Dragonlance Dragonlance comes to DMsGuild

It's on our to-do list at the Dragonlance Nexus. One step at a time.

Meanwhile, we have Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything Revised out. It's got a chapter called Creatures of Krynn that might be of interest.

Plus plenty more in the works. Stay tuned!

If I may make a request? The enchanted draconians from the Dark Queen of Krynn CRPG would be interesting to update just for an added twist to the already twisty draconians...

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I just saw this on DMguilds not too long ago. The description on the page for it sounds interesting. Also comes with "Martial" version of "Invocations" called Knightly Disciplines.
And has stat write ups for all the races presented in Races of Ansalon. Color me intrigued. the preview apparently shows over 60 pages of what this offers.

As for the Author, this is what is mentioned about their credentials.

"Jeremy Forbing is a Mithril-bestselling DMs Guild creator who has been writing Dragonlance D&D material since the early 2000s, when he was one of the earliest contributors to the Dragonlance Nexus site. He is the author of the Ravenloft Archetypes series, which Critical Role creator Matt Mercer praised as "Really grand content! Well thought out, well presented, and a fantastic supplement to any campaign... Highly recommended!" His other D&D 5E creations and collaborations include the Blackstaff's Book of 1,000 Spells, the subclasses and most other character options in projects like Elminster's Candlekeep Companion and Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting, and the Masque of the Red Death Player’s Guide. For WotC's D&D Adventurers League, he co-wrote the capstone adventure for the Ravenloft Mist Hunters storyline, RMH-EP-02 A Darklord's Denouement, which premiered in 2022 and resolves some of the greatest mysteries from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft. Jeremy lairs in Los Angeles with his wife Celine and their sons Isaac and Owen"


Also for anybody checking the preview for that link I just posted, if you have to click on the Alternate Preview to see the 62 pages worth that the author provided.


Knight of Solamnia
I just saw this on DMguilds not too long ago. The description on the page for it sounds interesting. Also comes with "Martial" version of "Invocations" called Knightly Disciplines.
And has stat write ups for all the races presented in Races of Ansalon. Color me intrigued. the preview apparently shows over 60 pages of what this offers.

As for the Author, this is what is mentioned about their credentials.

"Jeremy Forbing is a Mithril-bestselling DMs Guild creator who has been writing Dragonlance D&D material since the early 2000s, when he was one of the earliest contributors to the Dragonlance Nexus site. He is the author of the Ravenloft Archetypes series, which Critical Role creator Matt Mercer praised as "Really grand content! Well thought out, well presented, and a fantastic supplement to any campaign... Highly recommended!" His other D&D 5E creations and collaborations include the Blackstaff's Book of 1,000 Spells, the subclasses and most other character options in projects like Elminster's Candlekeep Companion and Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting, and the Masque of the Red Death Player’s Guide. For WotC's D&D Adventurers League, he co-wrote the capstone adventure for the Ravenloft Mist Hunters storyline, RMH-EP-02 A Darklord's Denouement, which premiered in 2022 and resolves some of the greatest mysteries from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft. Jeremy lairs in Los Angeles with his wife Celine and their sons Isaac and Owen"
I've known Jeremy for several years now, and he does good work. Nice guy. We chatted just the other night, in fact.

This arrived in the mail today. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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