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Dragon and Cherry blossom of the West Wind dojo

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Lady Diamond

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Lady Diamond is now disgraced and closes her dojo to new students for the time being. Picking up her katana and short sword from the armory where they have been gathering dust for quite some time, she heads out to the practice range and gets rid of a bit of frustration by hacking off chunks of fence post as if they were people's heads. Some time later, drenched with sweat but smiling, she returns back to the quarters she shares with Vanor with a new attitude concerning life and death. Killing opponents guarantees her higher advance in rank and less chance for disgrace. She understands this fully now.


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A Tiger-man warrior rides up to the dojo grounds upon a large battle-cat. He looks around and sniffs the air before dismounting and calling for one of the dojo students to carry a message to their master Vanor.

"Tell yourr masterr that Rrai-kesh seeks to join his dojo and learrn the Tigerr style that he teaches. I am a new fighterr in this land and have rrecently starrted my trraining in these fighting arrts. I will wait herre to meet him orr accept his summons."


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Vanor walks towards the gate of the dojo and bows to the tiger warrior waiting for him

I have heard you wish instruction in the tiger style, that seems fitting considering what you are. I would be honored to teach this style to you, I only ask that you follow the rules of this dojo for as long as you are here under my teaching.

We teach more then just the art of kung-fu here, we try to help those who wish to learn from us, on the road the fates have placed them on. It is our hope that you will be both a better person and not just a better fighter when you leave this place.

Seeing that the tiger-man seems to be willing to follow these idea's Vanor leads him into the dojo grounds and has one of the servents prepare a room and what ever else the newest student might need


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"I thank you Masterr Vanorr. I will strrive to bring honorr to the dojo and grow in both skill and wisdom."

Rrai-kesh follows his new sensei into the compound and smiles at the stares of bewilderment that he gets from the other students of the dojo. He finds his room and stores his few belongings there, then returns to his battle-cat and see to it's needs and show it too his room where it can sleep as well. Speaking to it softly, Rrai makes sure that it will not bother the fine horses that he sees in the dojo stables.


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"Masterr Vanorr, I brring unforrtunate news. I am shamed to tell you that I lost my firrst match underr yourr dojo. Kerrall beat me soundly in a rre-match against him.

I shall study and trrain harderr in the hope of winning next time."


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Master Vanor, I have brought you a victory over a vile Yakuza named Kagan. I won the battle with the Tiger style you taught me and used it a total of three times in the fight! I thank you for your excellent instruction! Now I must go meditate and train some more."


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Rrai kesh returns to the dojo and leaves Master Vanor a scroll: " I have found balance, sensei. I bring tales of 1 win and 1 loss, both to the honorable Goblin King."


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Rrai-kesh returns to the dojo for a farewell.

"Master Vanor, I have won two more fights for your dojo's honor. Regretably, I have learned all I can here for now since I have gained my Green belt. I am leaving to join another teacher and perhaps start my own dojo someday. I thank you for your fine instruction and training. I leave here both a better person and a better fighter than when I arrived. Thank you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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