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But but....technology is freeing us?!

The dunno about you but I like the fact that my life expectancy isn’t 40. Or that my wife doesn’t spend her entire adult life nursing. Or that we’re not a cold snap away from starving to death. Or that a relatively minor cut in my hand didn’t result in having my hand cut off. Or the 80% infant mortality rate.

I mean if this site were in medieval times, 90% of us would be dead.


The dunno about you but I like the fact that my life expectancy isn’t 40. Or that my wife doesn’t spend her entire adult life nursing. Or that we’re not a cold snap away from starving to death. Or that a relatively minor cut in my hand didn’t result in having my hand cut off. Or the 80% infant mortality rate.

I mean if this site were in medieval times, 90% of us would be dead.

Yeah I could take it or leave it, and the fact every animal species on the planet other than our own animal species would gladly see about 90% of us dead, since it would improve the world for them?

Yeah, fine.


Book-Friend, he/him
The dunno about you but I like the fact that my life expectancy isn’t 40. Or that my wife doesn’t spend her entire adult life nursing. Or that we’re not a cold snap away from starving to death. Or that a relatively minor cut in my hand didn’t result in having my hand cut off. Or the 80% infant mortality rate.

I mean if this site were in medieval times, 90% of us would be dead.
That is...not accurate.


That is...not accurate.
Really? Which part? The average woman in the middle ages spent 24 years nursing. Infant mortality rates were about 70-80%. Life expectancy was about 40 for the vast majority of humanity. Let's not forget the complete lack of sanitation, civil rights, education, child labour, and so on.

So, which part wasn't accurate?

Why do you think that the population of humanity remained mostly static until the late 19th, 20th century? The Middle Ages were horrific. It's one of the things that makes fantasy really hard for me to read. This romanticization of an absolutely horrible period of time where the vast majority of humanity lived in utterly horrific conditions.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Really? Which part? The average woman in the middle ages spent 24 years nursing. Infant mortality rates were about 70-80%. Life expectancy was about 40 for the vast majority of humanity. Let's not forget the complete lack of sanitation, civil rights, education, and so on.

So, which part wasn't accurate?

Why do you think that the population of humanity remained mostly static until the late 19th, 20th century? The Middle Ages were horrific. It's one of the things that makes fantasy really hard for me to read. This romanticization of an absolutely horrible period of time where the vast majority of humanity lived in utterly horrific conditions.
Every time I see people oohing and aahing over the Outlander TV series/novels, I keep thinking "yes, but do you know what all those folks smelled like?" (To say nothing of their teeth.)

I am happy to have a fantasy world that's quite a few steps removed from the real world.


Book-Friend, he/him
Really? Which part? The average woman in the middle ages spent 24 years nursing. Infant mortality rates were about 70-80%. Life expectancy was about 40 for the vast majority of humanity. Let's not forget the complete lack of sanitation, civil rights, education, and so on.

So, which part wasn't accurate?

Why do you think that the population of humanity remained mostly static until the late 19th, 20th century? The Middle Ages were horrific. It's one of the things that makes fantasy really hard for me to read. This romanticization of an absolutely horrible period of time where the vast majority of humanity lived in utterly horrific conditions.
Basically all of that is non-factual or exaggerated at best, though child mortality was pretty stable at a high level up until the invention of penicillin.

The majority of humanity still lives.in utterly horrific conditions, and humans in prior times still managed to thrive and lead fulfilled lives.
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humans in prior times still managed to thrive and lead fulfilled lives.
Yup, the 10% that actually managed to survive. Think of it this way - how many of your brothers and sisters have died? In the middle ages, you likely would have buried half a dozen of them. If, you're like me, and over the age of 50, you are very likely dead by now. If you aren't dead, you are likely mostly blind because there's no corrective lenses, you're very likely crippled due to a complete lack of sanitation and medication, and, if you are one of the very fortunate few who aren't, you're likely alone because everyone around you has already died.

The majority of humanity lives in absolute luxury compared to what people lived in in the Middle Ages. What we consider horrific conditions today would make the average middle ages peasant green with envy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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