the stuff they've been doing in e-Dragon.

Wizards clearly wants their material to last longer than 6 months, whether you plan on upgrading to the new edition or not.

I just don't think that's an outrageously indefensible stance to take.

Except that a bunch of previews will not last more than 6 months. It will be forgotten the second the new books arrive. WOTC seems as if they want to dismiss the current fanbase in favor of some mythical fanbase that will take over in a matter of months.

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Reynard said:
Adv entures are only useful to approximately 1/5th of the player/consumer base, and only that if *every* group out there uses pre-published adventures (which we know they don't).


No disrespect to you or anybody, but :

To me, as a finance professional, taking any risk that negatively impacts 1/5th of your company customer base is SUICIDAL !!!!

I know my company would probably go bankrupt swiftly if we tried that sort of approach. And we are in a stable and established industry, where we KNOW there is a need for our products.


I do not like the way the editorial assumes that everybody jumps on the 4E bandwagon in any case. It's understandable for them to present it that way, but it just sounds like (yet, another) a dismissal of those who like 3.5 and still don't understand why they're supposed to switch to 4E. It certainly doesn't make them more eager to sign up for DDI.

I think WotC confirms time and time again that the people I'm talking about here aren't its target audience and basically doesn't give a damn about them (probably thinking that they will convert anyway a few months down the road).


I've enjoyed the junk that they have put out for free, since they took it back from Paizo, more then I enjoyed any of the excrement that was put out during the five years Paizo had it. Additionally, it costs me nothing, and Grayhawk isn't being crammed down my throat. Yeah, it's win win.


Since it is impossible for 4e to be supported before it comes out, why not continue to support 3.5 in the meantime? This reads almost like a propoganda item to demoralize 3.5 players.


pawsplay said:
This reads almost like a propoganda item to demoralize 3.5 players.

I read the editorial and felt the same exact way. As so many people before me have pointed out during previous edition switches Dungeon and Dragon continued to support the present edition.

Also Dungeon and Dragon have been the source of previews for the upcoming edition. Now WOTC wants you pay for the preview as a separate item. Which is fine, theyre a company they need to make money. Not my money, but they are enough people who will shell out for it. Still it's one of the many things that have made me not view WOTC, both the money people or it's designers in a favorable light.

This is coming from someone who has supported WOTC for the past 9 - 10 years buying thier product, also supporting Mearls product from when he was writing material for FFG. But Mearls has pretty much shown that his idea of what D&D should be and what my idea of what D&D is are two different things. Since he gets to be a designer for WOTC and I dont he wins. That also means however that I can see that my support for 4E will be at a minimum, if not non-existant.

Of course that may change, but at this point I doubt it.


I was disappointed years ago when White Dwarf magazine became the industry mag/advert for GW games. However, the model seems to have served them very well.

Dungeon and Dragon were brought in house for a reason. They wanted to pump up 4th edition. This editorial is squarely in line with that goal. Continuing to support an edition they want folks to let go of really would make no sense.

The editorial is basically saying this is a 4th edition magazine set now - get over it. I totally understand that kind of decision.

I miss the D&D and BRP content White Dwarf used to crank out, but I understood/understand the decision they made.


Let me add.

I don't think E-Dragon is bad because its mostly fuff. Only that i don't have a use for it and its not worth MY time. YMW certainly V

Also I have the ENworld advantage because someone here will report on it, any tidbits from 4e can be had without registration anyway. If they weren't for some reason I'd have to the source to get them.


I'm not terribly surprised by this announcement nor am I particularly concerned by it.

Dragon died for me at issue 359. I've given little attention to it's electronic incarnation and don't expect that to change in the future. I certainly have no intention of paying for its content.

It only makes sense for a WotC owned publication to focus on the upcoming edition, personally I see no reason for a need to "justify" their actions. I'm really surprised to think that there are those out there that believe otherwise.

Of course, in addition to Dragon and Dungeon dying at the end of their print run. My use for WotC died at the announcement of 4th edition. I'm far too invested in 3e to consider changing and with my recent discovery of E6 I believe I'll be happy where I'm at for a long time.

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