D&D General Ed Greenwood got a new gaming table and the photo has so many wonderful things in it!

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One of my favorite things to do, since the pandemic began, is to look at the photos and livestream stills of people's home set-ups. I think Greenwood has everyone else beat, though.
I love it, but I dunno about having everyone else beat. There are some astonishing purpose built game rooms out there.

Sadly, I will never have one, as we live (otherwise) happily in a townhome. The best I get is a bunch of storage space in our garage/art room.

I love it, but I dunno about having everyone else beat. There are some astonishing purpose built game rooms out there.

Sadly, I will never have one, as we live (otherwise) happily in a townhome. The best I get is a bunch of storage space in our garage/art room.
I like Greenwood's because it feels authentic. I can admire the folks who have the money/space/ability to drop $100k on a game room, but it doesn't feel organic.

That was one of my stipulations when we finally got around to buying a house: it had to have a bedroom large enough to become a gaming room (and with a closet large enough to hold my comic book collection). It's now my combination library/gaming room.


A church that I attend actually has THREE of those tables in a conference room (albeit a little worse for wear). I wish I had room for one at my house.

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