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Dragon Gods (Aasterinian, Chronepsis, and Faluzure)


Creature Cataloguer
Krishnath, I don’t follow you on the size changes thing. Where does it say that creatures are 33% smaller, or is this just a trend you’ve noticed (examples please)? Keep in mind, there is a large difference between “small dragon” and “Small dragon”. Capitalized, it tends to suggest the size category, which is why it’s best to avoid referring to creatures as “small, huge, tiny”, etc unless they actually fit in that size category.

Where do you get the info on Chronepsis’s speed capabilities? Is there something, some power that I’m missing? As far as his bite attack goes, the damage is instant death, so he might just use that from time to time. ;)

I do like the rest of your ideas – I will try them when I get the time. :)

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First Post
Boz: Compare the description of a huge creature in 2E to one in 3E. look at the same creature, the size category doesn't change, but in the description, the creatures size dwindles quite a lot. A creature that for example was 16' tall in 2E, is more like 11-12' tall now. I don't remember the exact place I read it, but I do belive it was mentioned in the Conversion Document, that was (or is) a free download on WotC's site. Also, someone mentioned a long time ago, the actual size difference, referring to the size difference (in feet) of giants between the two editions. But the point of Chronepsis is that he isn't really intimidating, but rather invokes a sense of familiarity, he is the god of fate and death after all. Besides I can't really see an addtional colossal dragon being present when the great red wyrm is slain by adventurers, but I can imagine a medium-sized, non-detectable, improved invisible deity waiting for the soon to be dead wyrms spirit. Guess it's just me :D

As for Chronepsis's speed, he is the draconic equivalent of Death, have you ever tried outrunning or hiding from death, it's impossible. :D As for the speed capabilities, they're an educated guess...

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The Serge

First Post
Good work, Boz. What you've done so far doesn't look bad at all...

Personally, I think your size calculations are dead on. I think in something like this, it's probably for the best to disregard certain elements of 2ed.

Additionally, you may want to reconsider how you apply class levels (if any). Tiamat and Bahamut essentially cast as Sorcerers and Clerics in a manner similar to that of Great Wyrms. You may wish to do the same thing for consistency sake... or do what I'm planning on doing: reworking them a little to take advantage of the colossal+ size as well as make some HD adjustments to increase their Feat selection (I don't think any of these books should exist in a vacuum).

At any rate, nice work. I haven't really had time to sit down and really critique it, but on the surface, it looks good.


Creature Cataloguer
i've had some time to work on Chronepsis' powers (this is all i have time for today, sorry!)

i don't think these draconic powers will need class levels, i only noted those to show their spellcasting capabilities (see below). critique what i have so far, please! :)

Size Alteration (Sp): Chronepsis can change his size at will, from 60-600 feet in overall body length. 40% of this length is accounted for by his tail.

Breath Weapon (Su): Chronepsis’ single breath weapon, usable 6 times per day, is a cube of disintegration 100 feet on each side. This effect affects living matter only, and requires a save (DC ) to avoid.

Spells: Chronepsis can cast spells as a 14th level sorcerer and a 22nd level cleric. (see DDG for proper format).

Immunities (Ex): Chronepsis is immune to all spells below 7th-level, as well as petrification, and wish spells that would affect his true nature.

Fire Resistance 40

Damage Reduction (Ex): Chronepsis has Damage Reduction +4/40.

Fear (Su): 300-yard radius. Automatically affects creatures of 8 HD or less.
I noticed that for some reason, the descriptions for Bahamut and Tiamat are lacking the dragon fear ability that all mortal dragons seem to have. Do they actually not have this ability or is it just assumed that they do?

Special Damage: Chronepsis automatically hits an opponent on an attack roll of (x). (improved critical??) Chronepsis’ bite attack automatically destroys a victim irrevocably on a natural roll of 10 or higher. If the roll is lower, the victim must succeed at a Will (?) save (DC ) or die instantly. Victims hit by a claw attack must also succeed at a save or die.

