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Dry Spell


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Slyfen drops his bow, draws his rapier while moving into position, and then strikes.

OOC: I want to move into a flanking position opposite Hardin and get in a sneak attack if possible. If Hardin misses and the beetle hits, or if the beetle blocks my flanking with Hardin, I would like to move over near hardin and flank with the beetle. Either way I want to avoid attacks of opportunity from the ankheg when approaching.

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With fury in his eyes, Eolan raises his sword into the air and urges his horse forward!

(Same as I was planning on my previous attack; power attack for -2 to counter the bonus from the charge. Going to Guide with Knees and Attack with Warhorse as well)

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Beetle Position

Belisha, I'm not quite certain where you want to place the beetle. Take a look at the attached figure, and tell me the number corresponding to the position you have in mind. Thanks. :)


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Vigwyn the Unruly

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Belisha, that's a good choice except for one tiny detail--it's too far away. :confused:
To clarify, the casting range for this spell is 25' + 5'/2 lvls, so you can only cast it up to 30' away from your current position. And given that Hardin currently occupies position 7, the only available positions adjacent to the ankheg are 5, 6, and 8.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Ankheg Attack 3

Hardin, breathes a prayer of thanks to Moradin for sparing his body, and asks for strength to overcome this foe. He again brings down his warhammer in both fists, but the ankheg is swifter and dodges the blow completely.

As Belisha finishes her spell, the light gathered in her hands flies through air toward the insectile beast fighting with the Dwarf. It lands south of the beast and is revealed as a celestial giant bombardier beetle, its carapace gleaming gold and glorious in the sun. Thanks to Belisha’s expertise in summoning, she has brought forth a creature of superior strength and heartiness. On Belisha’s command, the beetle turns and sprays acidic vapor into the air. The ankheg is startled by the painful gas, and is clearly hurt, letting out an alien cry. The celestial beetle then turns again, and adjusts up onto the road.

Belisha’s joy at the success of her summoned creature quickly returns to fear as she remembers Rufus’s perilous situation. She tries to recall her faithful guard animal, but he stubbornly continues his course to assault the great beast.

Rufus corrects his course, making his way around Hardin and the celestial giant bombardier beetle to launch himself at the threatening ankheg. However, he catches the beast on a particularly tough patch of exoskeleton, and his teeth only scratch at the beast, doing no real damage.

Round 3

In one graceful movement, the rogue drops his bow in the grass, steps forward to the monster on the road, draws his rapier and strikes! But the grim luck of the party continues, as Slyfen stumbles at the very last moment on a small stone he hadn’t spotted on the road. His graceful motion is wasted as the strike goes astray.

The ankheg is distracted by Slyfen’s movement, and Eolan, sensing an opening for a flanking attack, charges the beast. He and his steed bear down hard on the insect. The warhorse’s hoof flashes out and smashes into the back of the ankheg, opening a wound in the chitinous material. Unbelievably, though, the highly trained fighter is once again unable to score a damaging blow, his bastard sword crashing onto the monster with a thud instead of a slash.

The ankheg, now oozing a tan goo from the wound opened by the horse and frightened severely, makes a last ditch effort to make off with at least one tasty morsel. He has already tried and failed to take the horse and the dwarf, and his instincts push him in the direction of the other insectile creature now beside him. He jabs his powerful mandibles at the celestial beetle and makes a direct hit. The ankheg’s muscles clamp down, and the party hears a sickening crunch as the beetle’s beautiful shell cracks open under the immense pressure. The ankheg lifts the beetle in its mouth and turns to retreat with its prey.

However, in its haste to escape with this morsel, it becomes careless, and all of the adjacent party member take this opportunity to make an extra attack against the beast. Only Hardin and the dog hit. Hardin’s warhammer, on the upswing this time, catches the edge of a wing cover, ripping it away from the ankheg with a grisly wet sound. Rufus is also luckier this time, and takes away one of the beast’s rear legs. The ankheg is clearly in trouble, but is still desperate to escape with his life and his first meal in weeks.

OOC Notes:

Warhammer two-handed misses (AC 18, Atk roll 5 + 5 = 10)
Retains limited concealment (10% miss chance)

Celestial Giant Bombardier Beetle
1st round of 3
Acid spray hits ankheg (Fort save DC 15, die result 1 +6 = 7)
4 damage (Dmg roll [1d4+2] 2 + 2 = 4)
Ankheg reduced to 24 hp
5’ step

Handle Animal fails (perform Down DC 10, check result 1 + 0 = 1)
Rufus continues to perform Defend [Belisha]

Moves 20’
Bite misses (AC 18, Atk roll 13 + 2 = 15)

Drops bow (free action)
Draws rapier (move action)
5’ step
Rapier misses (AC 18, Atk roll 1 + 6 = 7)
(I couldn’t set up a flank for you this round because Draw a weapon is a move action, so I could only give you a 5’ step in addition to the attack)

Guide with knees succeeds (DC 5, Ride check result 10 + 6 = 16)
Fight with warhorse succeeds (DC 10, Ride check result 15 + 6 = 21)
Charges ankheg
Hoof charging flanking hits (AC 18, Atk roll 16 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 26)
6 damage (Dmg roll [1d6+4] 2 + 4 = 6)
ankheg reduced to 18 hp
Bastard sword charging flanking Power Attack [-2] misses (AC 18, Atk roll 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 – 2 = 9)
-2 to AC until beginning of next round (both Eolan and horse)

Bite hits (CGB Beetle AC 16, Atk roll 9 + 7 = 16)
17 damage (Dmg roll [2d6+7] 4 + 6 + 7 = 17, Celestial Beetle has acid resistance 5)
Beetle reduced to -4 hp, and is dying
Hold succeeds automatically (Beetle is unconscious), Beetle now in ankheg’s space
Ankheg now carrying medium load, so speed reduced to 20’
Moves 20’
This provokes AoO from Slyfen, Hardin, Rufus, and Eolan (and his warhorse)

Rapier flanking misses (AC 18, Atk roll 4 + 6 + 2 = 12)

Warhammer hits (AC 18, Atk roll 15 + 5 = 20)
6 damage two-handed (Dmg roll [1d8+3] 3 + 3 = 6)
ankheg reduced to 12 hp

Bite hits (AC 18, Atk roll 19 + 2 = 21)
3 damage (Dmg roll [1d4+1] 2 + 1 = 3)
ankheg reduced to 9 hp

Hoof flanking misses (AC 18, Atk roll 5 + 6 + 2 = 13)
Bastard sword flanking misses (AC 18, Atk roll 8 + 6 + 2 = 16)


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Belisha goes foward towards Rufus and and yells "Rufus! Stop! Besides, the anhkeg will find it's catch most... unfilling." Her beaver cap waves about. She hopes the beetle fades away before the anhkeg can start dining on it.
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First Post
Dropping to the ground from his horse, Eolan drops his sword and shield. He then tries his best to pull out his crossbow and shoot the fleeing beast.

(On my initiative for round four; 'Swift Dismount', followed by dropping sword and shield, and, if he succeeds the Swift Dismount check, then he still has time to spend a move action to draw the crossbow, then fire. Otherwise, wait until round five to fire.)


First Post
If Slyfen can get into a flanking position with someone by the time his action comes up, he goes into melee again. If nobody is engaged with it, he drops the rapier, moves 5' and picks up the bow and fires at the ankheg. If neither of those apply, he skirts around the other side in order to flank with someone next round.

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