Dungeon Crawl Classics #20: Shadows in Freeport

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Official ENworld Space Monkey
right about the level my players should be (assuming they survive) when it is released ;) That definitely works for me!

Hopefully i can tweak it pretty easily to fit in the Iron Kingdoms (where my Freeport campaign is set). They are soon to finish the Freeport Trilogy, then off to the jungle for a while, and now it sounds like they'll come back to a haunted manor :)



Why does the goodman games website not list everything on the side anymore? It only has the earlier books, when I know it used to list all of the books plus upcoming ones...

This book will be my first foray into Freeport. My players loved Bloody Jack's adventure (and it was a necessary stepping stone in my whole campaign to play out the way it did) so more piratey style adventure should do well with them.



First Post
thundershot said:
Why does the goodman games website not list everything on the side anymore? It only has the earlier books, when I know it used to list all of the books plus upcoming ones...

Are you by any chance using Netscape? Very few people visit my site in Netscape so I focus my efforts on the IE side. I will be upgrading the site next year, at which point it should no longer be an issue. In the meantime, though, my guess is it will look better with Internet Explorer!

-- Joseph


Oh WEIRD. I use Firefox and that's how it showed up.. When I used IE, it worked fine.... I have no idea how that could happen....


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