Starfinder Ed Starfinder-1-01


Absalom Station/Warehouse
Round 1

Ashlyn had no intention of getting anywhere near that creature. She dashed for cover amid the crates, putting them between her and the alien. Then she reached out with her mind to the creature, probing to find its weak places, and slamming pain into its brain.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: 3 squares NE
Standard: Cast Mind Thrust, Will save for half, spell resistance
Mind Thrust: 2D10 = [2, 5] = 7

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 1* (mk 1 Ring of Resistance) Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (2/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition

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First Post
Tisi took advantage of the sudden explosion of gunfire and fury to duck out of sight while the creature was distracted. There, unseen, she could aim carefully, free of any attempt from the creature to evade her shot.

[sblock=Actions]Stealth check for Trick Shot: [roll0]
If that succeeds, add [roll1] to rolled damage on a hit.

Attack with Tactical Pistol: [roll2] to hit, for [roll3] damage, plus possible trick shot.[/sblock]


Round 1, FIGHT!
Ashlyn 20 (+4) MIND BLAST

Kyle 18 (+4) Miss
Creature 18(+3) Hard swing!
Tara init 17(+1) miss!
Tsi 14 (+5) HIT AND TRICK!

Ashlyn hit the creature where it hurts, directly in its mind!
will save: 1D20+3 = [6]+3 = 9
The Creature lets out a scream!

Kyle shoots at the beast but the beast doesn't care as the lasers bounce of its hide!

The creature runs toward toward the closest person and swings hard with a long reach!
attack and damage from claw: 1D20+8 = [7]+8 = 15
damage on hit 1D8+3 = [3]+3 = 6

Tara attempts to hit the creature, but misses!
Tsi does not have the same problem hitting the creature and getting off a trick shot at the same time!



Absalom Station/Warehouse
Round 2

OOC: Who did the creature attack?

OOC: This is assuming Ashlyn is within 25’ of the creature.

Staying in the cover of the large crates, Ashlyn reaches out with her mind. An abandoned hyperspanner on the floor rattles and then rises, flinging itself at the creature.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Standard: Telekinetic Projectile vs. KAC
Telekinetic Projectile: 1D20 = [17] = 17
1D6 = [3] = 3


Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 1* (mk 1 Ring of Resistance) Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (2/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition


OOC: Sorry about that! The beast hits the character of the women sitting down.

Round 2, FIGHT!
Ashlyn 20 (+4) Throw Object

Kyle 18 (+4)
Creature 18(+3)
Tara init 17(+1)
Tsi 14 (+5)

Ashlyn picks up a hyperspanner and throws it with the power of her mind alone hitting the creature. Its not a massive blow, but the creature feels it!

OOC: Post when you can!


First Post
Tisi darts across the room towards another stack of boxes off to the side. She ducks behind them, pauses a moment, then with that quick, slightly jerky movement she pops out and takes another shot at the flank of the creature!

[sblock=Rolls]Stealth check for Trick Shot: [roll0]
If that succeeds, add [roll1]to rolled damage on a hit.

Attack with Tactical Pistol: [roll2] to hit, for [roll3] damage, plus possible trick shot. [/sblock]


Absalom Station/Warehouse
Round 3

“Down, boy!” Ashlyn said as she assaulted the alien creature’s mind again as she moved out of the way.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Standard: Mind Thrust, DC 15 Will save for half damage
Mind Thrust: 2D10 = [9, 10] = 19

Stamina: 1/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 1* (mk 1 Ring of Resistance) Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (1/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition

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