• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General #Dungeon23


Day 122 - sewers- lonely hideout
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As you reach the T-intersection, the left tunnel leads to a small, abandoned room with two ancient and rusted pipes protruding from the wall. Strange symbols and runes are carved into the pipes, suggesting magical properties. The room is covered in dust and cobwebs, and the air is thick with a musty scent.

The right tunnel, however, leads deeper into the damp sewers. The putrid smell is overwhelming, and it's clear that this is not a place meant for the living. The walls and floor are slick with moisture, and the sound of dripping water echoes through the tunnel. You have to watch your step to avoid slipping on the uneven stones. Scratch marks on the walls hint at something clawing at them. The oppressive darkness ahead feels like you're being watched.

Suddenly, as you turn to leave, your torchlight flickers across a pile of rags in the corner of the small room. Upon closer inspection, you realize it's a makeshift bed, and some empty food cans are scattered on the ground. A rusted weapon is leaning against the wall, and it seems someone has been living here.

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Day 123 - sewers - storage room

As you walk down the damp and musty tunnel, you see to your left a room that appears to have once been a storage area. Wooden crates and barrels are stacked against the walls, some of them broken open and their contents spilling out onto the ground. You notice that some of the crates have strange markings on them, possibly indicating that they once contained valuable items or magical artifacts. The air in the room is thick with dust and the smell of decay, and you can hear the scurrying of small creatures in the darkness.


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Day 123 - sewers - storage room
View attachment 283586
As you walk down the damp and musty tunnel, you see to your left a room that appears to have once been a storage area. Wooden crates and barrels are stacked against the walls, some of them broken open and their contents spilling out onto the ground. You notice that some of the crates have strange markings on them, possibly indicating that they once contained valuable items or magical artifacts. The air in the room is thick with dust and the smell of decay, and you can hear the scurrying of small creatures in the darkness.

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Day 124 - sewers - crossing

As you continue down the tunnel, you notice the walls and ceiling becoming increasingly slick with moisture. The stench of decay grows stronger, and you have to cover your nose and mouth to avoid retching. Suddenly, you reach an intersection where the tunnel splits into three different paths. The first path leads to a dead end, with a pile of rubble blocking any further passage. The second path is partially flooded, with murky water up to your ankles. The third path appears to be clear, but you can hear strange noises coming from further down. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you realize that danger may be lurking ahead.



Day 124 - sewers - crossing
View attachment 283661
As you continue down the tunnel, you notice the walls and ceiling becoming increasingly slick with moisture. The stench of decay grows stronger, and you have to cover your nose and mouth to avoid retching. Suddenly, you reach an intersection where the tunnel splits into three different paths. The first path leads to a dead end, with a pile of rubble blocking any further passage. The second path is partially flooded, with murky water up to your ankles. The third path appears to be clear, but you can hear strange noises coming from further down. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you realize that danger may be lurking ahead.

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Day 125 – sewers – junction​


As you continue down the eerie path, the unsettling noises become louder, making you feel uneasy. The tunnel eventually takes a sharp bend, revealing a manhole cover in the ceiling. The slimy moss grows thicker on the walls, and the moisture in the air feels suffocating. You hear the constant drip of water somewhere nearby, echoing ominously. The darkness ahead seems to hold secrets, and you can’t shake off the feeling that unseen eyes are watching you. As you approach the manhole cover, a faint scratching sound from above catches your attention. The hair on your neck stands up, and you realize that something is lurking up there. The slimy moss on the walls pulses with a life of its own, adding to the creepiness of the situation.




Day 125 – sewers – junction​

View attachment 283765
As you continue down the eerie path, the unsettling noises become louder, making you feel uneasy. The tunnel eventually takes a sharp bend, revealing a manhole cover in the ceiling. The slimy moss grows thicker on the walls, and the moisture in the air feels suffocating. You hear the constant drip of water somewhere nearby, echoing ominously. The darkness ahead seems to hold secrets, and you can’t shake off the feeling that unseen eyes are watching you. As you approach the manhole cover, a faint scratching sound from above catches your attention. The hair on your neck stands up, and you realize that something is lurking up there. The slimy moss on the walls pulses with a life of its own, adding to the creepiness of the situation.

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Day 126 - sewers - gate

As you push forward past the bend, you suddenly come across a set of metal bars blocking your path. They seem to be rusted and old, but sturdy enough to hold. On your left, you see a small room covered in the same slimy moss that seems to be all over the tunnel walls. The room is small and cramped, with barely enough space to move around. There is a musty smell coming from inside, and you can barely make out what looks like a pile of old, moldy blankets in one corner. The walls are slick with moisture, and the air is heavy and damp. You feel uneasy, and the scratching sounds from above seem to have grown louder.

Day 126 - sewers - gate
View attachment 283927
As you push forward past the bend, you suddenly come across a set of metal bars blocking your path. They seem to be rusted and old, but sturdy enough to hold. On your left, you see a small room covered in the same slimy moss that seems to be all over the tunnel walls. The room is small and cramped, with barely enough space to move around. There is a musty smell coming from inside, and you can barely make out what looks like a pile of old, moldy blankets in one corner. The walls are slick with moisture, and the air is heavy and damp. You feel uneasy, and the scratching sounds from above seem to have grown louder.
View attachment 283928
I feel bad because my #dungeon23 production has fallen apart. But I'm rooting for you!

Voidrunner's Codex

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