Dragonlance Dragonlance Brings New Options to D&D

As expected, Wizards Presents had Dragonlance announcements, starting with a release date – December 6, 2022 – and players will have several choices as to which Dragonlance product they buy. Like other adventures, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, will have two editions: a mass market edition with a cover by Cynthia Sheppard, and an alternative cover edition featuring Lord Soth, only...

As expected, Wizards Presents had Dragonlance announcements, starting with a release date – December 6, 2022 – and players will have several choices as to which Dragonlance product they buy.

Dragonlance - TRPG Standard Cover (Front) – Art by Cynthia Sheppard. .png

Like other adventures, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, will have two editions: a mass market edition with a cover by Cynthia Sheppard, and an alternative cover edition featuring Lord Soth, only available through game stores. That latter cover, with art by Chase Stone, almost makes his helmet look three dimensional. The 224-page adventure will take players from 1st to 11th level.

Dragonlance - TRPG Alt Cover (Front) – Art by Chase Stone.png

Another of the new purchase options is one fans have been clamoring for – bundles of the physical book and a digital copy through D&D Beyond. Those who pre-order the bundle will get their digital copy on November 22, two weeks before the physical book is available. Unfortunately, the digital/book bundle only applies to the standard cover so if you buy alternative covers through your local game store, a digital bundle isn't available.

Dragonlance - Standard Bundle.png

Additionally, WotC is offering Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Deluxe Edition, which includes:
  • The physical book (Cover by Antonio Jose Manzanedo and Anato Finnstark)
  • The digital book via D&D Beyond
  • The board game Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn
  • A DM screen
The deluxe edition will cost $154.98 and includes free shipping for the U.S., UK, France, and Germany.

Dragonlance Deluxe Edition – Outer Box – Art by Antonio José Manzanedo.png

Dragonlance is really D&D's setting for war, for massive conflicts, for these worldwide, sweeping, world-changing battles” Wes Schneider, Senior Game Designer for D&D and project lead for Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, said at a press event on August 16. “In this adventure, we're going to take players back to the storied War of the Lance where the forces of the infamous Tiamat, or Takhisis as she is known in Krynn, is marching her armies of evil dragons and draconian dragon folks and other evil humanoids against the people of Krynn, trying to take over the world.”

329834 – ch 1 opener – Art by Kieran Yanner.png

“In this adventure we're going to see the dragon army's incursion into Solamnia, which is a land of knights and heroes. The players will find themselves at the forefront of this battle in the defense of Solmnia against this evil wave of tyranny,” continued Schneider. “It's not just the fate of a town, it's not just the fate of your pocketbook. It's the fate of the entire world at stake in this.”

329847 – ch 2 opener – Art by Evyn Fong.png

Kate Irwin, Principal Art Director for D&D, then talked about demonstrating the expanse of Dragonlance to life through the artwork.

329862 – ch 4 opener – Art by Daarken.png

“It's not just plucky band of adventurers going off to do something,” said irwin. “The stakes are very high. So when we were talking about art for this, we asked how do we show that epic expanse of what can happen. Our chapter openers are always a big flashy part of the book so in this case instead of doing a single page piece of art, we're doing a double page piece of art. The artists who are doing the chapter openers were able to focus then on some personal stories and also that great, big expanse of war and see how this is different from other books.”

“We took aspiration from movies and famous photographs from World War I and World War II. The dragon where the adventurers are on top of the dragon was kind of inspired by 'oh, we captured a tank and now we're taking a picture with a tank'.”

329908 – Kansaldi on Dragon – Art by Katerina Ladon.png

“Another thing you don't often see in D&D stories is people riding dragons, partnering with dragons,” added Irwin while talking about what makes Dragonlance different. DLSotDQ features several images of dragon riders, sometimes leading armies.

329972 – Lord Soth on Death Dragon – Art by Kieran Yanner.png

When talking about a piece of art featuring knights from early in the adventure Irwin said, “I think there's something really relatable even though it's showing this big epic. Like I said, we were taking inspiration from movies like Saving Private Ryan or 1917 where you are involved in the characters that are in the movie, but you're also involved in feeling like a part of something so much bigger.”

That aesthetic ties into the design created by Bree Heiss, Art Director for D&D, for the board game, Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn. “That Dragonlance through line, that small group fighting against the odds in a world at war is present in the board game, as well.”

For groups playing both the TTRPG and the board game, there will be places where you can switch from RPG to board game to play out a battle and then go back to the RPG. The board game comes with a few “plucky allies” that players can choose, and one such ally is especially dear to Heiss.

