Dragons Crowned

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Walking Dad

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"My name is Morgran Deepwell, and this is my brother Breyer. A good time to meet other children of hammer and anvil!" Morgran greets the others.


Well met to you all,” says Garnack, turning to face all of the newcomers as well as the bartender.

Oldeon bartender, do you know anything about those three people that the Dragonborn was after?” Garnack asks.

The Digger

First Post
Beeber takes the blood-stained rag from his mouth
"I beg yer indulgence good sir. I have been many months in the mountains and the damn cold has seeped into my bones. I fear my throat is burned raw with ice and will never recover but the cough improves day by day."

He glances furtively from side to side. "Perhaps it is my fate that the ice will be my death but so long as I live long enough to achieve a measure of freedom I do not fear death."

He tapped his nose and smiled a grim smile "If you take my meaning?"

"But tell me Master innkeeper, why should you equate those three with death?"

The Digger

First Post
"He means assassins. Don't you know anything?" Beeber finished his tankard.

"More ale anyone? I think we should have some more before they sneak out here and cut our throats. I'd hate to die thirsty."

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