Starfinder Ed Starfinder-1-01

Absalom Station/Warehouse
Round 0

Fortitude: 1D20 = [4] = 4

Ashlyn groaned. She had been on her feet all day, chasing weird aliens in spaceships and warehouses, and now standing in line! They should have camped out here last night. But soon it paid off and Ashlyn got her copy of the album!

[OOC=Album]I don’t recall the quest giver giving us credits to buy him a copy. I’ll drop 40 for his copy and get Ashlyn one.[/OOC]

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 4/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 1* (mk 1 Ring of Resistance) Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (1/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition

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"I don't think I've dug into this genre of music too much. I like shirren electric skeebop, myself..."

OOC: Tara isn't fully keen on getting her own copy, but will gladly listen to someone else's loaner copy.

Tisi leans against the building, eyes staring vacantly into the middle distance. The little circuit lines sparsely scattered over her features pulse with a slow rhythm, the pace of a heartbeat. She doesn't seem to mind the line much, and when the time comes to buy an album, she doesn't bother doing so.

What was she even doing here? Her stoic features betray little, if anything.


It takes WAY too long but you finally get a copy. You're all exhausted when you do, but you have one. Want to turn it in or do you want to do something else?

You head back to the xenoguardians. Zigvigix greets you in his office, and asks, Did you get rid of it, and more importantly, do you have it?. with the second part much more hushed tones. As you tell him of your success and quickly give him the disk, the then presents you all with a set of basic iridishell armor, a pair of incendiary grenades I, and 400 credits. I apologize for the lack of credits I can offer but Have fun with the grenades, but don’t blow yourselves up—I like you!

With that, the only job left is the data guardians! Off to the lorespire!
The Lorespire Complex, home and heart of the Starfinder Society, is a striking campus dedicated to knowledge. Communal labs and historical departments study the Archives’ massive collection of artifacts and texts, gathered by generations of agents from across the galaxy. A quick search of the
directory indicates Historia-7 frequents the Archives’ Cortex, a computerized matrix containing digital records of the Starfinder Society’s most prominent discoveries.
The android reclines on a raised chair and is plugged into the local infosphere when the doors open. The neural cables detach themselves from her neck as she swivels in her seat to address the new arrivals. Greetings, Starfinders, she says calmly. I am Historia-7. If you are seeking a mission from me, please be aware that my request requires both discretion and speed. Do not accept it if you feel incapable of working within these parameters.
I discovered someone recently hacked into Bluerise Tower’s computer systems and stole a large amount of sensitive data from the resident corporations. I wish to be privy to this information. I managed to trace the hacker’s location through many proxies and erased the trail so that station and corporate security should be delayed in their pursuit. This deception will not fool them for long, so you must move quickly to retrieve the data before they can recover it. I will leave you to decide what to do with the hacker afterward, but should it be feasible, I believe that person would be an asset to the Society. Do you have any questions?

"How quickly do we have to leave, and what happens if our cover's blown?" Tara looked to the resident members of the team with "quieter" powers and abilities.

Absalom Station/Warehouse
Round 0

Ashlyn thanked Zigvigix for the credits, grenades, and armor. Then she put in her ear buds and listened to her own copy of Star Sugar Hearlove! as they made their way to the Lorespire Complex and the heart of the Starfinder society.

Historia-7 met them and informed them of a hacker with sensitive data and enough skill to be an asset she wanted them to track down.

“Where can we find the hacker then?” Ashlyn asked.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 4/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 1* (mk 1 Ring of Resistance) Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (1/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition

[sblock=Party Loot]
Basic Iridishell Armor
2 Incendiary Grenades I
400 credits
Star Sugar Heartlove! - Strawberry Machine Cake album

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