“I'm a huge Dragonlance fan, in case that isn't obvious, and I always imagined myself as a Knight of the Rose and I got to, as we were making the figures for the game, I got to have a little bit of input,” said Heiss, “and we wanted our Solamnic knight to be maximum tall, like [Game of Thrones'] Brianne of Tarth, so strong and so big, and I'm so ready to play this. The horns on her helm, she would place [in real life] at 6'5”, 6'7” – she's gonna stomp.”

Iconic Dragonlance villain Lord Soth appears in the adventure, riding a Death Dragon, a new type of undead dragon. Schneider commented that even if people don't know Lord Soth from dozens of stories and adventures that they know him from the Monster Manual.

“Lord Soth is D&D's iconic Death Knight, and when we knew we were returning to the world of Krynn and the Dragonlance campaign setting, we knew we had to have one of D&D's most famous villains central to the threat,” said Schneider.

329899 – Captain Hask – Art by David Sladek.png

Draconians were also re-conceptualized for DLSotDQ to clearly distinguish them from dragonborn and other bipedal lizards in D&D. It also plays up the fact that in Dragonlance evil chromatic dragons have been stealing metallic dragon eggs, manipulating them with magic, and turning them into Takhisis' evil foot soldiers. This has both weakened the forces of good and made the adult good dragons hesitate because they'd be fighting their own children.

Warriors Of Krynn Box inside Deluxe (front) – Box Art by Dominik Mayer.png

DLSotDQ also contains a gazetteer. The focus is on eastern Solamnia, though, so don't expect a deep dive into Krynn. A poster map also comes with the book. DLSotDQ is a complete story, not beholden to the novels or prior adventures. Schneider compared it to the new Star Wars TV shows in that you know the beloved heroes are out there doing things but DLSotDQ focuses on different characters in a different region.

Warriors of Krynn inside Deluxe (back) – Box Art by Dominik Mayer.png

DLSotDQ and DLWoK fall “very early in the War of the Lance, early into the invasion of western Solamnia,”said Schneider. “Stories have been told about the major offenses from the middle of the continent further to the west. This is a new story about the very first launch the red dragon army does into Solamnia, an early forey with specific plots and goals to bring a devastating weapon to bear.”

“You're getting not just this massive, epic, D&D narrative adventure in the RPG experience but you also have the Warriors of Krynn board game... and they're meant to weave in and out of each other,” said Schneider.

Schneider then clarified that if you play both, you can take your RPG characters to the board game and then back to the RPG. “Warriors of Krynn isn't your usual moving units and strategy. This is more of a strategy game that focuses on those elements but from a D&D perspective. You're still playing your characters, around the edges of battle, doing what's important to turn the tide of battle, all of the little things that thousands of lives might be riding on. And then once you've played that out you can then take that result back to [Shadow of the Dragon Queen] and have that result affect how your RPG continues.”

However, you do not need DLWoK to play DLSotDQ and vice versa. DLWoK can be played independently from the RPG DLSotDQ. Similarly, if you only want to play the TTRPG, it has instructions on how to handle the battles instead of switching to the board game.

Miniatures that come with DLWoK are the same scale as conventional miniatures, such as WizKids minis. So if you want to use the exact mini for your character while playing the RPG you can bring it right to the board game. The board game also comes with six hero miniatures you can use while playing if you don't have your own minis.

Choices that you make in DLWoK will carry through, but it's not a legacy board game. No cards or such are torn up or removed, but what you do in the board game affects the RPG if you're playing both.

Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn is a cooperative board game designed by Rob Daviau and Stephen Baker. Back in April at D&D Direct, when asked if DLWoK could be used to stage large-scale battles in other iconic D&D settings, Ray Winninger, Executive Producer of Dungeons & Dragons, said yes, adding that if it does well they'll consider customized versions for other settings.

Pre-orders for the bundles can be placed through dndstore.wizards.com.

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels


Once you remove all the “problem stuff” and remove the cataclysm and remove the barriers that the Mages installed and make the Knights another generic order of Knights etc what have you got left?

Krynn the world where they fought a war with dragon riders a couple times. Which seems to be what WotC wants.
Not sure what this is based on, we have heard nothing that would change any of this afaik

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There is no indication that any of that is being removed. And if the artwork is any indication it is actually working to get deeper in the mud of war-- that is, focusing on the things that make DL unique.

Frankly, I think people complaining about Soth having draconian under his command instead of skeletal warriors don't actually care about the setting and are just looking for things to bitch about.
It's the old "I'll take the minimal info we've gotten so far and extrapolate the absolute worst scenario possible and disregard any other possibilities" syndrome that's always been so prevalent in the hobby. I remember being on Usenet and the like back in 2000, and watching people freak out over what the 3e PHB didn't have room to fit in, and just assuming, for no reason, the worst. "There won't be drow in 3e since the PHB doesn't mention them!" was a memorable one, but there were plenty more. 90% + of which were rendered incorrect as more info came out and the other books were released.


