D&D 5E Duergar Ranger Build Suggestions


Sure. But the beast can also hunt in the dark.

Anyways, I would probably go ranger 8 (crossbow expert, wis save, sharpshooter), fighter 4 (+2 dex), Rouge the rest, using a hand crossbow after you get crossbow expert for the bonus attack.
I plan on Just staying with the Heavy Crossbow. I Guess I should lay it out. At 7th level. 1d6 Hunters Mark each attack, ad10 +3 each attack for Crossbow, Extra Attack plus 1d8 Damage Gloom Stalker, Action surge for fighter ( extra Attack ) and Precision attack from Battlemaster to make sure everything hits

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Sure. But the beast can also hunt in the dark.

Anyways, I would probably go ranger 8 (crossbow expert, wis save, sharpshooter), fighter 4 (+2 dex), Rouge the rest, using a hand crossbow after you get crossbow expert for the bonus attack.
Oops I meant to say at 8th level. Plus Can Take a -5 penalty on each attack to add 10 damage with sharpshooter.


Oops I meant to say at 8th level. Plus Can Take a -5 penalty on each attack to add 10 damage with sharpshooter.
You can. Unless you home rules it.

(1d6+13) * 3 attacks = 49.5
(1d10+1d6+13) * 2 attacks = 44

And you can keep your concentration for something else, like a beast or spiked growth.



Dread Ambusher​

At 3rd level, you master the art of the ambush. You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.

At the start of your first turn of each combat, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, which lasts until the end of that turn. If you take the Attack action on that turn, you can make one additional weapon attack as part of that action. If that attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 damage of the weapon's damage type.

Action Surge​

Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

1st Level 1d10 +3
2nd Level 1d6, 1d10 +3 Hunters Mark
3rd Level 1d6, 1d10 +3 Dread Ambusher
4th Level 1d6, 1d10 +3 and 1d6, 1d10+3, 1d8 Crossbow Expert
'5th Level 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3, 1d8 Extra Attack ( Ranger )
6th Level 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3, 1d8
7th Level 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6,1d10+3, 1d8, and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3, and 1d6, 1d10+3, 1d8 Action Surge
8th Level 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6,1d10+3, 1d8, and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+3, and 1d6 1d10+3, 1d8
9th Level 1d6, 1d10+13 and 1d6, 1d10+13 and 1d6, 1d10+13, 1d8, and 1d6, 1d10+13 and 1d6, 1d10+3 and 1d6, 1d10+13, 1d8 Sharp Shooter
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So you're going for pure nova over dpr.

Then I would skip crossbow expert, and just take +2 Dex with a long bow (more accuracy, initiative, AC, save). And use Zephyr stike (later rogue 2) if you get stuck in melee, which you really shouldn't on the first round of combat.
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So you're going for pure nova over dpr.

Then I would skip crossbow expert, and just take +2 Dex with a long bow (more accuracy, initiative, AC, save). And use Zephyr stike (later rogue 2) if you get stuck in melee, which you really shouldn't on the first round of combat.
The Crossbow is really because ( In my humble opinion ) it fits with a Duergar. And also I just like the character toting a "Big Gun". lol


The Crossbow is really because ( In my humble opinion ) it fits with a Duergar. And also I just like the character toting a "Big Gun". lol
Can't argue against flavor.

Though I will toss out that artificer 2 can give you a repeating heavy crossbow, so you could still skip crossbow expert. Plus some spells.

Or even an actual gun if your DM allows it.


So you're going for pure nova over dpr.

Then I would skip crossbow expert, and just take +2 Dex with a long bow (more accuracy, initiative, AC, save). And use Zephyr stike (later rogue 2) if you get stuck in melee, which you really shouldn't on the first round of combat.
The Original build was supposed to be with a Bugbear. But I could not see role playing a Bugbear and the extra 2d6 damage in my opinion, was just too cheesy.


Can't argue against flavor.

Though I will toss out that artificer 2 can give you a repeating heavy crossbow, so you could still skip crossbow expert. Plus some spells.

Or even an actual gun if your DM allows it.
Isn't artificer unique to Eberron?

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