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Elf Ariel's Tragic Delay


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*hugs* be well hun. Know many of us cheer you on silently from the sidelines and our thoughts are with you and your family

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Ariel, you know that we're all here for when you need us - just say the word :) but also, as important as it is that you're there for them, make sure you don't destroy yourself in the process. All things heal, with time, they say. So remember to have some time to heal yourself up too. It seems you were just as hurt as the rest of them.

We'll always be watching and waiting, hoping that you'll be okay and don't ever hesitate to turn to us if you need to. That's why we're a community.

*hugs lots*


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A few years ago, I lost a friend, tragically, to suicide. And I can say this: It is something you never really get over, you simply learn to live with it. Good luck, and I hope you're back soon.


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Six years ago I lost my grandfather on Christmas Eve. I still carry the sadness with me, but over time like Drinden said, you learn to cope and deal. I send waves of love and strength in your direction, not only for you, but your brother, and the rest of the two families affected. Good luck my friend, and know we keep you in our hearts and minds throughout this holiday season and into the New Year.

Much love


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It's true. Time heals all wounds. But sometimes it's hard to find the time for such things. I will have it eventually. So much stress and worry isn't much good for anyone. I, on the other hand, can handle it, even when it seems like I dont. I can, I know I can because I have you guys here to help me. For a brief instant I can be here and remember all my smiles, my fun, my entertainment. I can re-live when life wasn't like it is now. But the ramifications of her death are daunting. And no matter how you look at the situation, it is my brother's fault that she is dead. Yes there are circumstances you folks dont know about, and no, I'll not be making you privvy to them. Do not think that selfish, or stupid. It's personal, as simple as that. How does one cope with the fact that her brother, a man...a boy she loves so dearly, so whole-ly (spelling?!), will no doubt be spending time locked up? I'm afraid to look at him that way, and yet, that's the way things are. Please pray for justice, be that as cruel or as kind as it will be. I will just have to deal with that as it comes, even though there is no consolation.


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I'm even more sorry to hear that. If that really is the case, then you're very much going to need strength. Although I don't really know you, I certainly know you have friends here who will support you as best they can - and I, for one, offer my support alongside theirs. I think I'm right in saying that this community cares. I'm not going to talk about getting through this, because... I don't know, although I feel that you will, I think you need to take things one step at a time. I wish I could say that you'll be fine, but I don't know that. What I do know is that you have us to be there for you, if and when you need us.


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*hugs softly*

There are no doubt many things we do not know or understand regarding the situation, but my Dear Ariel despite this we shall remain ever your friends and ever at your side.

We are here for when you need us, in good time and in the bad. And we are here now to offer you a strong support. Take all the time and space you need, and know we hold you in our thoughts and hopes.

*huggles you*

I just want you to know that I'm here when ever you need someone to talk, too.

I can't even begin to understand what you are feeling right now, if you need a shoulder, an ear or just someone to rant feel free to email me and IM me.


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According to various sources, Ariel, if you ever need someone to make you smile, I'm your class clown-girl! :)

*hugs so much*

Voidrunner's Codex

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