I really need to start these earlier in the day or do the big rooms a bit over several days or give less detail, but in any case, I swear there will be a room #2.
Room 41 - Eleandra's Bedroom
The doors to the 20'x20' room are barred from the inside if the room is occupied (2am-6am meditating, 20% chance at other times unless Eleandra has already been met). It is hard to break in (DC 25 Str) but easy to pick through the very thin crack in the door from the outside. However the several small bells resting on the bar are pretty much impossible to non-magically stop from falling off unless some sort of clarivoyance is used to see that they are there. There is a large canopied bed against the opposite wall, the south wall has a wardrobe and a weapons rack. The north wall has a small stand with a chamber pot inside of it and a writing desk with a chair. Right in front of the door is a large rug with a very valuable chest in the middle.
By rights the chest should be a mimic but it isn't. It's empty, but touching it will send the rug of smothering beneath it and the flying sword and halbred on the weapons rack into action. (The Halbred is as flyigng sword, but has AC 18, HP 25, and does d10+1 damage). The bow on the weapons rack is magical (+1) but not animated with 10 arrows. They will also attack anyone breaking into the room while Eleandra is there.
The wardrobe actually contains a variety of fine elvish clothes. The stand and chamber pot are what they seem, as is the chair. The desk with paper and pen, paper with elvish writing describing what can be found below (pure fiction) is actually the mimic.
The bed is very comfortable and the Drow Mage Eleandra who provides protection to the nearby denizens is quite fond of it. She is also quite fond of living. She wears a ring that causes the wearer to have the false appearance of an older high elf (similar to disguise self, but on her it only change the colorations, so the DC to tell is 22). The ring also gives disadvantage on insight checks against her when she's lying and advantage when she's telling the truth. (Consider asking what the two rolled numbers were in order and not saying if they were with advantage, disadvantage, or neither).
After she apologizes for her defense mechanisms attacking the party, she will happily tell them about the nearby rooms and how to defeat them (not really) and that she survives by doing just enough magic for the surrounding folks to make them not gang up on her. If the party is heading out to the surface world she would love to finally get out of here (or so she says - she would also like to help take down the party if the occasion arises).
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Room 42 - Cornwallow's Closet
If he's not out cleaning, the janitor Cornwallow lives in this 10'x20' room. The cot on the south wall is halfling sized and there are several crates underneath. One contains clothes with a children's reading instruction book in common (pictures of humans nursery rhymes) hidden underneath and the other contains shaving equipment, a comb, and a tea set. The tool rack and wood blanks on brick shelving on the north wall has a regular broom and dust pan, a push broom, a mop, two buckets, several brushes and sponges, a crow bar, a hammer, and a buck of nails. There is a curtain in the middle of the room that has a subtle aura of evocation magic. It keeps the smell from the back half of the room trapped there as long as it is at least half shut.
The back half of the room is covered in garbage and is home to a swarm of rats and the tame (!?!) carrion crawler Tasslehoff that obeys Cornwallow much as a dog would.
If encountered, the halfling Cornwallow (actually a Wererat - sling instead of Crossbow) will likely try to wait for a more advantageous opportunity to kill the party (with his pets) or betray them to others on the floor. (He will come to the aid of Eleandra who seems nice to him at some risk to himself, but is otherwise generally a coward). He is happy to show the party to some empty rooms that "should be safe to sleep in" and will lie or not-lie about the other rooms as the mood hits him. He is typically sleeping from 4am to noon, and spends the afternoon and night cleaning the various rooms and hallways (often with several rats tagging along under his shirt or in his pickets).
The next room created (#44) is in post #223 D&D General - #Dungeon23
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