Slay Living (Sp): At will.

Harp: The magical harp that always appears above the head of Chronepsis can play at his will, which can cause any one of the following effects at a time, in a 50-foot radius: emotion (calm), symbol (persuasion), wall of force.

Note: the improved invisibility referred to in his description is probably just a normal spell – but if we elect to give him a set of spell-like abilities, we might as well stick it in there. :)


First Post
hmm...seems good, although the breathweapon is a little weak only useable 6/day, with this he wouldn't last long against other dragons, even non-deity ones. I suggest changing it to once every 1d4 rounds as is standard among dragons. the fear seems to be lower than that of a great wyrm, I suggest increasing it's radius, and giving him the option of turning it on or off at will. As for the spell-like abilities, he will get planeshift and teleport without error as spell-like abilities, as well as the spells from his domains. (as per the standard of Deities and Demigods™) Adding the Improved Invisibility to the spell-like abilities section does make sense. But in general I like it, I like it a lot :D

The Serge

First Post
BOZ said:
Size Alteration (Sp): Chronepsis can change his size at will, from 60-600 feet in overall body length. 40% of this length is accounted for by his tail.
Why don't you just give him the Alter Size Salient Divine Ability and call it a day?

BOZ said:
Breath Weapon (Su): Chronepsis? single breath weapon, usable 6 times per day, is a cube of disintegration 100 feet on each side. This effect affects living matter only, and requires a save (DC ) to avoid.
Why limit his breath weapon? No other Dragon, much less the sole Intermediate God of Dragons, should have a limit to the number of times they can breathe. If anything, if you're certain you need to limit his breath weapon, increase the number of rounds he must wait from 1d4 to 1d6.

BOZ said:
Spells: Chronepsis can cast spells as a 14th level sorcerer and a 22nd level cleric. (see DDG for proper format).
I suppose this is a nod to Monster Mythology? If so, disregard it. The 3ed designers disregarded it for Tiamat and Bahamut for their DDG versions. If anything, I would cap Chronespsis at 20th for Sorcerer and increase his Priest levels to 30th... but that's me.

BOZ said:
Immunities (Ex): Chronepsis is immune to all spells below 7th-level, as well as petrification, and wish spells that would affect his true nature.
This would be a unique SDA

BOZ said:
Fear (Su): 300-yard radius. Automatically affects creatures of 8 HD or less.
I noticed that for some reason, the descriptions for Bahamut and Tiamat are lacking the dragon fear ability that all mortal dragons seem to have. Do they actually not have this ability or is it just assumed that they do?
They (nor Chronepsis) don't need it because all gods have a divine aura that supercedes the effects of a fear aura. Additionally, you could also give Chronepsis the Frightful Presence SDA.

BOZ said:
Special Damage: Chronepsis automatically hits an opponent on an attack roll of (x). (improved critical??) Chronepsis? bite attack automatically destroys a victim irrevocably on a natural roll of 10 or higher. If the roll is lower, the victim must succeed at a Will (?) save (DC ) or die instantly. Victims hit by a claw attack must also succeed at a save or die.
I don't think Chronepsis needs the automatic hit since, as an Intermediate god, he'll always roll a 20 on all attacks. Additionally, you can just give him the Annihilating Strike SDA for the instant death from his attack.

BOZ said:
Slay Living (Sp): At will.
I'd give him the Hand of Death, Life and Death, and Mass Life and Death Salient Divine Abilities, which far surpass the power of slay living

BOZ said:
Harp: The magical harp that always appears above the head of Chronepsis can play at his will, which can cause any one of the following effects at a time, in a 50-foot radius: emotion (calm), symbol (persuasion), wall of force.
There's a lot of fun one could have with this harp. First, I'd change each of the abilities to additional SDAs that Chronepsis has above and beyond those usually available to an Intermediate god. Afterall, if he's the mirror image of Io (or something like that), he should be equal (IMO) or as close to it as possible to Io. So, I'd change the Emotion to one of the Divine Inpirations (probably dread or hope... maybe both), the symbol (persuasion) would become Divine Glibness (don't know why he has this....), and the wall of force would provide Chronepsis with an additional use of the Divine Shield.

