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Drinking While Gaming? Warning -- mature content (I hope)


At the moment, I have only one player who sips whiskey during the game. He usually has 1-2 shots worth in an 8 hour period as he believes a drink a day keeps the doc away and he is a very responsible person. However, I would never allow hardcore drinking at my game or in my home, nor would I play in a game where people had 2-4 beers in a session.

As for the "smoking," I had some friends in college would would take a "smoke" break mid-session. Invariably, they returned and ruined the rest of the evening for the sober people. I find it a horrid habit. Anyone who even shows up to a game stoned should not expect to return. It has ruined the game for me and others every time it happened.

Heck, the entire reason that I play DnD is the lack of alcohol and drugs.

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People generally stick to soda. The last time people drank while playing someone got killed and the party was roundly defeated; they don't do that any more. :)

No one in our group smokes (Aithdim did before he moved to Vermont, but was incredibly polite about it), and while we wouldn't allow drugs it's never come up as an issue.


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I've never felt the need to drink alcohol during a game. Now, when I'm painting minis, that's a different story.

I prefer red wine. ;)


I never drink during a game, because roleplaying is so highly improvisational--anything that slows down my wit is a bad thing. I don't have any problem with cigarettes, since I smoke, and I don't have any problem with other players drinking, smoking weed, or anything else, as long as it doesn't interfere with their ability to run or play a game. I just don't do it myself.

Actually, I had a DM whose ability to run good games seemed to increase proportionately to how many 40s he'd had. Once he'd hit two bottles of whatever nasty crap he was drinking, the games got awesome.


Since I've dropped drinking soda with any regularity, Iced Tea, coffee and water are the strongest drinks around my table, although some of the players imbibe Diet Soda. As Nifft says, Adulthood == suckitude.

We have occasionally imbibed some beer (though most of my players don't share my fondness for it), Bailey's or Sake...but these are usually special occasions. In general, alcohol tends to get in the way of gaming, as it can make people unfocused or sleepy...and after a long week of work, playing a late night game is sleepy enough. :)

As for Drugs...it's never come up. Use of it at a game would be an automatic dismissal from my house, my children's presence and my game, most likely. I abhor smoking, and would only tolerate it if a player smoked outside on his own time. My father only just quit after his serious stroke last year, so I'm very down on the concept in general.
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I have been part of many roleplaying game groups these last many years, and with the exception of one place there has been no drinking or drug use at the gaming table. The fact that I have yet to receive a "don't drink/use drugs while gaming here" notification when joining a new group (as opposed to a "no smoking here" notification) indicates to me that this is the default for most groups, at least where I game (Washington state).

This has been one of the things I really appreciate about this hobby and is one of the things that I point out to other people is that this is one recreational social activity that doesn't involve alchohol or drugs. One of my gamer friends started playing D&D when he was recovering from alchohol/drug abuse specifically because it was a social activity that never involves these things.

Reading the preceeding posts makes me reconsider my point, though. But so far it has been true for me.


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Aluvial said:
I was curious to know how many games involve alcohol and how much is drunk?
My games rarely have alcohol drunk during play. But it has happened, and I don't have a rule against it--so long as each person drinks little enough to still "effectively play."

A houseguest a few weeks back drank a bit too much, and didn't remember the game--but until they went in the other room and passed out, they did fine.

Of course, I also have a standing rule that if you drink at my house, you're not leaving until I'm convinced that you're sober.


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Only one occasion stands out, when everyone consumed many bottles of wine throughout a lengthy one shot game. We all went down together, probably made some bad decisions, but had a great time!

That was too many years ago, still 1st Ed, but now even when offered, noone has partaken. Comes with age I guess.


If we actually have beer in the house, my wife and I never have more than 2 beers apiece during a session. Usually it's just 1. The other 3 guys in the group don't drink.

I've played after drinking a couple of White Russians before and found myself nodding off, so that put an end to that. :)

No drugs and we have one smoker who takes his breaks outside.


I've generally never associated drinking with gaming...I think this comes from playing as a teen and then not playing through the college (ie Drinking) years, and then coming back to DnD.

Rugby I associate with drinking. DnD not so much.

That being said, I have on occasion tipped a couple back...NEVER enough to get drunk, and never as DM. I will not tolerate drunks at the table... we have one player who gets close...but hasn't really ever crossed the line.

We have one smoker who has always been extremely polite about it...he's good at picking the downtimes to sneak out for one, and he NEVER smokes in the house.

"I AmStillSoreFromRugbyFromTheWeekend!"

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