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Electronic Gaming Tools - What to use both during and in-between sessions

I'm about to start my new Age of Worms campaign and I have decided to start using my laptop during sessions. I've got a few different tools in mind but I want to see what else is out there, for both during and in between sessions. First, what I am going to use.

1. The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) :: d20srd.org - I've found this to be the most useful d20 SRD out there. The hyperlinking in particular makes it so useful.
2. MyInfo - This is basically just the same as OneNote. Basically a way for me to organise all my campaign notes, session notes, NPC's, items, encounters, etc.
3. Hero Lab - I haven't bought this yet but I will shortly. It should make creating NPC's and templated/levelled monsters a lot easier. I'll also be using them to have an up-to-date copy of the PC's on hand. I think it has some tools that may be useful during sessions but I'm not too sure. Anyone that has this any help?
4. Obsidian Portal - This is where the campaign wiki will be. Mainly for use in between sessions, but it may possibly be used during sessions.
5. iTunes - I have a whole heap of soundtracks that I have sorted into various playlists such as Dungeon, Combat, Background, Town, etc. I then have a small iPod dock that I play the music on, switching playlists as appropriate.

So I have a fair bit covered, but I figure if I'm in for a penny I'm in for a pound. So what else is out there that could make my DM'ing life easier, either during or in between sessions?

One area that could be utilised more is some sort of combat management tool, to help me track hit points, initiative, rounds, etc.

Other than that, I'm not too sure. I don't need a virtual tabletop, since all my players are at the table. Similarly, I have no plans to project maps onto a table or wall as a playmat. So no need to suggest anything like that.

Thanks in advance,

Olaf the Stout

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Li Shenron

I think you have covered pretty much all you need there! :cool:

I used to DM a lot with the laptop, and all I was using was:

- the SRD to quickly search for rules and monster stats
- WotC's art gallery for monsters pictures to show
- Notepad or similar for tracking monsters HitPoints and other hidden stuff
- WinAmp for background music

That's pretty similar to you, except that I didn't have a random generator for NPCs... that would have been useful too!

Since I used the laptop also as DM's screen, I also should have created some separate files (e.g. pictures) for frequently-used tables to quickly open in case of need, because the SRD is great with the hyperlinks but sometimes it still takes too long to search for such tables, and also it doesn't work well if you want to keep more of them opened.


I'd be curious for a way to write the game material (adventure notes) and run those notes from the computer.

Generally, I've used Word to do that, with hyperlinks to SRD20.org for monster stats, with space in the document for HP recording

I'd like a slicker way to manage that, as scrolling through a Word doc is tedious.

As a player, I use a spreadsheet I whipped up to manage my PC in-game. it is my character sheet. It works well enough, runs on my iPad.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
I have most of my modules (pathfinder) in computer. Also notes for my own adventure notes. character sheets everyone have on exel. Notepad/word both used for notes.

I use abode reader for those files (I've subst. pathinder for 2 years pdf:s are really nice addition). It kinda sucks but I am too lazy to instal foxy reader or something on my computer.

We roll real dices (computer doesn't create true randomness).

foobar2000 is my current free music player, I've converted most of stuff I own into mp3. Used to use winamp for long time, but it kinda sucks now. Foobar sometimes corrupt files so it's kinda bad bug. Well only happened that badly once, and hard disk problem might have also partial to that, but don't seem to have failings so mmh, foobar it was.

Well it's still best music player I have tried since winamp got too heavy and buggy as free version. I tried couple.

I almost always play theme music during sessions.

I use D&D/Pathfinder wikis for rules. Usually when I have to find some character class that was in "some" book. (3.5. esp. there are so many of them).
SRD:s naturally.

Use intranet for sharing of game related pictures/files. Etc.

I could use my computer for so much more, and used to but I don't have so much time anymore, so.

Ah and I sometimes use treasure generators.

I guess the one area I'm interested in (and that I may not have covered) is something to help me run encounters during sessions. Hero Lab may do some of that, but I'm not sure as I've not bought it yet (but will do soon).

Are there any other DM assistant type applications out there besides Hero Lab?

Olaf the Stout


First Post
if you are open to using apps on your phone, dice rollers and the like are greatly helpful. You can also use rpg side kick for android to input bad guy stats. I just use a spreadsheet or more commonly a piece of paper, heh.

As much as electronic die rolling would probably speed things up, I am keen to keep rolling the dice by hand.

Something about actually rolling the dice just feels too right to change to clicking a button on an electronic die roller! :D

Olaf the Stout


I'd be curious for a way to write the game material (adventure notes) and run those notes from the computer.

Generally, I've used Word to do that, with hyperlinks to SRD20.org for monster stats, with space in the document for HP recording

I'd like a slicker way to manage that, as scrolling through a Word doc is tedious.

If you have it, Microsoft OneNote is pretty handy for GMing.

If you have it, Microsoft OneNote is pretty handy for GMing.

2. MyInfo - This is basically just the same as OneNote. Basically a way for me to organise all my campaign notes, session notes, NPC's, items, encounters, etc.

Not that you were replying to me, but there are several of these applications on the market. MyInfo, the one I'm going to be using for my campaign basically does the same thing as OneNote.

Olaf the Stout


David Jose
My current at-the-table set up is as follows:

  • Two monitors, one for my eyes only, and one for the players. The projector doesn't work in the current game room :(
  • Photoshop - Erase the fog of war based off of player actions, Cntrl-S, and the desktop image on the players' monitor changes instantly.
  • Excel - Runs my DM Screen/Combat Tracking/Player Breakdown/Note Reminder/Calendar/Die Roller program http://www.enworld.org/forum/d-d-4th-edition-discussion/290368-home-made-dm-screen.html.
  • Adobe Acrobat - For all of my (I swear they're all legal) pdfs.
  • The RPG Soundmixer! - I haven't had a reason to pimp this program in a while, but RPG-SoundMixer - The new PnP RPG Experience
  • In case you missed that last one USE THE RPGSOUNDMIXER
Pre 4th Ed, the SRD was a life saver. I miss you so much SRD... :(

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