BOZ said:
Note: the improved invisibility referred to in his description is probably just a normal spell ? but if we elect to give him a set of spell-like abilities, we might as well stick it in there. :)
Actually, I would make it a Salient Divine Ability called Divine Presence or something. This way, no one short of a divine being with a divine rank higher than Chronepsis can sense his presence (remember that Dragons, Balor Demons, and a whole bunch of creatures can see invisibility at will).

Those are my suggestions. Good luck!


First Post
Boz: For the spell casting part of chronepsis, just have him cast spells as a 25th level sorcerer and 25th level cleric. At least that's what I would do :D

The_Serge: Well the Harp is a Greater Artifact... :D And I agree with you on the breathweapon/salient abilities wholeheartedly. But Chronepsis is not the mirror image of Io, as Io is an overdeity with a divine rank of at least 25 (it's probably higher). But then again Io is also quite unique as he is the only overdeity that takes an active interrest in the well-being of the lesser races. (He has sent an avatar to intervene in the doings of mortals and gods on more than one occassion, including stopping a war that threatened to destroy the dragon races, see Council of Wyrms for details.)


The Serge

First Post
Krishnath said:
But Chronepsis is not the mirror image of Io, as Io is an overdeity with a divine rank of at least 25 (it's probably higher). But then again Io is also quite unique as he is the only overdeity that takes an active interrest in the well-being of the lesser races. (He has sent an avatar to intervene in the doings of mortals and gods on more than one occassion, including stopping a war that threatened to destroy the dragon races, see Council of Wyrms for details.)

Hey, Krishnath.

Actually, no, Io is not an overpower... at least not officially. Io is a Greater god and his interest is signficantly less than that of other Greater gods.

As for Council of Wyrms.... I hated that boxed set.


Creature Cataloguer
Hi everyone! When I wrote those powers, I wasn’t consulting the DDG very heavily. I’m not that familiar with the book yet, but I’m working on it!

Alter Size should cover his size-changing powers. I will add a note in the description that he usually appears with a 60-foot total length – should we thus make him Gargantuan as his usual size?
Breath Weapon: times per day is a holdover from 2E. I don’t feel strongly about him needing a per-day limit to it, but do you? other than that, is it fine as/is?
Spells: I only listed the class levels for reference. I can set the “level” at whatever, but if you look in the DDG you see that Bahamut and Tiamat just have their spells/day listed (6/10/9/9/9/8/7/7/7/7) and base DC, and then a selection of sorcerer spells that they know. So suggestions for how we should go with Chronepsis (and the others, if you feel like it)?
Immunities: I didn’t catch that one before. Yes, 7th-level spell immunity should be a unique SDA. What about petrification and wish immunity?
Fear: again, this shows my current lack of familiarity with DDG. I didn’t know about the divine aura. It looks like they didn’t bother giving Frightful Presence to B&T, so I’ll just drop it.
Special Damage: OK, Annihilating Strike it is. :) if the attack misses, would the opponent take any damage at all? How would I list his damage dice for physical attacks?
Slay Living: Hand of Death, Life and Death, and Mass Life and Death certainly do far surpass a mere slay living spell!
Harp: I have to go with Krishnath on this one. The harp is more like a Greater Artifact that follows Chronny around. I may or may not change the listed powers to the SDA’s Serge suggested, but since they come from the item I’d say these actions wouldn’t take away from what he can normally do in a round.
Improved Invisibility: how many unique SDA’s can one god have? :)

Io: as far as I ever remember seeing, Io is a Greater power, not an Overpower. Chronny might be more like a lesser mirror image of Io. I do not have Council of Wyrms and do not know what rank he might have there, but anywhere else I’ve seen him he’s a Greater god.

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