Book-Friend, he/him
It's the old "I'll take the minimal info we've gotten so far and extrapolate the absolute worst scenario possible and disregard any other possibilities" syndrome that's always been so prevalent in the hobby. I remember being on Usenet and the like back in 2000, and watching people freak out over what the 3e PHB didn't have room to fit in, and just assuming, for no reason, the worst. "There won't be drow in 3e since the PHB doesn't mention them!" was a memorable one, but there were plenty more. 90% + of which were rendered incorrect as more info came out and the other books were released.
It's nice to know that some things don't change

Honestly, the more I think on it, I'm willing to bet that they're going to set up the DL rule-set in the book, and just say "You can play this by the DL rule-set, or, if you want, you can just play it like any other adventure." Which, honestly, would be an excellent way to do it, as it will allow everyone to play it they way the want. Except of course there will be a loud DL-purist subset who will moan that how dare they allow anyone to play in the setting without forcing them to use the strictest setting rules.
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Lord of the Hidden Layer
if only IRL would mint 1 GP and 1 EP in various currency.
We could replace $1, $5, and $10 bills (for instance) with real metal money.

P.S. When trying to buy a can of soda from a vending machine, silver half-dollars are cool.

You did seem to imply that, pretty directly.

Paul Farquhar mentioned Fizban's depiction as being "punching down" towards people with dementia.

Your literal response was "As to Fizban, he is not suffering from dementia, it obviously is all an act and comic relief - but I guess in your mind that does not make it any better… must be tough to not be able to distinguish between fiction and real life"

So, how is Fizban pretending to have dementia for comic relief NOT making fun of the trauma of dealing with Dementia? Especially as you follow it up with dismissing it as "not making it better" and saying that we can't distinguish between fiction and reality?
I understand it may not have been intended to be punching down... I am not going to say the writers meant to do it. However it was a bit bad... I can't think that it would be okay in a movie or tv show today


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Maybe they're going for a darker, bloodier campaign where there is no divine and healing magic, at least until near the end. Their references to war movies and 1917 could definitely point in this direction.

Maybe, simply enough, the campaign actually takes place later than the events they allude to, and those events are just background to what has happened to the party in the past.

Maybe the characters in this campaign have found some long-lost artifact, or are parallels to Goldmoon in discovering the old gods.

Maybe it's something we all haven't even thought of.

Maybe they bust canon completely.

Maybe they will provide different options from the above.

But... it's all maybes at this point. We definitely need more info before drawing definitive conclusions here...
Maybe ...
Background: Medic
Trained in Medicine and using a Healer's Kit
Ability to get max HP out of a die roll to recover HP.

And some neat ability involving alchemy potions (emulate a limited list of low-level heal and THP spells) or re-stocking his kit while in the wild.

Sticks and stones can ONLY break your bones. Words can haunt you forever.
psychological damage is a real thing (bard jokes aside)

I know that I myself still have issues from being bullied 30+ years ago. To the point were I have nightmares, and see someone about it. I don't think these books are causeing that much harm, but words CAN hurt


Was not my intention and I still don't see that (not that you cannot read that into it if you really want to)

Because one is fiction and the other is real life. Something that happens in fiction can be funny even if the same thing happening in real life would not be, ever heard of slapstick ?

Also, regardless of how you perceive it, it clearly was intended as comic relief. Maybe I should have written 'and intended as comic relief' to make that clearer.

Sure, I've heard of slapstick. Seen some good slapstick. There is a difference of course between say, a man walking around a yard and hurting himself on accident, and that same man doing a slapstick routine of beating a woman, even by accident. Even if it is fiction, one is okay, and the other isn't.

And I will completely agree with you that some of the worst elements of Kyrnn were intended as comic relief. The problem is "intended as comedy" doesn't buy you a free pass. You can't say "but they were trying to be funny, so you can't be upset by it." Especially when the discussion is FAR MORE about "should they do it again."

I don't plan to roast anyone over a fire for how things were done 40 years ago. But if they want to repeat themselves today, then we have an issue. Because while it may have been funny 40 years ago, it isn't funny today.


psychological damage is a real thing (bard jokes aside)

I know that I myself still have issues from being bullied 30+ years ago. To the point were I have nightmares, and see someone about it. I don't think these books are causeing that much harm, but words CAN hurt

Oh I agree it isn't nearly that bad. I was responding to Overgeek's comment of "Sticks and stones and all that."

Because I grew up with that saying, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." And it was drilled into me. Words can't hurt you. Toughen up. Words can't hurt you, stop crying. Words can't hurt you, ignore it. And I know people who still believe that, who still to this day when someone is talking about these things think that "mere words" are can only hurt people who are "overly sensitive".

And the only way to get across how wrong that is, is to respond and reiterate that words are the far more damaging force.

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