D&D General Ed Greenwood's $5K Contract To Sell The Forgotten Realms

D&D historian Ben Riggs has a copy of Ed Greenwood's original Forgotten Realms contract and spends a few words covering it, calling it "The best $5,000 D&D Spent". The setting was sold to TSR for $4,000 in 1987, with another $1,000 for comsulting services. Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Realms, said he never regretted the decision to sell the property to TSR, the first company to make...

D&D historian Ben Riggs has a copy of Ed Greenwood's original Forgotten Realms contract and spends a few words covering it, calling it "The best $5,000 D&D Spent". The setting was sold to TSR for $4,000 in 1987, with another $1,000 for comsulting services.


Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Realms, said he never regretted the decision to sell the property to TSR, the first company to make D&D. The five grand he made was $4,000 for the Realms itself, and then $1,000 for services as a design consultant. (That’s $13,000 in 2022 dollars).


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D&D historian Ben Riggs has a copy of Ed Greenwood's original Forgotten Realms contract and spends a few words covering it, calling it "The best $5,000 D&D Spent". The setting was sold to TSR for $4,000 in 1987, with another $1,000 for comsulting services.

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Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Realms, said he never regretted the decision to sell the property to TSR, the first company to make D&D. The five grand he made was $4,000 for the Realms itself, and then $1,000 for services as a design consultant. (That’s $13,000 in 2022 dollars).

Ed is too nice, his setting has to to be worth $100s of millions of dollars by now, and he git screwed out of his novel deal, he should have sued WotC for millions.

If the D&D movie is a hit, the Forgotten Realms' value could go even higher into the Billions of Dollars of value like Star Wars and Marvel.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Ed is too nice, his setting has to to be worth $100s of millions of dollars by now, and he git screwed out of his novel deal, he should have sued WotC for millions.

If the D&D movie is a hit, the Forgotten Realms' value could go even higher into the Billions of Dollars of value like Star Wars and Marvel.
You have to remember that Ed's FR and the whole FR we have now (well, before the 5e over-focus on the Sword Coast) are two different beasts. It did not have the huge backlog of lore and adventures, many regions weren't even there.

Though I agree that 5k $ is kinda cheap, even with the conversion rate. But it was a deal with TSR, not WotC. And to be worth billions, the FR would need to be leveraged way more than they are now: cross-media production, 2-3 movies per year, merch, etc

As of now, we dont even have a boxed set setting for the FR :p

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